In the void which is hundreds of thousands of miles away from the star boat, a huge circle appears.

The ring is so huge that it still occupies the whole view of the porthole even if it is so far away. Moreover, it is made of metal and emits a cold mechanical aesthetic feeling.

But this is not the key. The key is that in the ring structure around the ring, you can see continuous high mountains, and there are hundreds of thousands of meters of towering trees interspersed with them, including rare birds, spirits and animals.

Surrounded by mountains, that is, in the center of the ring, several huge metal bridges connect the ring together and form a vast platform.

On the platform, there are tall buildings several kilometers high.

At the moment, the lights are bright in the high-rise buildings, and there are countless cars surging on the street, which seems to be a prosperous metropolis.

In this cold and desolate void, I suddenly saw such a prosperous city.

This is just like a mirage, giving people a feeling of extreme absurdity.

At least everyone is a bit silly.

"My God, what is this? Why does it look like a space station on earth? " Fox night one face exclamation says.

Xue an was silent for a moment, and finally nodded slightly. "You are right. This should be the space station wandering in the sky, or you can call it wandering planet!"

At this time, the ring also seems to have detected the star boat in which they were riding.

I saw it slowly turn its direction, and then from the ring above a few huge monitoring probes, like eyes staring at people.

At this moment, it was like being watched by an ancient beast, and a strong sense of crisis suddenly enveloped the whole star boat,

at the same time.

There was a cold mechanical sound in the people's ears.

"The monks of the old age have been detected, and they are under analysis..."

"After the analysis, the target number is nine, and two of them have extremely strong energy fluctuations."

"Hazard rating: extremely dangerous, cannot be stored, recommended to be removed."

"Clearing program is starting..."

Cold as ice, as if in the voice of the sentence, the monitoring probes turned over, revealing the black muzzle below.

Then, in the muzzle of the gun flashed, as if it was charging rapidly.

But the whole charging speed is very fast. In just a moment, these guns, which are streamline in shape and emitting cold and murderous intentions, emit countless brilliant brilliance.

Not waiting for the public to react, Xue an snorted coldly, and the light in his eyes flashed slightly. In an instant, his mind wrapped up the star boat and began to dodge the shining light.

These lights were originally covered by omni-directional blockade without dead corner, but under xue'an's meticulous and meticulous mind micromanipulation, the star boat ran through seemingly impossible gaps and rushed to the ring in the time that could not be seen.

The whole process can be described as breathtaking, but Xue an has a plan in mind, even without blinking his eyelids.

On the contrary, it was the fox night that kept screaming.

"I've hit the slot, I've hit it! Die, die, die

"Oh, my God, I can't make it."

Xue an slightly frowned, "shut up, and then call me to throw you out."

Fox night immediately closed his mouth, but looked out of the porthole at the white light that had almost become a piece.

In the middle of the race, numerous holes suddenly appeared on the ring, and from that hole came a series of guns of different shapes.

Then there was another roar of rapid charging.

And then there were countless lights coming out of the muzzle of the gun, so many of them had already converged into one, and there was no more space between them.

This situation makes fox night all over a shudder, "my, old Xue, quickly hide!"

But Xue an just snorted, then stamped his foot, the star boat suddenly accelerated, and disappeared in a flash.

When it reappeared, it had passed through the vast expanse of light and appeared above the circle.

"That's too exciting, too! Lao Xue, can you tell me in advance when you cross the void next time Cried the fox at night.

"No!" Xue an firmly returned two words.

At the same time, the cold mechanical sound sounded again, accompanied by the rapid sound of the alarm.

"Warning, there are powerful monks of the old age approaching, extremely dangerous, extremely dangerous!"

"Activate level 1 alarm mode!"

"The exterminator has started

With the voice, the metal bridge connecting the ring and the center showed light. Then the city in the center of the ring suddenly separated on both sides, and a cannon with a caliber of several tens of miles emerged.

Countless rays of light gathered in the cannon, and a terrifying power of extermination began to emerge.In Xue an's eyes, he stepped out of the star boat and came to the front of the cannon.

At the moment, with the tremendous energy of the gun is booming.

But Xue an was not moved at all. Raising his hand was a blow.

After testifying the Immortal King, Xue an's fist power is enough to shake the stars.

So after one blow, even the void is distorted.

But when he was on the middle of the fight, the big gun gave out a brilliant and blinding brilliance from its muzzle.

The huge recoil force, which was so huge that it almost had no solution, moved the ring back a few miles. From this, we can see how terrifying the gun was.

The glory of the world rushed towards Xue an.

Star boat, an Yan exclaimed, "husband!"

Fox night, on the contrary, calmed down, took over the star boat directly with his mind, escaped from the scope of this brilliant bombardment, and then said in a deep voice: "don't worry, since Lao Xue doesn't hide, it means that he has a spectrum in his mind."

Sure enough.

When this thick enough Li Xu's light rushed to Xue an, Xue an raised his eyebrows slightly.

"It's not over, is it! Then I will help you

With that, Xue an stepped out, the red lotus twinkled between her eyebrows, and her vast mind rushed out like a sea, pounding heavily with the light.


After a loud noise, the originally fierce brilliance suddenly stopped, and then appeared the cracks, which finally broke.

At the same time.

The light in Xue an's eyes flashed. Don't forget that an appeared out of thin air. Then he raised his hand and it was a sword.


The sword light cut across the void and hit the cannon.


With a series of explosions, the cannon was cut in half in the middle and then broke apart.

"Warning, the exterminator has suffered irreversible damage, the target is extremely dangerous, and the self destruction procedure is about to start."

The sound of cold alarm rings through the void, and the ring is constantly changing shape.

Seeing this, Xue an raised his eyebrows and prepared to cut the ring completely.

But just then, a voice full of excitement suddenly rang out.

"Xiaohuan, terminate the self destruct procedure, stop all hostile acts, and clear the alarm!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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