"You are happy, but I am not happy! Because the one who had been stabbed for thousands of dollars had taken away my sister's heart, but there was no news in the end. I wanted to go to him to settle accounts, but at that time, the news came that he was dead, so I didn't care! But when he comes back from this rebirth, the first thing he should do is to come to you, but he did not do so. What does that mean? "

"You are not in his eyes! How can this be tolerated? So this time I must give him a good lesson, let him know that I Ao family woman, is not he can bully at will! "

When it comes to the back, the murderous spirit on aoyi's face is almost overflowing.

Ao Shu looked frightened, because she knew that she could do anything.

What can I do?

when she was at a loss, the fierce and evil spirit came forward with a smile. Shi Lidao: "the little white tiger has seen the two princesses."

"Little white tiger? Are you the fierce spirit Ao Yi cast a cold glance at this fierce spirit.

Li Maling smiles and nods, "it's me, i..."

Did not wait for him to finish the words behind, Ao Yi then straight to the point and asked: "when shu'er was still young, was it you who often bullied her?"

This sentence made the smile on Li Maling's face froze directly, and then he was very embarrassed and said, "this At that time, I was young and young, and I might have offended shu'er in some places. "

"Don't talk nonsense. Shu'er told me long ago. You bullied her all day and clamored to take her Yuanyin when she grew up, right?" Aoyi's face is full of killing intention.

The fierce spirit is a little silly.

He didn't remember what he had said, but he might have said it in his own character.

Therefore, he quickly explained, "Your Highness, I was..."

Ao Yi's hand was not raised, and then he burst out.

The blow hit the face of the fierce spirit, which was caught off guard and flew out.

Until then, Ao Yi said: "let me tell you why the flowers are so red."

Li Wuling was completely stunned. He didn't expect that this woman would start directly.

He didn't react until he was about to land, and then he dodged, which was enough to stop.

But at this time, his appearance can become much more miserable, the original handsome face on the swelling of a boss's bag, blood is down the corner of his mouth winding flow.

The pain made him tremble slightly, and his eyes became fierce.

From small to big, no one dares to hit him like this, never!

So he looked at Ao Yi and said in a cold voice, "what do you mean, second princess? I'm the young master of the white tiger clan. Have you ever thought about the consequences of hitting people like this? "

"What? Is the little master of the white tiger people amazing? Can the little master of white tiger bully my sister? Pooh! I'll tell you today that even if the Honglian xianzun is here now, I will not miss it, because those who deceive my sister will be killed! "

With the voice, aoyi's figure flashed again, and directly rushed to the fierce spirit.

The fierce spirit has also been hit the real fire now.

He had no idea why he suddenly met this madman.

It seems that reasoning doesn't make sense, so let's fight!

Therefore, he snorted coldly and urged his blood force to fight with Ao Yi.

But just a moment later, in a burst of continuous bombardment, the fierce spirit was like a kite that had broken the line, and spit out several mouthfuls of blood along the road.

This scene was shocked to follow the fierce spirit of this helper.

Because if there is something wrong with the fierce spirit, every one of them will be killed.

So they quickly rushed up, carefully caught the fierce spirit of the body.

Looking at the fierce and fierce spirit at this time, his face was as gray as death, and his eyes became a little dim. What's more, the cheekbones on both sides were red, swollen and tall, and there was a faint blood burst among them. Obviously, he was slapped more than once.

Ao Yi clapped her hands and said with disdain: "with your strength, you dare to fight with me?"

The fierce spirit teeth close bite, eyes are full of the color of grudge, and then said with a very cold voice.

"Ao Yi, very good. How dare you treat a little white tiger master like this? I swear that I will make you pay ten times, no! A hundred times the price

However, Ao Yi turned her lips indifferently, "ha ha, the little master of the white tiger nationality is very ox x? I have to pay ten times or even a hundred times the price. Believe me or not, I will result in you now? "

With that, Ao Yi stepped forward.

"What do you want to do?" he cried in a tone changed voice? Elder elder, are you just watching your princess commit murder in publicThe elder sighed, and then stepped forward, "second princess, forget it! No matter how you say, he is also a blood descendant of Lao Li Tou. If you really want to kill him, the trouble is not small. If you are against the righteous spirit, let him go! "

"Hum! You're afraid of that old rascal, I'm not afraid! I'm angry. I'll kill the white tigers now and kill all these white haired animals! "

Ao Yi said in a murderous manner, and with her voice, a white dragon appeared above her head.

This virtual image of the white dragon is much clearer than that of Ao Shu before. As soon as it appears in front of the public, it immediately causes the heaven and earth to shake up.

And the strong to the extreme of the power of the Immortal King is the oppressive fierce spirit, even can't say a word.

This kind of pressure makes everyone pale.

Many dragons even felt the breath from afar, so scared that they buried their heads in the ground and shivered slightly.

Nothing else, because aoyi left a deep impression on many dragon people.

In addition to Xue an, she may be the most troublesome dragon!

After all, the second aunt's name is not for nothing!

"Second sister, forget it! Although he bullied me at the beginning, it's been a long time since then. It's just like driving him away! " Ao Shu Rou judo.

The fierce spirit hears the speech is simply the hot tear in the eye, only feels Ao Shu whole person is in the light.

Ao Yi but hate iron is not steel of anger hum a, "I this but for you out of anger ah!"

"Well, you can't really kill him. Let him go!"

"It's boring!" Ao Yi stomped his feet, and then showed his eyebrows to pick slightly, and he drank coldly at the fierce spirit.

"Go away! I tell you, stay away from my sister in the future, otherwise I saw you once and hit you once! "

If you want to ask Li Wuling what is the most regretful thing in the world, he will answer without hesitation. He should not provoke Ao Yi, the second crazy princess.

Therefore, after hearing Ao Yi's cruel words, he didn't even dare to say anything about the scene. He only glanced at the crowd, snorted coldly, and then left in dismay.

After seeing him go, Ao Yi turned her head and looked at her sister Aoshu. Then she said with a gloomy face, "OK, now we're going to send xue'an, the one who got a thousand knives. Do you think we should go directly to find him or wait for him to come here?"

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