After bringing tea, Xueqing took a sympathetic look at the fox night on the bed, and then quietly withdrew.

However, out of worry, she was careful to guard at the door and did not leave.

Although he was lazy and cynical at ordinary times, his performance in this war was obvious to all.

After this battle, the reputation of the Lingying palace of Fanjing Mountain also rose rapidly, and the number of pilgrims who came to visit the temple increased by countless times. When she was busy, Xueqing was really in a state of anxiety, until these days, it was a little calmed down.

In this case, Shi Xueqing's impression of fox night has changed a lot. Now she seems to be very angry. Of course, she is worried.

At the same time, ah Rou groped for the cup and went to the bed.

"Fox, who were you shouting at Ah Rou said gently.

Fox night is still in the state of half drunk and half awake. When she hears ah Rou's question, she is totally unprepared. She laughs and says, "is it my good friend at the beginning?"

"Good friend? Is that all? " Ah Rou asked in a low voice.

In response to her is the snoring of fox night.

Ah Rou sat at the edge of the bed for a long time, until the tea in the cup gradually cooled down, and then she groped for Fox night's head.

"Drink some water!"

But at this time, fox night suddenly reached out and directly hugged ah rou.

Ah Rou is surprised, and the teacup in her hand falls to the ground and makes a crisp crack sound.

Outside the door, Xueqing also can't help being surprised, "Shiniang, what's the matter? What's the matter? "

"It's OK, it's just that the tea cup is dropped. Don't worry about me!" she whispered

"Are you really OK? Can I help you? " Shi Xueqing still hesitated.

"Nothing! You go to work A rou some nervous said, a pretty face because of fox night cuddle and become red.

"All right." When snow green no longer speak, but also did not leave.

At the same time, ah Rou leaned down and whispered in the ear of fox night: "let me go

But fox night not only did not let go, but held more tightly, and then murmured vaguely in his mouth.

"Rourourou, when I find a way, I will cure your eyes!"

Hearing this, ah Rou shivered all over, and then the whole person was stunned there.

She was born to see nothing, never know what light is, until later met fox night.

As a fairy king, fox night began to think that it was just a small disease that could be cured at once, but unexpectedly, all his attempts failed.

No matter it's pills or fairy King's technique, it doesn't have any effect on ah Rou's eyes.

It was only after a careful inspection of ah Rou's spirit that Fox night found that there was no sense of sight in her spirit, that is to say, her five senses were naturally lacking.

This situation is almost unheard of, even fox night is at a loss.

Even after seeing Zhuge Zang, he asked more than once, but Zhuge Zang could do nothing about it.

As a result, ah Rou gradually lost the heart to restore vision.

Now heard fox night again mentioned, ah Rou's heart is naturally shocked.

At this time, fox night suddenly half sat up and kissed ah Rou's lips with seven minutes of drunkenness.

Ah Rou's whole body became stiff and her heart seemed to stop.

"Ah Rou, give it to me!" Fox night whispered in her ear.

Ah Rou's struggles all come to a standstill, and then the bed curtain slowly falls.

Outside the door, Xueqing suddenly heard a strange sound coming from the room. At first, she was still a little unclear. So, after listening carefully, she suddenly understood something. Then her face turned red to the root of her ears and hurriedly turned to leave.

So the night passed.

When the next day, fox night hangover wake up, only feel the brain pain.

"Damn it, it seems that I can't drink so much wine in the future!" Fox night murmured softly, and then a side, and then his eyes would stare round.

Because a rou with tears on her face was sleeping beside him. It seemed that she had just been asleep for a short time.

Fox night looked down at his own body, and could not help but take a breath of air conditioning, "damn me, this What's going on? "

In an hour.

In villa Tianzi No.1.

Xue an, Zhuge Zang and ye hanshang and others stare at the fox night with big eyes and small eyes.

A rou is surrounded by an Yan and others, sitting in the distance, with tears on her face.

"What's the matter?" Xue an said in a deep voice.

Fox night shook his head, "I I don't know either. I remember that after drinking, I took ah Rou to the Lingying palace of Fanjing Mountain. I can't remember all the things behind me! "

As soon as this word comes out, ah Rou lowers her head and tears fall down.

Hu Ying was angry at the sight of this scene, and even her brother didn't cry, "Fox night, what do you mean by this? Don't you want to accept the bill after eating it? Are you worthy of my sister-in-law? "People look at Fox night eyes also become strange.

Fox night was so anxious that he even waved his hand and said, "no, no, I'm not such an irresponsible person even though I'm not reliable. I'm just It's just

"Just what? Say it Hu Ying put his hands in his waist and asked aggressively.

Fox night lowered his head and said weakly, "I just feel a little too sudden. I'm sorry for ah rou."

This answer made Hu Ying, who wanted to reprimand "slag man" elder brother, be stunned.

"Er You... "

At this time, Hu Ye raised her head and said firmly: "in fact, I had wanted to marry ah Rou for a long time, but I always felt that the time was not too mature, so it has been delayed until now. But now that she is my woman, naturally, I did not say anything about it. I soon took ah Rou back to the fox kingdom in Qingqiu and applied to the elders to marry ah rou Go through the door

Fox night this words let out a rou's face light, originally cold trembling hand also with it and warm.

But xue'an raised her eyebrows slightly. "You just stay here. Ah Rou goes back. Do you think that the great elder of Qingqiu fox kingdom will agree with you to marry her?"

This problem hit the point, so that the fox night dumb speechless, until a moment later, astringent voice: "no!"

But then he said with a solemn face: "even if they don't agree, they can't change my mind! If it's a big deal, I'll take ah Rou and run away! "

"Good! That's what I want to do Hu Ying had a big drink at the scene.

Xue an shook his head, "Fox night, you see things are still too simple, do you really think treason home can solve the problem?"


"You are the outstanding young generation of Qingqiu fox country, and you are the future star of fox people who are highly expected by the big elders. If you really dare to betray Qingqiu fox country for the sake of ah Rou, then I guarantee that ah Rou will never live until the next morning." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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