
The capital of China.

The thousand year old city has a profound heritage.

In the west of Zhongdu, there is a large stretch of villas.

This is where the rich families of Zhongdu are located.

When Xue an and an Yan get out of the car, an Yan looks up at the majestic gate, and her face gradually becomes pale.

This is the place where she once lived and brought her endless pain.

"Husband Are we really going in? " An Yan trembles the voice way.

Xue an nodded with a smile and said in a soft voice, "of course, you have to go in. Don't be afraid. Everything has me."

While they were talking about something with Xue, they wanted to say something in a low voice.

"Sister, is this mother's home? How big it is

"Mm-hmm, but listen to Dad, mom's family is a lot of bad guys!"

Xue imagines a small adult to instruct a way: "a moment to go in, don't be greedy, can't give father and mother disgrace, understand?"

Xue Nian nodded heavily, and a determined look appeared on his steamed bun like face.

A family of four is getting ready to go in.

In front of the door came a red Lamborghini. The huge engine roared and the leaves on the road were shaking.

The door opened, and a young woman dressed up and proud got out of the car.

Seeing this girl, an Yan is stunned.

At the same time, the woman also noticed an Yan standing by the road, her mouth gradually widened, and then she exclaimed in surprise: "you are An Yan? "

An Yan complexion a white, gently nodded, "an dream!"

This woman is an Yan's cousin An Meng.

An family is a rich family, and the family is naturally very prosperous.

There are three of them.

Anyan's father is the eldest, called Anyang, but he died when Anyan was young.

The second is an Xue, the father of an Meng.

The third is Anchang, who is also the actual power holder of the family.

After seeing an Yan, the expression on an Meng's face changed, especially when she saw Xue an and the two little girls beside her, she was slightly stunned.

Then an Meng's mouth appeared a trace of high above the sneer, "Anyan sister unexpectedly came back, this is really a big happy thing, if grandma knew, I don't know how to be happy!"

Referring to the word "grandma", an Yan's eyes flashed a complex look.

Then an Meng looked at Xue an contemptuously, "this Must be my brother-in-law? "

It's just that when she talks about her brother-in-law, her face is full of banter.

Anyan looks at xue'an with some worry, for fear that xue'an will become violent again.

Xue an just a faint smile.

He can't afford to fight with such a woman with no chest and no brain.

And This is not the time!

When the news of an Yan's return came to settle down.

The peaceful home also can't help boiling.

After hearing the report from the servant, Anchang, who was practicing calligraphy in his study, looked old-fashioned. After a long time, he said faintly: "I know. Go to inform the old lady."

On hearing the news, an Xue, who was riding in the horse farm in the backyard, looked gloomy and had a terrible look in his eyes. He didn't even change his horse clothes, so he went directly to the front yard.


The hall was surrounded by many people.

People are whispering.

"Is that man Xue an who makes an Yan elope

"Tut! It's good looking, but you see, it's really shabby to dress up. "

"Those two little girls are lovely!"

"Shh, don't let the old lady hear this for a while. She once said that she would never recognize an Yan's child in her life."

When it comes to the old lady, they are all silent and dare not speak.

When an Xue stepped forward, these people quickly separated from the road.

"Second master!"

An Xuemian was as deep as water and went directly into the hall.

His appearance makes an Yan look like a startled bird. As soon as he looks tight, he will stand up.

However, she was gently pressed by Xue an, and then said with a faint smile: "you are weak. Don't move casually."

An Yan looks pale, but still sat down obediently.

After seeing an Yan, an Xue snorted coldly, and then looked at Xue an with cold eyes.

The imposing momentum gradually filled the whole hall.

The next people murmured in the distance, "this has a lively look, the second Ye is angry!"

"Hehe, look at this boy with thin arms and legs. How many times can you resist it?"

"I guess three times at most!""It's too little. I'll bet five times."

But in front of such momentum, Xue an seems not to see the same, still drinking tea slowly.

After a long time.

An Xueshen said in a deep voice, "are you Xue an?"

Xue an indifferent way: "yes, I am Xue an."

"Ha ha!" Ann smiles.

As soon as he laughed, a vertical line appeared on his forehead, which was very terrible.

A lot of people were shaking a little bit.

Who doesn't know that the second master laughs is to kill people!

"Very good. I didn't expect that you were brave enough to abduct my daughter, but you dare to come back?"

An Xue's sarcastic smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. "I heard that you came to an's once, and you were very proud and aloof at that time. Why? Now you've figured it out? Are you ready to ask us to settle down? "

Xue an slowly raised his eyes and looked at an Xue indifferently.

An Xue's words were stuck in his throat and couldn't speak.

Because Xue an's eyes are calm and terrible, let an Xue's heart tremble slightly.


An Xue was angry.

I was scared in front of Xue an?

I'm waiting to talk.

Xue an gently shook his head and said, "you have made a mistake!"

"I come because of an Yan, and I won't ask you to settle down, but it's you. Don't kneel down and beg me at that time!"

As soon as this sentence was uttered, the audience was in an uproar.

An Meng's face appears scornful color, the evaluation of Xue an in the heart is more and more unbearable.

In her opinion, this man is only good at boasting except for his handsome appearance!

Laugh at yourself, this cousin is like picking up a baby!

An Xue was even more angry and said, "OK! Good! Sure enough, I'll settle down and beg you. Who do you think you are? "

"I'm not old, I'm Xue an!" Xue an said slowly.

An evil look flashed in an Xue's eyes.

"Boy, have you the courage to compare with me?"

Xue an put down the teacup, smile slightly, "compare what?"

"Anything is OK, but according to your stature, I bully you more than fists and feet. It's better to How about Bibi riding? "


A lot of people smile knowingly.

No one in the whole school knows that an Xuean is crazy about horses and is also a top equestrian master.

Even Britain's Royal equestrian coach is not an opponent of ANN's.

And look at Xue an's appearance, I don't think he's ever ridden a horse!

People are laughing to themselves.

Xue an nodded, showed two tiger teeth, and said with a smile: "this is what you said!"

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