Seeing this, Xue an's mouth gradually raised, showing a faint smile, and then stretched out his hand to pat Shang Liang's head.

"Yes, he's a good boy. I'll have a few more grandfathers!"

"My Lord! Ancestors

At the moment, Shang Liang has been completely free. His face is worth a few dollars. Compared with his life, he is nothing.

And as long as you can escape this disaster, you are waiting for me!

Shang Liang was cruel in his heart.

Xue an, however, laughed wantonly and wildly, then patted Shang Liang's face with his hand.

"Good, Liang Shang! You're a man of knowledge

Shang Liang said with a flattering smile, "yes, yes! It's all good for you, grandfather

It's disgusting.

Xue an's smile grew colder, and then he leaned over slowly and whispered in his ear, "but do you think I'll let you go?"

As soon as this was said, Shang Liang suddenly changed color and urged the remnant cultivation to resist.

But at this time, Xue an's sword in his hand did not know when it had reached his chest, and then it burst into it.

With blood splashing, Shang Liang roared in pain.

"Xue an, you bastard, you just said you would let me go!"

Xue an said in a cold voice, "I said I'd give you a chance, but did I say I'd let you go? Everything is just your wishful thinking

Shang Liang felt that the sword in his body seemed to have life, and was absorbing his vitality crazily.

In the twinkling of an eye, Shang Liang felt so cold that he could not even lift a finger. His extreme fear and anger made him look at Xue an bitterly.

"So you're teasing me by making me kneel?"

Xue an nodded, "yes! I'm teasing you

"You bastard, I will not let you off as a ghost!" Shang Liang was mad.

Xue an shook his head. "Sorry, you don't have a chance! But you still have to thank for this kneeling, because I wanted to refine your life. Now... "

Xue an suddenly pulled out his sword, and then stabbed his sword into Shang Liang's throat.


Shang Liang's eyes were wide open, and he looked at Xue an with a ferocious face. The hatred in his eyes was almost too thick to melt.

But Xue an didn't have any expression, just said faintly: "it's your best destination to die under the sword! After all Everyone has to pay for his actions

The brilliance in Shang Liang's eyes gradually faded, and finally turned into a dead body without any vitality.

However, the light on the handle is more and more dazzling, just like a long-time thirsty traveler who finally drinks the sweet spring, crazily absorbs all the blood.

So even though he killed three immortal kings, the body of the sword was still as clear as the autumn water, without any trace of blood.

After killing Shang Liang, Xue an raised his head and looked at the three evil emperors hiding in the distance.

The three men looked different, but all of them stood still and did not move. They even sat and watched Xue an kill Shang Liang all the way without saying a word.

This strange situation also attracted people's curiosity.

Moreover, not only the three evil emperors, but also the evil cults of various sects who followed them were restless and restless, as if they were searching for something.

At this time, Xue an said faintly: "OK, don't bother! This world has been blocked by me. If you want to pass through, you can only defeat me! "

This remark made the audience quiet.

No matter whether they were the three evil emperors or the evil cults of various sects, their faces changed greatly.

"You How do you know we... " The evil emperor of Beishui said in a trembling voice.

That's right!

The reason why the three of them just did not move was because they were trying to cut through the space and escape.

Xue an sneered, "of course I know you are going to run away, because I know you guys' disposition too well! It is the usual style of you guys to show off when you see the weak and run away when you see the strong. Therefore, at the moment when I wake up, I will completely block the whole world! As for now... "

Xue an took a sword flower in his hand. His smile was cold and his eyes were full of killing intention. "You will all stay and die."

After saying that, Xue an walked and walked. Every time he went further, he felt a strong sense of sword.

In a flash, the majestic and incomparable sword spirit covered the whole world.

Then, among the red lotus FA Xiang on Xue an's head, the young man in white also had a concise Kendo FA Xiang in his hand.

When the two are integrated into one, a huge power suddenly appears, which makes countless people color.

At the same time, Xue an raised his eyebrows, raised his eyes, and cut out with a sword.

"This sword is called Acacia!"


Sword light across the world, cut off the ancient and modern, with the supreme power to the three evil emperors rushed.The three of them were so frightened that they did not care about the dignity of the Immortal King. They turned around and fled.

But this sword is like its name, and it is the most difficult to entangle.

No matter how the three men Dodge, the sword light follows closely like maggots of tarsal bones.

"Lovesickness..." The seven swords on the ground murmured, their eyes glowing like boiling, and they would like to rush up to ask the truth now.

At the same time, I heard a dull sound.

The body of the evil emperor of the Middle Earth was stagnant, and then he was cut in two from the middle,

the body of the evil emperor of the middle earth fell!

He was followed by the evil emperor of Beishui. After he saw the tragic death of the evil emperor of the Middle Earth, he seemed to be stimulated to the same extent. He roared hysterically, and then turned around to meet the direct sword light.


Another flash of blood flashed, and a bloodstain appeared on the brow of the evil emperor of Beishui. Then he fell to the ground and died of exhaustion.

All of them were staring.

Especially fox night and others, is a face muddled.

When did the king of fairyland become like a chicken and be slaughtered?

At this time, Xue an walked with a sword and walked toward the only remaining Dongmu evil emperor.

Dongmu evil emperor was so scared that his voice changed and he screamed like a little girl.

"No! Don't come here! I admit defeat, I am willing to be your servant and serve you forever. Please don't kill me

But Xue an didn't even blink his eyelids, didn't move at all, and then cut it out with a sword.

"This sword is called meet each other!"

The bright sword light flashed to Dongmu evil emperor like mercury.

The evil emperor of Dongmu madly urged his cultivation, and countless vines emerged out of thin air. The green wood Dharma on his head was growing wildly, trying to resist this sword.

But it was all in vain.

Nothing can stop the power of the sword.

Click! CLICK!

In the sound of breaking trees, all the obstacles were swept away, and then the sword light came in and came out from behind, bringing out a line of blood.

All the trees withered instantly, Dongmu evil emperor fell!

At this point, the six immortals who just ran rampant and arrogant all fell under Xue an's sword.

Xue an's sword is in the air. He hunts in white. His eyes are deep like the sea, and his head is covered with red lotus. His sword is wrapped around his body. It is like a nine day banished immortal coming here, which makes people dare not look directly at him.

What is invincible?

Cut the fairy king like a pig and dog!


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