Two swords, cut two immortal kings.

Such a shocking scene made everyone look silly.

Fox night stupidly looked at, after a moment, sincerely praised: "Lao Dao, you can calculate really accurate! It's obvious that Lao Xue wants to fight the whole court and kill people in a big way

Zhuge Zang chuckled, "you are wrong, I didn't calculate at all, all this is my guess!"

At the same time, Xue an slowly raised his hand, pointed to the front of the sword, and said indifferently: "next, whose turn is it?"

In the interrogation, the three surviving evil emperors were frightened and retreated.

Only Shang Liang couldn't move at all because of his heavy injury, so he could only stand in front of him trembling and looking at Xue an with a dead face.

Xue an looked at him quietly and said with a smile, "Shang Liang, I remember that the last time I was immortal, I let you go. At that time, you cried bitterly and swore to tianmeng that you would not do evil again. How could you forget it so soon?"

Shang Liang's face was so ugly that it could not be described by words.

Because, as Xue an said, he did have a period of hatred with Xue an, but after Xue an ascended to the throne, he was afraid of being revenged, so he cried out to make an apology to Xue an, even knelt down to beg for mercy, and swore that he would never dare to fight against Xue an again.

All of these were real events, and they were also things that Shang Liang tried to cover up and didn't want to mention again.

Now Xue an mentioned it in public. Shang Liang's heart was full of shame, anger and despair.

"Well?" Xue an slightly raised eyebrows, "I talk to you, don't you hear me?"

With Xue an's question, a fierce sword will rush out, Shua will cut off the bun on the top of Shang Liang's head.

The bright forehead was exposed to the public in an instant, and Xue an's mastery of the sword idea was just right. It did not hurt Shang Liang, but made his scalp shiny.

Looking at this become "Mediterranean" fairy King strong man, people simply can't help laughing, some are directly burst out laughing.

For example, in fox night, he laughs the most exaggeration, and at the same time points to Shang Liang in the sky and shouts: "I didn't expect Lao Xue to have such a good haircut skill. It seems that if he doesn't have food in the future, he can make a living by opening a barber shop!"

All these words floated into Shang Liang's ears. The head of Qiantian courtyard, who had always been extremely good-looking, trembled all over his body, and was already so ashamed and annoyed that he was on the verge of collapse.

But the situation is better than people. Now he is pointed by Xue an's sword and will fall at any time. Therefore, he dare not even say a hard word. He can only squeeze out a smile that is worse than crying on his face.

"Red Lord Honglian! You Listen to me! "

"Well, explain! I'm listening. " Xue an said lightly.

Shang Liang's eyes turned vigorously and said immediately.

"All this is a misunderstanding! I didn't want to hurt you this time. Even after I heard that you were born again, I was very happy! As for what you said about my doing evil, it's even more illusory. Now that I have already changed my evil ways and returned to normal, how can I do evil things? "

This speech can be said to be open-minded lies, reached the shameless peak.

At least many people were so angry that they almost burst on the spot.

"Mr. Xue, don't listen to his nonsense! He's here to kill you

"That's right. This guy is really bad!"

In the repeated shouts, Shang Liang was more and more embarrassed and could not help but peek at Xue an.

But seeing Xue an's face sinking like water, he suddenly burst into laughter.

"You say that your Qiantian court has changed its ways and turned its back on evil and will not do evil again?"

"Yes Shang Liang nodded vigorously.

"So what's going on?"

Said, Xue an spread out his hand, the palm is a woman's spirit.

As soon as he saw her, Shang Liang blurted out, "what's wrong?"

That's right!

Now, the spirit in Xue an's hands is just Ying Weiyang, who used to follow the son of the abyss to make trouble in the paradise lost.

At that time, Xue an sealed the two of them together in the palm of his hand.

Wen Linglong, the son of the abyss behind, was destroyed by Xue an, leaving only Ying Weiyang alone.

After hearing Shang Liang's words, Xue an raised his eyebrows slightly, "Oh? Do you know her? "

Shang Liang immediately responded, shaking his head like a rattle, "no! incognizance! How could I know her! "

But at this time, the seal of dizzy Ying Ying Weiyang finally recovered some consciousness. Even when he saw the Shang Liang not far ahead, he was overjoyed.

"Master, help me! I'm trapped by this man

In the shouting, Shang Liang was suddenly silent.

Xue An Sen ran a smile, "now What else can you explain? "

At this time, Ying Weiyang, who had not yet made clear the situation on the scene, saw his master here. He could not help being arrogant, and then yelled at Xue an."Xue, now my master is here. How arrogant are you? Let me go now... "

Xue an frowned slightly and clenched his fist.


The spirit of Ying Weiyang was crushed, and then Xue an said faintly: "it's noisy!"

Then he looked at Shang Liang, whose face was black.

"Is there anything else you want to say?"

Shang Liang shivered and finally said, "immortal Lord xianzun, do you still have a chance? "

"Xue an also wants a light smile?"

Shang Liang was overjoyed when he heard the slightest looseness in Xue an's tone. He said, "I was wrong before. If you can forgive me this time, I will change my ways..."

Without waiting for Shang Liang to finish, Xue an waved his hand and interrupted him directly, "kneel down and say it!"

Shang Liang was stunned.

Xue an said slowly: "didn't you hear me? I want you to kneel down and talk to me

There was a look of humiliation in Shang Liang's eyes, and then he looked at the three evil emperors behind him like asking for help.

But at this time, these three also have no usual arrogance, standing behind silent, do not know what to think.

"You can have a chance, but you have to find a way to fight for it. So I'll give you three breathing time to consider whether to live on your knees or die standing up!"

With that, Xue an held out a finger, "one!"

The eyes of the world are focused on this.

A lot of people are boiling with blood.

This is the invincible God of war who is really superior to the world!

Actually let the king of immortals kneel down!

What a magnificent thing to do.

"Two!" Xue an held out a second finger, and a cold light flashed in her eyes.

Before he called out three, Shang Liang suddenly took his heart and knelt down in the void.

"Forgive me, sir. I'm Shang Liang Yes


The global shock, countless people only feel elated, full of joy.

At the same time, Shang Liang raised his head and looked at Xue an sincerely, "my Lord, grandfather, is that ok? I really admit defeat, please forgive me this time , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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