Words fall, on top of Xue an's head, a huge red lotus suddenly appears, and then this red lotus then trembles to bloom.

Among the lotus hearts, there is a vague image of a young man.

Seeing this scene, Zhuge Zang couldn't help but exclaim: "Honglian FA Xiang, it's Honglian FA Xiang!"

As he spoke, his excited beard trembled.

This is because this red lotus Dharma is one of Xue an's assassin's maces to dominate the heaven and oppress the people.

Now it has finally reappeared in front of the world.

At the moment when the red lotus Dharma form was completely formed, Shang Liang stood in place as if he had been under the fixed body method.

His eyes are full of panic, but even his fingers can not move, can only stare.

At the same time, but see the young lotus heart Huoran opened his eyes.

In Shang Liang's eyes, the young man's face has always been vague, but when he opened his eyes, Shang Liang felt that everything disappeared in an instant.

Empty between the sky and the earth only left this pair of eyes emitting red flame.


The Immortal King Dharma Xiang on the top of Shang Liang's head broke in an instant, and then he was shaken out like a kite with a broken string.

And Shang Liang was still spitting blood in the air.

When he was barely able to stand still, he was trembling all over his body, and his face was as pale as death.

A blow!

Just a blow!

Shang Liang, the leader of Qiantian courtyard, was seriously injured.

The result is that everyone is speechless.

The five elements evil emperor was also shocked.

But before they could react, the young man in the red lotus Dharma photo waved his hand violently.


The boundless fire sprang out of thin air and covered the whole sky in an instant.

At this time, the red lotus fire has undergone a qualitative change, and the previous white fire has been completely integrated with it.

And with the blessing of Xue an's Immortal King's power, the power was enhanced by more than 100 times.

Therefore, the five elements silk thread was broken in an instant, and in just a blink of an eye, the anti five elements Zhu Tian array, which was painstakingly arranged by the five elements evil emperor, disintegrated and turned into nothing.

The five elements evil emperor was forced by the red lotus industry fire to go back and forth again and again, and the whole person was in a terrible mess.

However, the five elements evil emperor is worthy of being the top powerful among the evil sects. They roared repeatedly.

"Xue, don't think you can frighten us. Today, either you or I will die! Take your life

Say, five people then begin to bombard Xue an crazily.

They knew very well that now that Xue an had ascended the throne of Immortal King, there would be no room for them to return.

Therefore, they are also completely free, a shot is a strong shot.

For a time, however, seeing the five elements shining around, the whole earth's vitality was agitated.

And the sound of violent impact, chide is endless.

Everyone looked at the battle in the sky, but only a few people could see the situation clearly.

"Lao Dao, what do you think will be the final result of this war?" Fox night asked softly.

Zhuge Cang looked at it with bright eyes. After a long time, he said slowly: "there is no doubt that the five evil emperors will fall here!"

"Fall? Lao Dao, are you serious? " Fox night was also scared.

He thought that Xue an could win the war and expel the five elements evil emperor.

After all, he has just demonstrated the Immortal King, and his strength is not comparable to these long-standing evil faction masters.

But I didn't expect Zhuge Zang was so confident that the five elements evil emperor would fall here.

"Seriously, of course!" Zhuge Zang nodded solemnly.

"Are you so confident in old Xue?" Fox night is still unbelievable.

Zhuge hid a smile, "this is not confidence, but the fact. If you don't believe it, go ahead and see it!"

As soon as the voice dropped, there was only a loud bang, and the two sides in the war were separated.

At this time, Xue an's head of the red lotus Dharma phase has been less than half of the lotus leaves, become bald.

But in contrast, the five elements evil emperor is more embarrassed.

They were panting and sweating. There were several wounds on the bodies of the Xijin evil emperor and the southern fire evil emperor.

But this kind of small wound for them is simply not enough to hang a tooth, after only one breath, the wound healed as before.

Then the five elements evil emperor looked at Xue an with a dignified face.

"Xue, you are really good! But now that we are equally matched, no one can do anything about it. It's better for us to step back and lead the people to leave the earth. From now on, the well water will not invade the river. What do you think? " It was the evil emperor of Xijin who had always been irascible.And it's a proposal that has moved everyone.

It would be great if these guys could really leave the earth and never invade the river!

Therefore, in an instant, countless eager eyes turned to Xue an in the sky.

Can Xue an smell speech but smile, with a few sarcasm.

"Each step back? Yes? Do you think the earth is a playground, come and go if you want? "

The evil emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty didn't expect that Xue an would refuse his proposal. He was stunned. He said angrily: "Xue, don't think we are afraid of you! I... "

"Stop it!" Xue an interrupted him directly and said lightly, "all of you have to stay here today and pay for your actions."

This sentence shocked the whole world.

The five elements evil emperor was even more angry and laughed.

"Xue, I don't know how arrogant you are to say such a thing, but you still want to leave us all? When you first ascended the Immortal Emperor, you could not treat our brothers five. Now you are just a fairy king. How dare you be so rampant? "

"Rampant?" Xue an shook his head. "You are wrong. This is not rampant at all, but a Trial

As soon as the words fell, all the five evil emperors showed a sarcastic smile, but they did not wait for them to speak,

but when Xue an stepped forward, his eyes were full of brilliance, and his lofty thoughts rose to the sky. Then he said in a deep voice.


At a command, the mind of Haoran crossed countless star regions and came to a lost temple somewhere in the void.

At the moment, in this lost temple, there are a group of treasure seekers are carefully looking for treasure.

"Boss, this temple is really big. Which God is there?" The Explorer asked curiously.

"Why waste so much talk? Get to work The boss reprimanded two words, this hand quickly lowered his head, dare not speak.

But then the old man raised his head and looked at the fallen statue in the deep of the temple. The whole person was shocked for no reason.

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