The elder of the dragon clan was silent for a moment, and then said in a deep voice: "order immediately. No one is allowed to disclose any information about xue'an to the little princess. Those who violate the order will be punished by Longtai!"


At an order, the ancestral land of the dragon people is a burst of flying birds and dogs.

"What? Your Highness has gone out? Why not go through customs early or late, but rush to get out at this time? Isn't this just adding to the mess? " A black dragon screamed.

"Who said no! And I think it's not so simple. Maybe our princess has already heard the news now! " One side of the green dragon frowned.

"The God killed Xue an, even if he plundered the property, he still let the little princess love him deeply. What a crime!" A yellow dragon sighed bitterly.

"Let's not talk about those useless things. Since the little princess has already broken through the secret place, she will come back soon. Let's try to figure out how to hide it from the little princess! After all That sin dragon platform is not a vegetarian! "

Hearing the three words of sin Long Tai, all the dragons on the scene trembled, and their eyes showed the color of fear.

Because it was specially used to punish the dragon who made mistakes. I heard that there were various punishments on it, all of which were handed down from ancient times.

Therefore, a giant dragon once said that if you go to sin dragon platform, you will have to peel off scales if you don't die.

From this, we can see how terrible the sin dragon platform is. In terms of its deterrent power, it is second only to the chopping dragon platform.

"This damned Xue Pai PI!" Many dragons gnawed their teeth and cursed, and then they scattered away with a heavy heart.

Because they know that the real test is coming.

At the time when these dragons are frightened.

In the void hundreds of millions of miles away from the ancestral land of the dragon people, there is a sea of stardust.

This is the remains of countless stars after being smashed by force. The scale of the relics is amazing.

And once you enter it, you will often lose your way and eventually be trapped in it.

Therefore, it has become a forbidden area for living beings. Even the strong daruo people dare not go deep into it easily.

But at this moment, the originally calm sea of stars and dust suddenly began to surge violently, and then a chariot made of four green dragons rushed out at a terrible speed.

The chariot is a hundred feet high. Its body is made of unknown metal. The whole body is dark. It is covered with exquisite golden patterns. It gives people an extremely magnificent feeling.

In front of the chariot were four green dragons with a length of thousands of feet. Each of them was as large as Xuanjia.

"Your Highness! We are now out of the scope of the Stardust puzzle, and not far ahead is the residence of the white tiger people. " Sitting on the chariot, the woman in black riding the Green Dragon said respectfully.

A moment later, a cold voice came from the chariot.

"I see. Send them a circular, saying that we are passing by and returning to our ancestral land!"


The woman in black reached out and took out a seal letter from her waist, and then pressed it into the void.


After a black light flashed, the pattern of the seal letter appeared in the void.

Then, the seal turned into streamer and flew to the distant sky.

After finishing all this, the woman in Black said respectfully, "Your Highness, it has been sent out. Shall we wait here for the white tiger's reply?"

"No, just take the way home!"


The green dragon chariot went slowly, then suddenly accelerated, and disappeared into the starry sky.

But when the chariot was about to leave the control of the white tiger people.

In front of suddenly appeared a light, stopped the chariot's way.

and standing in the splendor of the crowd, some of them shouted loudly: "the little white tiger clan here welcomes the royal highness of the little princess!"

The woman in black had silk reins and chariots stopped in a very short time.

It was only then that I could see clearly what the glory was blocking the way. It was clearly a big flag with a ferocious white tiger embroidered on it.

All of them are white tigers.

The leader was a young man in white, handsome in appearance and full of evil spirit and prestige.

Especially the other pair of eyes, actually present a kind of light gold, set off the infinite majesty.

It's the little master of the white tiger clan. It's fierce!

When the chariot stopped, a faint smile appeared on his fierce face, and then he stepped forward to say something.

"Little princess, long time no see. I have been waiting here for a long time."

There was silence in the chariot.

Li Maling stood quietly with the smile still on his face.

It took a long time to hear the voice from the chariot.

"It's very kind of you, young Lord. Why wait for me hereThe white tiger clan, like the dragon clan, is also a powerful demon clan handed down from ancient times.

And the white tiger little master is not inferior to this little Dragon Princess in terms of blood lineage.

"The little princess has been shut up for many years in a secret place. It's a great celebration for her to break the barrier this time. What's more, she happened to pass by the residence of my family. As a young master, I should come out to meet her!"

These words are reasonable and well founded, and give the dragon people face, very beautiful.

But the little princess in the chariot did not seem to appreciate it. After she was silent for a moment, she said faintly: "young Lord, you have the heart. I can't thank you enough, but I don't know if I can go there?"

There was no intention of getting off the bus.

Li's eyelids beat slightly, the smile on his face was still there, but his eyes were slightly cold, but he was quickly concealed by the perfect, and then sighed.

"Shu'er, why should you live like this? You know, we were good friends when we were little

"Don't you even want to get out of the car and meet me?" The fierce spirit light way.

"I'm sorry, I really have some urgent business here. Next time, if I have the chance, I will visit in person! As for my childhood Little Lord, don't mention it again. " At the end of the day, the voice in the chariot became a little cold.

There was a glimmer of fire in his eyes.

He came here to wait after receiving the notice of the seal letter.

Now he has been waiting for a quarter of an hour. Although this time is not long, how many people are worth waiting for?

Therefore, Li Maling thought that he had shown enough sincerity, but he didn't expect the Dragon Princess to be ungrateful, even unable to get off the chariot.

It was like hitting him in the face in public. How could he not be annoyed.

If it's someone else, Li Wuling doesn't mind tearing it up completely.

But in the face of this chariot, the fierce spirit's eyes were shining. Finally, he took a deep breath, suppressed his restlessness in his chest, and said with a light smile, "in this case, I will not disturb your Highness's journey!"

With that, he leaned slightly and dodged a road. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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