Damn it!

What can you do with the existence of ox x? Look at the appearance of this temple, you must have fallen, so now it's just a pile of mud. What's so arrogant!

The boss secretly scolded a few words in his heart to embolden himself.

At this time, someone was surprised to shout: "boss, look at this mechanism!"

The eldest brother rushed to the past, and sure enough, a mechanism appeared somewhere in the temple.

He first studied carefully and determined that it should not be the mechanism ambush, and then carefully pressed down.


With the sound of gear rotation, a shrine slowly emerged above the wall behind the statue.

On top of the shrine, there is a long sword with dark body and no strange place.

"Why a broken sword? Is there no treasure in this temple? " People can't help but be disappointed.

The boss did not speak, but came forward cautiously.

"Don't forget Ann? What's the strange name of the sword

Seeing the words engraved on the table, the boss could not help but curl his mouth, and then raised his hand to try to pick up the sword on the table.

But at this time, a great mind rushed into the sky and poured directly into the sword.


There was a very clear and crisp sound of the sword, and then there was a very bright light on the long sword.

Where the sword passed, the nearest treasure hunter was evaporated into nothingness.

Then he saw the sword straight up and went around the whole temple. Under the terrible sword power, these unfortunate treasure seekers did not even have time to hum, but were directly crushed into powder.

After all this, the sword stopped suddenly, and the tip of the sword began to shake.

Where it passes, the space is fragmented.

When there is a black hole in the air that can hold the sword body, the sword goes straight in and disappears in a moment,

at the same time.

On the earth, Xue an stands in the sky, and his voice just falls to the ground.

But as usual, nothing happened.

Seeing this, Xijin evil emperor couldn't help laughing, "Xue an, are you kidding? Return the sword? It's so funny to laugh off your big teeth... "

But before he finished, he saw the void in front of Xue an rippled abruptly.

After that, a long sword came out and went around xue'an for several times. The sound of the sword was as clear as a jade chime. It was like a pet meeting its owner after a long separation. It was full of infinite joy.

Xue an's face can not help but emerge a faint smile, "OK, OK! Don't be so angry. I'm back here

It was more like speaking to a living creature than to a sword.

Seeing this scene, all the people were shocked, including the Xijin evil emperor.

Only Jian Qi's eyes lit up and whispered in a soft voice like a smile, "interesting!"

Then he continued to look with excitement and expectation.

At the same time.

The sword finally let out his discontent and flew into Xue an's hand.

Xue an held the sword in his hand and looked at the sword with infinite emotion. Then he said in a soft voice, "this sword is called MO forget an!"

Hearing this name, an Yan on the ground trembled all over, and then a sweet and distressed look appeared on his face.

"It's a sword I used to wear when I was a fairy king. I used it to kill countless evil spirits and evil spirits. Today..."

Xue an said with a cold smile, "it's your turn!"

The evil emperor of Xijin grinned at the words, "don't think we will be afraid of you if we take a broken sword! Xue, don't you know that the powerful Immortal King is immortal

"Never die, never die? Hehe... " Xue an sneered and said, "under my sword, no one is immortal."

Words fall, but see Xue an suddenly shot the sword body.


The sound of a crisp sword resounded through the sky.

Then Xue an raised his sword in his hand and cut it out one step at a time.

The power, speed and light of this sword can hardly be described by words.

The first to bear the brunt is the evil emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty.

Originally full of disdain, he was scared to death after feeling the power of the sword.

"My groove, what is this sword technique?"

Said he would like to retreat, but the air machine has been firmly locked on him, so that he has no place to escape.

In a hurry, Xijin evil emperor screamed bitterly, and his whole body suddenly turned into pure Gengjin Qi.

This is also one of his means to protect his life. As long as he enters this state, ordinary attacks can't shake him at all.But this time, this no go and disadvantageous move failed.

However, seeing this sword coming with unique style, even the most basic particles seem to be cut in half.

The spirit of Geng Jin, which was transformed by the evil emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty, is no exception.

Just a dull thump.

The light of the sword cuts straight.

The body of Xijin evil emperor fell out in an instant, his chest was covered with blood, and a huge wound had penetrated his abdomen.

He looked at xue'an in horror.

"What sword is this?"

"This sword is called Mo Shi!" Xue an said lightly.

Xijin evil emperor nodded, "good sword technique!"

The light in his eyes darkened, and then his whole body exploded.

In the blood spatter, even the spirit has been broken.

With one sword, Xijin evil emperor fell on the spot.

And Xue an slowly stretched out a finger, "this is the first one!"

After a moment of silence, the whole scene vibrated.

The seven swords on the ground were even more shocked, and their eyes burst out with incredible shocking light.

"This sword..." Jian Qi was almost groaning in a soft voice. His cheeks were red and his face was full of obsession.

"Ah, ah, ah! Xue an, you dare to kill my brother. I must kill you today

The southern fire evil emperor, who had the best relationship with the Xijin evil emperor, turned red at the sight and rushed up with a roar.

In his body, boundless flame was burning, as if to scorch the space.

But Xue an didn't even blink his eyelids. He raised his hand and raised his sword. Then he took the second step.

"This sword is called don't forget it!"

The same bright sword light, the same King's sword meaning, the same dull sound.

Then he saw the body shape of the southern fire evil emperor stagnated, and then a blood line appeared between his throat.

In the meantime, the blood gushes out of the sky like a spring of blood.

A moment later, the headless body of the southern fire evil emperor just fell to the ground.

Xue an stretched out his second finger and said, "this is the second one."

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