"Are you going?" When the sound of footsteps came from behind, Zhang Tianyou asked without looking back.


"Ha ha, I have a hunch that I will meet this group again in the future." Zhang Tianyou said lightly.

Wearing a ring of princess skirt, she walked behind Zhang Tianyou and kneaded her shoulder for him.

"Doctor, since you attach great importance to these people, why don't you force them to stay?"

"Forced to stay?" Zhang Tianyou shook his head. "How can it be so easy? What's more, the purpose of establishing the society is not to force anyone, but to use technology to change everything. "


Just at this time, Zhang Tianyou suddenly grasped the ring's hand, then raised his head to look at her with bright eyes.

Huan Huan was a little flustered. "Doctor, I'll get you a cup of tea."

Then he turned to leave.

But at this time, Zhang Tianyou said softly, "Huanhuan, have you been hating me?"

The ring was shocked and then whispered, "doctor, you're talking again!"

"Then why have you never been close to me?"

"Because I was created by you. In my mind, you are my Creator Ring low channel.

Zhang Tianyou smelled the speech and revealed a wry smile. Then he released his hand and said in a dispirited voice, "I know. You go down first!"

Ring Huan hesitated for a moment, but he finally retreated.

Zhang Tianyou turned to look at the vast Star River in the monitor and whispered, "creator? ha-ha! I can't even protect my own people. What kind of Creator am I? Even your consciousness is cast by me with the soul of the people. So I can understand that you hate me and stay away from me

"But I didn't do anything wrong."

At the end, Zhang Tianyou sighed, his back became more and more lonely against the huge display.

On top of the star boat, ah Rou is doing housework excitedly.

The so-called housework is actually just cleaning the table and tidying up things.

But that's enough for ah Rou to be happy.

After all, in the past, if you want to do these things, you have to go through constant exploration and remember the position of each thing.

Therefore, for this kind of visual model based on hearing, ah Rou simply can't put it down.

Fox night but some worry, ah Rou tired, so constantly advised her to rest.

Xue an said with a smile: "OK, you can let her do it. If she stays still, she will be more miserable."

Fox night helplessly sat to Xue an's side, suddenly lowered his voice and said: "old Xue, how do you think of this matter just now?"

"What do you think?"

"I don't think Zhang is a good man? In particular, the science created by others has changed all development societies. The more you listen to it, the more you look like a demon cult

Xue an sprinkles ran a smile, "how can't I see it?"

Fox night also wanted to say something, Xue an waved his hand, "OK, I know what you mean, but I don't think he did anything wrong, those brainwashed friars Can't you see that they are not good people? "

"As for this science changing all development society..."

Xue settled down, then chuckled: "from this name, we can see that Zhang Tianyou is a thorough idealist, a Big house man

All returned to calm, the star boat continued to fly to the depths of the starry sky at a constant speed.

But at the same time in the ancestral land of the dragon people, it was a scene of flying birds and dogs.

Many dragons, like the end of the day, flew up and down in the sky in panic. Two dragons even collided in the air because of their absent mindedness.

Above the ground, the cities and nests in which these dragons live are in chaos.

"Move quickly, it will be too late!" A dragon in the air anxiously urged the way.

The speed of the dragon and the Dragon slaves has obviously increased, but the dragon is obviously not satisfied.

"Don't dally, hurry up and take down all the things that can be removed. Otherwise, when Xue paipi comes, there will be nothing left. Maybe even you will become Xue's booty! He can do anything. If he sells you, I can't control it

Hearing this, the work progress of these dragon slaves suddenly accelerated several times.

It's all because of the name of Xue Pai PI.

The origin of this name can't be verified. In any case, even several elders of the dragon clan were shocked when they heard the name.

Because Xue an had taught these dragon people a profound lesson.

Deep to now, a mention of Xue anlai, there are many dragon want to cry without tears.

In their own words, the sky in the ancestral land of the dragon people has been three feet higher since Xue paipi came here once.Xue an didn't let go of the ground. He plowed all of them. If it wasn't stopped by others, Xue an might have taken the planet away directly.

Therefore, when the news of xue'an's fall came, the whole ancestral land of the dragon people was in a state of jubilation, and even the great elder ate two bowls of rice.

Almost all the dragon people are celebrating with each other, thinking that Xue Bapi is finally "punished".

Of course, they celebrate in secret.

because no one of them dare to let the Royal Highness know what happened.

Everything is going in a good direction.

However, it never occurred to me that the two events in succession made these dragon people start to panic again.

Especially for the second time, after feeling Xue an's breath, the elder of the dragon clan immediately made a very wise decision.

That's to take down all the temples and hide them.

Now, the elder can't help but feel more and more happy about his original decision.

Because the dragon clan has received accurate news, Honglian xianzun has indeed reincarnated, and in a very short period of time, he has re proved himself to be the Immortal King.

In addition, after Fu Yi ascended the throne of Immortal King, Xue an cut down six immortal kings, including the five elements evil emperor who once ruled the heaven.

As soon as the news came out, the sky would explode.

As the most informed ethnic group, the dragon people know more about it than others.

But the more so, the more panicked the dragon people were.

God knows if Xue paipi, who is used to playing autumn in the Dragon nationality, will come.

But to be on the safe side, these dragon people, who regard money as life, took action immediately and hid all kinds of treasures elsewhere.

Just as the great elder of the dragon clan was calculating what treasures were not hidden in the middle of the nest, a giant dragon ran in panic.

"Newspaper, elder elder, the event is not good!"

The elder was startled, and the huge dragon eyes suddenly glared round, "what's the matter? But is Xue paopi here? "


The elder immediately relaxed, "Why are you so flustered?"

"is your highness!" Suddenly she sent a message that she would return to her ancestral land in the near future


A purple gold bowl in the hands of the great elder of the dragon clan fell to the ground, and then suddenly aroused the spirit and roared.

"Come on! Write back and say, "don't let her back!"

"it's already late," said your highness. "She's on her way now!"

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