As soon as this voice came out, the mechanical voice was silent for a moment, and then all the guns above the ring were retracted and restored to their original form.

"Yes, the alert has been cleared."

Seeing this scene, Xue an stopped his sword and didn't start immediately. Instead, he looked coldly.

The fox night and others in the star boat are naturally the same, all eyes are bright.

At the same time, the void in front of me flickered slightly, and then a three-dimensional projection of a man appeared.

This is a man in a white lab suit. He was young last year, with a handsome face under his messy hair, and his left eye is a kind of mechanical artificial eye.

But this is not strange, on the contrary, it gives him a kind of crazy charm.

At the moment, the man looked at Xue an excitedly, "self evolution can reach your height. It seems that the cultivation of the old times is not without merit."

Words are full of paranoid madness.

Xue an slightly frowned, "who are you? Why do you want to block my way and kill me

The man was stunned and immediately said with a smile: "first introduce myself. My name is Zhang Tianyou. I am the president of the science and technology change all development society."

"Science and technology change everything development society?" Xue an frowned and repeated the awkward name.

The man nodded, "yes, you can also refer to it as the science and technology reform society for short! As for you asking me why I'm blocking your way and killing people Can I say I don't know? "

"You're talking nonsense. Don't you know you can kill people casually? Fortunately, our strength is good. If we want to replace it with someone else, wouldn't we have died a long time ago? " Fox night at this time also appeared in the void, indignant said.

As soon as Zhang Tianyou saw fox night, his eyes gradually widened and his face became more and more excited.

"Did it evolve from a different race? This should be the demon clan in the old times! Tut Tut, it's a very rare alien species. I really want to study the mystery of its gene now! " Zhang Tianyou said with salivation.

Fox night was stared at by Zhang Tianyou shivering, because his eyes are really too terrible, it is like to swallow their own.

But immediately fox night then reacts, startled that he has just been frightened by an unknown boy, which can not help him to be angry, so he said coldly.

"Boy, what the hell are you talking about? What is alien evolution? Young master, I'm a noble family from ancient times. If I dare to talk nonsense, I'll kill you! "

Zhang Tianyou astringed his eyes and laughed, "don't be angry. I don't mean it!"

"No malice? You almost killed us just now. Didn't you mean it? " Yelled fox night.

Zhang Tianyou shrugged, "I'm still saying that. I don't know what happened just now. I'm busy doing experiments in the laboratory. How can I know what's going on outside? All are the choices made by the artificial intelligence of this star ring! "

"Your own choice? This big guy? " Fox night a face you fool whose expression.

"Yes! I usually call it ring Zhang Tianyou said.

"Do you think we'll believe that?" Fox night sneers.

Zhang Tianyou shrugged, "do you believe it or not? This is the truth! And it's not that the ring is too sensitive, because just a few days ago, we passed through a star field. As a result, the monks in the old times wanted to rob the ring, but they learned to resist! "

"But this time, it's really a bit extreme, but you can rest assured that it's not a indiscriminate killing of innocent people. On the contrary, sometimes it's very shy! Yes, ring Zhang Tianyou cried with a smile.

After a long time, a cold mechanical voice came from the void, "doctor, you are talking again!"

"You hear me? So, before that, it was all a misunderstanding. It was because of your strength that the ring tried to clear it. If you were a general monk, it would be accepted by him directly. " Zhang Tianyou said with a smile.

Fox night a little confused.

Because what happened today is beyond his understanding.

How could such a huge ring be shy?

And who is the guy who claims to be the president of the development society who claims to be a bit crazy?

Xue an looked at the man thoughtfully, and suddenly said, "since you said there was no malice, dare you invite us in to have a look?"

"Of course. Actually, I'd like to invite you in as a guest." Zhang Tianyou said with a smile.

While speaking, a huge aircraft will rise from the city in the middle of the star ring and come to the people.

"Come up, please. It will bring you directly to my place!" Zhang Tianyou said.

Then the three-dimensional projection disappears.Fox night looked at the flying machine in front of him in disbelief, and then said, "old Xue, we should not really go?"

"Yes, of course. Why not?" Xue an said lightly.

"But the problem is that we don't know this guy. What if this guy is a vicious man?" Fox night hesitated.

Xue an turned his head and looked at him. "In front of the two fairies, even if he is really a vicious man, he must become a good boy! What's more, what he just said should be true! "

"How do you know?" Fox night asked.

Xue an pointed to the star ring, "don't you see these scars on the star ring? This is obviously the work of the friars of various sects, and it is not long before that he has not lied

"That's not very safe. What if these marks were left by the star ring's active attack on others and the people rose up to resist?" Fox night murmured.

Xue an was neither laughing nor crying, "even as you said, I don't believe he can play any tricks in front of me, and Are you afraid? "

Fox night a listen, immediately chest a straight, "joke, fox ye I grow so big, don't know what is the taste of fear! Go and meet him for a moment

Said, fox night first on the aircraft.

Xue an laughs, so that Anyan and a rou Huying and others also get off the star boat, and then get on the aircraft together. As for the two girls, they follow Zhang Xiaoyu and chan'er back to Fubao building.

Then the aircraft flew into the city.

Along the road, there are many high-rise buildings, which bring people an ultimate sense of science and technology.

Because everything is just right.

Even a street lamp on the corner is so harmonious.

But it is such a city, but it gives people a very strange feeling.

Because the people living in this city, although there are joys and sorrows, but the eyes are less than a trace of human due vitality.

All people are like the same thing carved out of a mold. They are the same and lifeless. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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