Thank you very much

The green dragon chariot rumbles along and leaves here.

But at this time, the fierce spirit also sat on a white tiger chariot and followed closely.

"Fierce spirit, what do you mean?" There was a chill in the voice of the little princess in the chariot.

Li ferocious spirit ha ha a smile, "Ao Shu sister, don't misunderstand me. I'm not going to follow you. I just want to visit the elder elder. Why? Do you need your approval even for this? "

"You...!" The voice in the chariot was very angry, but at last he suppressed it and said in a cold voice, "xian'er, let's go!"

Qinglong chariot accelerated and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Follow up!" he said with a cold smile


Although there are hundreds of millions of miles away, but for the green dragon and white tiger chariots, it is just a short distance.

Only an hour later, a huge planet appeared.

How big is this planet!

Well, all the words used to describe the big are eclipsed by the planet.

Even when it's a hundred million miles away, the planet has taken over all your vision.

Only such a planet can carry so many dragon people, and even become the birthplace of dragon people.

Seeing her hometown, who had been away for many years, xian'er, who drove the bus, could not help feeling excited.

"Your Highness, when you arrive, do you need to inform your family in advance?"

The little princess in the chariot was calm.

"No, go straight back!"


When the green dragon chariot finally crossed the void and arrived before the planet.

The elders of the dragon clan, located in the underground nest, also felt it at the first time.

For a moment, the underground nest was quiet.

"What a quick return A dragon elder said bitterly.

"Do you have an idea? How to explain to shu'er later? "

"How can I know! Don't ask me, my head is going to explode

"Or the invasion of a strong enemy."

"Bah, what strong enemy can frighten us like this? Do you think shu'er will believe these lies?"

"What do you say?"

"All blame you, you should not have let shu'er go to the secret place to shut up in the first place!"

"How can it be my business? Didn't you agree? "

For a while, the underground nest was boiling, and many elders began to blow their beards and glare at each other.

At this time, the elder suddenly felt something, and said in a deep voice: "don't quarrel. After a long time of fighting, do you have any result?"

All the elders lowered their big heads.

At this time, the elder said with a puzzled face: "strange, how can the little master of the white tiger nationality come back with shu'er?"

"Fierce spirit?" Asked the elder in surprise.

The elder nodded, "yes, that's the boy! He came back with shu'er. "

Hearing this, many long old people all over a shock, and then look at each other.

"Is it that Shu'er has forgotten that Xue PA PI, with this white tiger little Lord together? Otherwise, how could they come back together after the clearance? " The elder whispered softly.

Many old people can't help but look contemplative, and then nod one after another.

"Maybe it's true. After all, shu'er was still very young at the beginning. Although she said some silly words, maybe she was just childish. Now after a period of time, she has closed up in a secret place for a long time. Maybe she has figured it out!" An elder excitedly said.

"But This fierce spirit is not a good thing. It is said that he is cruel and greedy. How can such a person be worthy of shu'er? "

"Yes, I don't agree either!"

"Ha ha, the white tiger clan has that virtue. This fierce and ferocious spirit can do well as the little master of white tiger, but anyway, he is also a demon clan, better than that Xue PA PI!"

"I don't think it's very good!"

The topic suddenly turned to Xue an and Li Wuling, which is better.

At this time, the elder said in a deep voice: "well, don't discuss these things. Whether it's good or not, it will be the future. Now the most important thing is how to hide from the little princess, as for the fierce and fierce spirit..."

The elder's eyes showed a cruel look, "if he really dares to have any indiscretion to shu'er, then I don't mind letting Lao Li Tou be a little blood descendant!"

The terrible evil spirit revealed in the words shocked the whole audience.

All the elders leaned over, "understand!"

At the moment, the chariot of Qinglong has already flown into the planet. From the perspective of the extreme, the land under his feet is in ruins, even without a complete building.Seeing this scene, xian'er, who drove the car, couldn't help but open her eyes and said with consternation: "what's going on? Why did it happen? "

This is the ferocious white tiger chariot also entered the planet, he was also shocked by the scene in front of him.

"What kind of tricks are these loaches playing? How did you take everything down? " The fierce spirit whispered softly.

At the same time.

They have come to the former dragon temple.

But at the moment, the temple of the dragon people has disappeared, leaving only an empty foundation standing there.

"Temple Your highness, what's going on? Where's our temple? What about the big temple Xian'er was shocked and inexplicable.

At this time, however, several giant dragons opened the way, and then the elder of the dragon clan came to the field. Then he said with a smile, "shu'er, how did you come back so fast? I'm going to send someone to pick you up!"

At the sight of his arrival, the chariot swayed a few times, and the curtain of the car quietly separated to the left and right, and then out of it came a girl in a lotus blue shirt with a skin of coagulated fat.

The girl looked no more than seventeen or eighteen years old. She was tall and slender and had a beautiful and moving appearance.

Her eyes are as pure as lotus eyes.

I saw that she would like to wear a ceremony at the elder, "shu'er, I have seen the elder!"

It is the noblest white dragon blood descendant among the dragon people, the third princess Ao Shu!

The elder also converged to the body, showing a human state. He was a middle-aged man with a beard.

I saw his face full of smiles, eyes doting on Aoshu.

"Dear shu'er, don't use so much courtesy. How did you break through the customs clearance this time?"

Ao Shu was silent for a moment, and then shook her head, "I don't know. I suddenly noticed a trace of unspeakable palpitation. Elder elder, I

Before she finished, the white tiger chariot had arrived, and the fierce spirit came down from it and saluted the elder.

"Little white tiger master is fierce and fierce. I've seen the elder!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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