"Celebrate, celebrate, of course, come on! I gave my order and immediately sent out invitation cards. It was said that my little princess, as a 17-year-old woman, was going to hold a grand ceremony and invite all the big demon families to come to watch the ceremony! " The elder is very happy and says happily.

"I came in a hurry. Fortunately, I have some treasures with me, so I'll take them as a gift first."

With that, his men sent up a jade slip.

Under this, even the great elder also has a kind of awe inspiring feeling to the fierce spirit.

You know, he had seen the fierce spirit when he was a child. The fierce spirit at that time left a very bad impression on the elder.

But now it seems that this fierce spirit has changed a lot!

At least they are polite and polite, and they talk in a proper way.

The elder can't help but change his impression of the fierce spirit.

But no matter how Li Maling behaves, Ao Shu has never seen him.

There was no sign of excitement even in her face, just a soft voice.

"Elder, where is our temple?"

This question made the elder, who was full of joy, froze in his place at that time.

"Er This

"What's more, on my way here, I found that all the precious buildings had been demolished. What's the matter?" Ao Shu asked softly.

Sweat appeared on the big elder's forehead. Eating Ai Ai said, "this This

Suddenly, his eyes a light, "ah, by the way, we are repairing!"

"Repair?" Ao Shu slightly a Zheng.

"Yes, it's repair!" After finding an excuse, the elder's words immediately became fluent and his expression was more natural.

"Shu'er, you are often away from home. Naturally, you don't know how dilapidated our dragon clan buildings have been after so many years of ups and downs. It happens that during this period of time, the demon clan is safe and sound, so we all started to repair these buildings together! Am I right? " The elder looked at the elders behind him.

These elders are masters who have lived for thousands of years. How can they not understand the meaning of the great elder? So they nodded their heads and said, "yes, yes, they are repairing!"

Ao Shu slightly frowned, "but repair words, still need to completely demolish the temple?"

"Yes, of course! After all, the temple is the holy land of our dragon people, which is related to the face of our dragon people. Naturally, it needs to be repaired perfectly, so it must be demolished first! " The elder said with a righteous face.

Ao Shu still felt that something was wrong, could not help but look at the elder, "are you hiding something from me?"

The heads of the elders shook like rattles.

"No! How can something be hidden from you? Let's go, shu'er. You have just broken the customs clearance and have such a long way to go. Let's go back and have a rest first. " The elder continued to digress.

But at this time, the void in the distance suddenly vibrated endlessly, and then there were layers of ripples, and then a chariot pulled by five green dragons rushed out.

The chariot was so fast that it rushed to the crowd and stopped.

Then, a figure jumped out of it, accompanied by a voice full of surprise.

"Shu'er, did you even break the barrier? Did you hear the news? "

With the words, a woman who looks a bit similar to Ao Shu, but has a few more crazy ideas in her eyes, appears in front of the public.

"Two Second sister? " Aoshu is a Leng.

That's right!

is the second sister of Ao Shu, the famous Princess of the two princesses, Ao Yi.

Aoyi rushed to the front with a happy face. She held her sister in her arms and kneaded it vigorously.

"Hehe, it's really my sister's smell! Feel good! " Ao Yi one face enjoys saying.

Ao Shu was made a big red face, struggling for several times, but could not get rid of it. She could only whisper: "second sister, so many people..."

Ao Yi glanced at the people around him indifferently, "what's the matter? I'll give my sister a hug. Is there anyone else who has a problem? "

Ao Shu had nothing to do with her crazy second sister. She could only whisper: "naturally, no one has any opinion, but can you let me go first?"

"Hehe, good and good! Shu'er, you can say anything! "

Ao Yi released her hand with a smile, then looked around and looked down at the temple which had been torn down to its base. A sneering smile appeared in the corner of her mouth.

"Oh, it's very fast. I just heard the news and demolished the temple?"

As soon as the elder and all the elders present saw that it was the second princess Ao Yi, their eyelids leaped wildly and their hearts were not good.

In particular, the elder was so anxious that he made a strong eye at Ao Yi.

However, Ao Yi seemed to have not seen it at all. He said faintly: "it's just a news that he woke up. You were scared to tear down all the buildings? Are you so afraid of himThe words made the elders speechless. Aoshu was shocked. Then she thought of something and said, "two What are you talking about, second sister

"Well? Don't you know? " Ao Yi a face curiously says.

"What do you know? I've just got out of the gate. I don't know anything about the outside world! "

"Well, that's it! I thought you had the news to break through the border! " Ao Yi one face complacent looked at the big elder who looks ugly and so on, and then hey hey laughs a way.

"Xue an was reincarnated and proved to be the Immortal King. Don't you know such a big thing?"

As soon as this sentence came out, the elder and others all sighed, knowing that things could not be concealed.

But Ao Shu was shocked, and her face was full of disbelief. Then she said in a trembling voice: "second sister, you Is that true? "

"It's true, of course. Can I cheat you? It has to be said that this guy who was hit by a thousand swords is really very lucky. The robbery of xianzun failed to kill him, and he was reborn in the reincarnation! " Ao Yi tut sighed.

Ao Shu didn't hear these words at all. Her face was pale as paper, but her eyes were bright. She whispered in a whisper: "he's not dead. He's still alive..."

As she spoke, her voice choked.

And the appearance of this pair of crying is simply pitiful. At least Ao Yi rubbed her face and said with a smile.

"Of course not, not only not dead, but also more and more powerful! What about? How do you feel now? Are you happy? "

Ao Shu nodded and couldn't say a word. Her whole body was shaking slightly.

But aoyi's face is gradually gloomy, and then his eyes twinkle with a dangerous killing opportunity.

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