In such a land of land and money in Zhongdu, an Jia has his own horse farm.

At the moment, more than a dozen horses of fine blood are leisurely eating grass.

"My horses here are even more pure than the British royal family. Each horse is worth tens of millions of dollars," an Xue said proudly

After that, an Xue looked at Xue an with disdain and thought that he must be full of surprise.

After all, as long as people who have come to settle down and have seen him race course, regardless of their status, are all shocked.

However, Xue an's expression was indifferent and did not show any surprise.

An Xue's eyes grew colder, and he sneered in his heart. He was probably a bumpkin who had never seen the world. He didn't know the power of this thing.

At this time, someone led a white horse.

Anxiao patted the horse's neck with care, and then gently put it on the horse's back.

This clean hand, attracted a large number of people cheered.

An Xue smiles triumphantly, and then says in a deep voice: "bring me the machete!"

Soon, a strong man bared his teeth and carried a huge saber.

An Xue took the knife, took a knife flower, and then said with a proud smile: "today, I will let you see the ancient horse fighting skills!"

After that, an Xue's legs were vertical, and the horse galloped around the field.

There were many scarecrows standing in the field.

An Xue was riding a horse and was passing by a scarecrow when he suddenly let out a roar.

"The thief is dead!"

The sound was like thunder.

Then a knife light flashed, and the scarecrow broke from his waist.

Many maids could not help but change their faces.

But Xue an is holding the shoulder and looking at it with interest.

The rise of an Xue Ju, bang bang.

After cutting off all these scarecrows, I couldn't help laughing.

"Have fun

Then he turned around and said in a cold voice, "Xue an, it's your turn now."

People's eyes focused on Xue an.

Xue an shook his head gently.

An dream sneer, thought really sure or admit defeat?

However, Xue an said calmly: "if you want me to evaluate, your so-called horse war is useless at all!"

This words a, an Xue's facial expression becomes extremely ugly.

"Nothing? Hehe, boy, you have a big voice

Xue an shook his head. "Don't believe it. I'll try it for you."

After that, Xue an goes to the stable.

There are all kinds of BMWs here, but Xue an is only interested in a black horse in the stable who is drinking water and keeping a distance from other horses.

In charge of the racecourse is a housekeeper.

Seeing Xue an walking towards the black horse, the man could not help sneering and said, "this gentleman, this black horse was brought here only a few days ago. He is extremely irritable. If he is hurt by it, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

Xue an did not speak and went straight to the black horse.

Black horse was drinking water. When he noticed that someone was approaching, he snorted and looked up arrogantly.

The steward of the racecourse was watching with glee, thinking that Xue an would surely be kicked away by the black horse.

But a surprising scene appeared.

It was as if the black horse had seen something of incomparable dignity, trembling slightly, then kneeling on its front legs and touching Xue an's feet with its head.

The scene made all the onlookers look silly.

What's going on?

Can Xue an still train horses?

But the wild nature of this black horse is difficult to tame, and many top horse trainers have not been trained well. How can he be so docile when he comes?

People are wondering.

With a faint smile, Xue an reached out and touched the mane of the black horse.

"It's a real injustice to keep you here! Well, today I will ride you out! "

Black horse snorted excitedly.

Xue an went straight on the horse's back, and the black horse got up and carried xue'an to the middle of the horse farm.

An Xue's face was gloomy at the moment.

He did not expect that Xue an could tame the black horse.

But it's not good just to be able to ride a horse. It's very easy to use the saber in the step.

But it takes a lot of skill to do it when the horse is galloping.

An Xue, however, has been practicing hard for several years before it has achieved the present results.

At this time, Xue an said faintly: "I don't like to use a knife!"

Then he pointed to a big halberd on the corner weapon shelf.

"It's a good thing, just it!"

When this was said, the audience burst into laughter.

An Meng is smiling to cover his stomach.

"I thought this guy could really order something, but he was still a braggart! The Euphorbia officinalis is made of pure steel and weighs more than 100 Jin. It is used for decoration and weapon support. How could he use it? "Many people are also disdainful.

Xue an slowly scanned the people present.

The laughter faded away.

Xue an's eyes are too calm, calm almost ridicule general.

Then Xue an pulls the reins, and the horse goes to the weapon rack.

Xue Anyi leaned over and held the handle of the Euphorbia officinalis in his hand, and then slowly pulled out the Euphorbia officinalis in the startled eyes of the people.

This scene shocked an Xue.

How could it be!

If you use brute force, an Xue can also move this Euphorbia.

But Xue an is slowly pulled out, so relaxed as if picking up a stick.

Xue an held his halberd in his hand, and his expression was indifferent.

"Now I'll show you what a real horse fight is

After that, xue'an was the best.

Like black lightning, the black horse began to gallop around the whole racecourse.

In the racecourse, there are many flagpoles, which are used to tie various cables.

Xue an is in the gallop, suddenly light drink, a halberd stabs out.


There was a huge metal crash.

The flagpole made of pure steel broke.

And that's just the beginning.

Xue an is casually pulling out a flower from the Euphorbia officinalis and stabbing it out one after another.

Bang bang!

All the flagpoles broke in response.

The momentum was amazing, so that all the people present were shocked.

An Xue was even more astonished.

At the moment, Xue an smiles and pulls the reins. The black horse goes straight to an Xue.

An Xue was startled and raised his saber to parry.

But Xue an's Euphorbia is like Mount Tai, and it's overwhelming.

An Xue finally felt the fear and exclaimed.

The chopper snapped into two pieces.

At the same time, the Euphorbia fell.

As soon as an Xue closed her eyes, her mind was blank.

But after a while, an Xue only felt a cool wind on his forehead, and there was no pain.

Anxiao slowly opened his eyes and saw that the Euphorbia officinalis was close to his forehead. Another centimeter, he broke his forehead.

However, Xue an held his halberd in his hand, but he remained as firm as Yuanyi Yuezhi.

An Xue was shocked.

The whole audience is like a duck choked by the neck, with their mouths wide open and staring blankly.

At this time, Xue an removed the halberd in his hand and threw it back.

The Euphorbia flew back to the distance as if it had been arranged.


The broken weapon rack was buzzing.

Xue an light way: "now, you can be convinced?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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