"You Aren't you? "

The woman raised her hand and pulled at the neckline, and the leather garment on her body was broken to reveal the mechanical structure below.

"What do you say?"

"Er..." Fox night, tongue tied.

At this time, Zhang Tianyou said helplessly: "Huanhuan, how many times have I said you, don't tear your clothes easily, you say this is the first leather coat you tear this month?"

The woman was silent.

"Well, well, I know you don't like it! Forget it, let's change our image this time! "

Say, the armrest of the wheelchair suddenly turned into a mechanical arm, and then grabbed out a princess skirt.

Zhang Tianyou said with a smile: "let's try this one this time! Hei hei, Princess subtly malicious black, think of excitement! "

It's just as indecent as it is.

The woman was silent for a moment and then said, "can I still choose the image before?"



Finally, the woman reluctantly took over this set of princess skirt.

She does not need to wear, directly press on the body, the mechanical body will wriggle like water.

In the twinkling of an eye, she changed her image into a girl in a princess skirt and hairpin, blinking innocent and pure big eyes.

Such a magical scene is simply the fox night all look silly, but soon they crazy envy up.

"It's more convenient than changing one's appearance and changing one's body at will." Fox night murmured softly.

But the next second he kept quiet, for the woman gave him a cold look.

"Please come with me to the guest room! I know you have a lot to ask. Let's go there and talk about it. "

The reception room was not big, but it was elegantly arranged, and even a set of tea set was placed on the table.

After all the people took their seats, Zhang Tianyou took the lead in saying, "if you divide according to the standards of your old times, you still have this alien race. You should be a fairy king, right?"

Xue an nodded. "That's right."

"So it is! No wonder it has evolved so strongly. It's an amazing achievement. " Zhang Tianyou sighed.

"I'd like to know, what do you mean by the old age? Is there a new era relative to it? "

"Of course, in fact, the old age is just my abbreviation. Its full name is the feudal age of self evolution in a backward and decadent way, that is, the present heavens, as for the new era..."

Zhang Tianyou's eyes showed brilliance, "as you saw on the way to here, perfect and beautiful technology can solve all problems. When it is completely popularized, all people will have the right of independent evolution, and people will become rich and have dignity, which is called the new era."

These words listen to Fox night and others as if in a fog.

Xue an was a little stunned, and then showed a meaningful smile, "so you will not hesitate to sacrifice your own ethnic group, also want to wander in the sky?"

As soon as this sentence came out, Zhang Tianyou's face suddenly changed, "how do you know this? Who the hell are you? "

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

The eyes of the woman standing behind Zhang Tianyou changed, and dense holes appeared on the walls and even the ceiling around the reception hall.

"Don't be so nervous. I guess all this. After all, that city has explained everything!" Xue an didn't even blink his eyelids.

Zhang Tianyou's reaction is also very quick. He sighs and waves his hand.

"Huanhuan, you go out first!"

The woman hesitated slightly, and finally retreated.

When the door of the reception hall was closed again, Zhang Tianyou gave a bitter smile, "you guessed right. That city is indeed the place where my ethnic group once lived."

An Yan was shocked, "so you mean, those clones are..."

"Yes, my former compatriots." Speaking of this, Zhang Tianyou looks miserable.

"It was when I just built the star ring and began to wander in the sky. I thought everything would be as smooth as I thought. But I never thought that a sudden turbulence of space and time nearly broke down the whole star ring, and even I was robbed of my legs by the turbulence."

"And my people Even more so

There was silence in the drawing room.

A moment later, Xue an sighed, "so you created clones to keep your people alive in this way?"

Zhang Tianyou said with a bitter smile, "otherwise, what can I do? In fact, with the technology I have mastered, I can easily recover my body, but I have never done so, because I want to let myself remember the painful lesson at the beginning! "

When he said this, Zhang Tianyou's eyes were filled with infinite sadness."And then you continue to wander?" Xue an said lightly.

"Yes, because I can't let my people die in vain. I want to spread scientific ideas throughout the universe. I want to end the old era and bring new life to all people." Zhang Tianyou said very firmly.

"So you founded the so-called science and technology reform society?" Asked Xue an.


Zhang Tianyou sat up straight and looked at Xue an with bright eyes. "Join me! Let's change the universe together

"That's why you invited us here?" Xue an smiles and answers the question.

Zhang Tianyou nodded, "part of it!"

"How many members are there now?"

"For the time being Just me Zhang Tianyou was embarrassed and immediately added, "but I believe that one day it will carry forward and completely change the heavens! Because it has been my lifelong effort

"Strange, don't you keep saying that the old days were rotten? Why do you want to join us? " Xue an said with a smile.

"Because you're strong enough and I believe you're a smart person who should be able to see the situation."

After that, Zhang Tianyou looks forward to looking at Xue an.

Xue an chuckled and shook his head. "To tell you the truth, I admire you very much because you have your own ideals and aspirations, and have been trying to realize them. But I don't agree with your ideas, so..."

Zhang Tianyou seemed to have expected Xue an's refusal for a long time, so before he finished, he said, "don't be in a hurry to refuse. I want to take you to see something. After reading it, you can decide whether to agree or not."

With that, Zhang Tianyou took out a remote control from his arms, verified the fingerprint first, and then pressed it down.


The remote control ejected a glow, which was pounding on the wall of the reception hall.

In the twinkling of an eye, the walls of the reception hall began to deform, and then ripples like water.

"Follow me! I'll show you the biggest secret of the ring

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