With the music of the fire, the sound of the fire was blaring.

Soon, dishes were presented like water.

Although there is no precious food, it can be said to be full of color, flavor and flavor.

After they tasted it, they all looked surprised.

"The smell It's delicious Zhuge Zang, who has a good sex and delicious food, can't help sighing.

Two little girls and Zhang Xiaoyu did not even have the Kung Fu to speak, and began to deal with the food in front of them.

Even the fat aunt who used to eat old Xie's craft and Xie Jingjing couldn't help being stunned.

Because it tastes so much better than before.

Although Lao Xie used to be good at cooking, at most, he was the level of a big stall chef. But now his taste is comparable to that of the world's top chefs, and even better.

"Husband? What's going on? Why has uncle Xie improved so much? " An Yan couldn't help asking.

Xue an was also a little surprised at the beginning, but after a little thought, he understood the reason. He moved slightly in his heart and then said with a smile.

"It's not surprising that uncle Xie's great progress in cooking is largely due to the fact that his consciousness has wandered between heaven and earth for a long time. Although his loss is very great, he has also been greatly tempered. Therefore, cooking has become an instinct of his, which can be regarded as a kind of alternative blessing from misfortune."

Hearing Xue an's explanation, an Yan suddenly realized and nodded. Fat aunt and Xie Jingjing were naturally very happy.

Only Zhuge Zang thought of something, and his eyes lit up slightly and took a look at Xue an.

Xue an Chong he slightly nodded, Zhuge Zang's face then showed a trace of smile.

At this time, old Xie, who finished cooking, came over smiling while wiping his hands.

"How about it? Isn't it good? "

People nodded in succession. Zhang Xiaoyu raised his head and said: "delicious, it's so delicious!"

Lao Xie smiles triumphantly, takes out a bottle of wine that he treasures from behind, can't wait to fill it up, and then says: "delicious! Come on, Xiao an, and all of you, let's have a drink together! I'll do it first. "

Said, he drank, and then very satisfied to smack taste, "really fragrant ah!"

In the past, if the fat aunt saw Lao Xie drinking so much, she would certainly mumble, but this time she didn't speak, instead she looked at Lao Xie with heartache.

Xue an smiles, "how do I think Xie Shu is good at drinking, or you can try to temper yourself in fox night?"

The words made everyone laugh, and then they raised their glasses and drank happily.

The wine was drunk until late at night.

Before leaving, Lao Xie and his fat aunt came out to see him off.

Lao Xie's drinking capacity has increased a lot. Although he has drunk a lot, he is still very sober.

Instead, Xie Jingjing was so drunk that she had to go to bed early.

People leave one after another, and finally only Xue an and an Yan are left.

Even the two little girls who were full of wine and food had already followed Hu Ying and octopus to go back first.

Fat aunt pulled an Yan aside and said whispers between women.

Lao Xie lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled the smoke.

"Xiao an, you said I am now Is it me? " Lao Xie youyou asked.

"Why do you say that?"

"Although the consciousness and memory are there, I have died once, and now my body has become such a picture that I feel that my former self has disappeared! For example, I don't feel like drinking at all now! " Lao Xie said with a bitter smile.

Xue an shook his head and said in a deep voice, "Uncle Xie, as long as your soul doesn't change, you are you! As for your doubts now In a Buddhist word, let me see the mystery

"The mystery I see?" Old Xie murmured a word, then lowered his head to meditate, even the cigarette end has burned to the finger without any notice.

Xue an then said, "yes! After all, your consciousness has been wandering between heaven and earth for so long. If it had not been for a wisp of obsession supporting you, your memory might have been gone! Even if your spirit still exists, it will be a new you! This is the mystery of Yin separation

Old Xie nodded, "I have a little understanding, to be frank, now I am like a rebirth with memory!"

Xue an nodded. "You can explain that too!"

Old Xie relieved with a smile, "it's so, then I'm relieved! Thank you, Xiao an! "

"You're welcome." Xue an smiles, "and I just had an idea, it seems that you can also walk on the road of cultivation!"

"The road of cultivation?"

"Yes! The way to practice by cooking Xue an said with bright eyes.

On the way home, Anyan asked curiously, "husband, what did you say to Uncle Xie? Make him so excited? "Xue an smile, "nothing, just give him a cookbook!"

"Recipe for cooking?" "An Yan a face ignorant force," you this is to let uncle Xie cooking carry forward? "

"What? Can't you? " Xue an said with a smile.

"Not really, but is it really promising?" An Yan hesitated.

"The future? of course! Otherwise, why do you think my cooking is so good? It's a very profound way to get into the way of cooking! " Xue an said lightly.

At the same time.

In Laoxie Hotel, because of the ups and downs of the day, the fat aunt fell asleep very sleepily.

Lao Xie stood in the kitchen with a full face of excitement, because he had a golden Dharma in his mind.

The God of food of the heavens!

The above records of all kinds of unheard of cultivation methods made Lao Xie marvel.

But what excited Lao Xie most was the recipes that were attached at the end of the FA Jue.

Looking at the almost fantastic techniques, Lao Xie took a deep breath, then took a knife and began to carefully cut the shredded vegetables.

Because he can't forget what Xue an said to him at last.

In this world, if a man wants to live well and make his family live better, he must have his own strength!

For this sentence, Lao Xie deeply thought.

And his path of cultivation also began.

At the same time.

In the Lingying palace of Fanjing Mountain, when Xueqing looks at the drunken fox night.

"Shizu, this is What's the matter? "

A rou on one side said helplessly: "what else can I do? Drink too much! Come on, help me get him to bed

Two women arrived in bed with Fox night.

When Xueqing was just about to leave.

At this time, the fox night on the bed suddenly began to mumble, "yu'er, Hong Hong Hong, don't go!"

Heard the names of these two strange women.

When Xueqing subconsciously swallows saliva, peeks at ah rou.

Sure enough.

Ah Rou's face sank in an instant, and then said in a deep voice, "snow green girl!"


"Please pour me a cup of tea, remember, the hot one!"

“…… Oh

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