An Yan looked at the city with surprise, "these people Why is it strange? "

Xue an light way: "because they are all clones!"

"Human cloning?"

"Yes, it's human cloning, so they don't have self-consciousness at all, and they can only live according to the predetermined procedures step by step! In fact, not only they, but also the city, were designed in advance. Everything is as delicate and illusory as a magnificent stage play. "

An Yan was shocked.

She did not expect that the busy people outside the aircraft with joy, anger and sadness on their faces turned out to be puppets with no self-consciousness.

Even the city, which looks colorful and colorful, is just a gorgeous and cold tomb.

"But why..." Anyan looked at everything outside the aircraft with astonishment on his face and whispered.

"What's the point of trying to build such a dead city? Or is it just the fantasy of a madman? "

As soon as the voice dropped, Zhang Tianyou's voice suddenly came from the aircraft.

"I'm not a madman. What you see is just because of my obsession."

Fox night was scared, "you have been eavesdropping on us?"

"It's not eavesdropping, but everything that happens in this ring can't escape my eyes. That is to say, as long as it is within the scope of the ring, I am omniscient. You don't have to look at me like that. I don't mean any harm to you. Otherwise, I won't invite you to be a guest

Fox night skimmed his lips, "I don't care if you have any malice. If you dare to make any messy ideas, I will break your neck directly!"

Zhang Tianyou ha ha a smile, did not pay attention to Fox night's cruel, just light way: "front is my laboratory, welcome to your presence."

With the voice, the aircraft stopped at the top of a high-rise building in the center of the city, and then a light blue light door suddenly appeared in front of the crowd.

Then a figure appeared behind the light door.

When the figure came out of the light door, people were all stunned.

Because in front of the public, it was actually a man in a wheelchair.

This man is Zhang Tianyou. He looks the same as in the three-dimensional projection, except that he has no lower body. He is connected to the wheelchair by various tubes extending from the abdominal cavity.

At the moment when everyone was in a daze, Zhang Tianyou smiled, "please come in!"

After that, the wheelchair naturally turned around and went forward.

Xue an didn't say anything, so he followed him.

Fox night is hesitant color, can not help but walk a few steps, low voice asked Xue an.

"Lao Xue, why am I looking at this light curtain? This is clearly a portal. What if it is transmitted to other places after entering it? "

Before Xue an talks, Zhang Tianyou turns his head and smiles at Fox night.

"Don't be afraid, this light curtain is indeed a portal, but that's because my laboratory often needs to carry out some powerful tests, so for the sake of safety, I built it in the core of the star ring. There is no direct channel to connect with the outside world, so the access can only be carried out through transmission!"

Fox night some embarrassment, but still strong from the mouth said: "who is afraid? I just feel a little awkward! "

As they spoke, they passed through the portal.

There was no vibration, and there was even no darkness in front of the eyes, which often appeared during transmission. People naturally felt like they had passed through a layer of soap bubble, and then another scene appeared in front of the public.

This is a vast space, with a natural soft light on top of the head. The air is fresh and clean, which makes people relax immediately.

And the space is divided into many areas in an orderly manner.

There are all kinds of weird machines in every area, and many of them are working.

See the robot arm flying up and down, from time to time there will be dazzling laser flash.

On the ceiling, the pulley robot grabs the spare parts and quickly drives by, giving it to the humanoid robots in various areas for assembly.

In a word, like a huge factory, it produces all kinds of spare parts in a very advanced automatic mode.

When Zhang Tianyou leads people to appear in this space, an Yan can't help but be shocked.

It was the first time she had seen such a sense of technology.

Although science and technology on earth is developing well, it is far from reaching this level.

Not to mention anything else, the robots that are engaged in various complicated tasks are not what the earth can build now.

Zhang Tianyou didn't even have an expression. The wheelchair glided forward silently, leading the people to go inside.

Soon they came to a huge metal door.When the crowd came near, hundreds of guns suddenly appeared around the metal door, and the black muzzle was all aimed at xue'an and others.

Fox night a startle, almost to start.

Zhang Tianyou said faintly: "well, Huanhuan, they are all my guests. Don't make a fool of yourself!"

Hearing this, it took a while for the guns to retract again, and then the metal door slammed open.

"Please follow me. This is my lab!"

Zhang Tianyou went inside, and everyone followed him.

And everything in this is ten times more science fiction than the outside world.

Outside that kind of simple humanoid machine has no longer been replaced by the handsome virtual robot.

And what they operate are also some machines that can't even be named, but they can tell at a glance that the technology is extremely high.

When Zhang Tianyou appeared here, a woman in leather with elegant appearance and hot figure came over.

She first looked at Xue an and others with a little vigilance, and then went up to hold Zhang Tianyou's wheelchair.

Zhang Tianyou ha ha a smile, "good, these are guests, don't be so serious, smile a!"

"Doctor, you know that's impossible!" The woman is very cold words, the voice is the previous mechanical female voice.

Zhang Tianyou apologized and laughed at Xue an and others. "I'm really sorry. Huanhuan has been used to be a little arrogant and charming. She's very kind and easy to get along with."

Just at this time, see fox night a face muddleheaded point to a woman, "isn't it, such a big star ring is actually a woman?"

The voice just fell, but saw the ceiling, floor, and all directions suddenly appeared countless guns, gun muzzle all aimed at Fox night, and showed a little bit of brilliance, obviously is charging.

Fox night was scared and then frozen in place.

The woman said in a cold voice, "who do you think is a woman?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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