Such an identity, even if it is the big elder of green hill fox country here, also have to nod slightly.

What's more, it's Fox night as a junior.

Therefore, he could only take a step forward before the slaughter, bowing down and saying, "Fox night of the Nine Tailed Fox clan, I've seen the clan leader Li!"

Li butcher's eyes were as sharp as a sword. After sweeping from Fox night, he looked at Xue an and others behind him. He didn't see anything different, and then he laughed.

Once the old man laughs, he looks like a young man full of ambition at the same time.

It was cold and reckless, and it was chilling.

Then he said in a soft voice, "it's the honor of my white tiger family to come here personally. It's not necessary for you to be so polite."

The voice is gentle and deep, but it contains supreme majesty. It is like a king who says what he says, and he just wants to worship.

Fox night knows that all this is because the white tiger clan leader's cultivation is too deep, and even to the level of only a little to be promoted to the Immortal Emperor, so he can't control the leakage of essence in his speech and behavior.

This kind of strength, even in the demon clan of the strong, can be regarded as the first to exist.

Therefore, Hu Ye's heart a Lin, bow to say: "Li clan chief mispraised, I'm just a common demon clan of Qingqiu fox country, I can't afford such praise!"

"If even the best of the younger generation of demon clan claim to be ordinary demon clan, then no one dares to call himself a higher demon clan! Now that my nephew is here today, let go of your restraint. Come on, I will join you

This face can be said to give enough fox night!

And not from the fox night said, the fierce slaughter a pull fox night's wrist, it will be in the first place in the banquet.

Fox night in the heart of the dark cry.

He is not a fool, after this period of thinking, it is clear why the white tiger people treat him so courteously.

This is clearly the rhythm that the white tiger clan wants to turn against the dragon clan!

And they are a perfect excuse. As long as the white tigers pull themselves into the water, Qingqiu fox kingdom will become a gun against the dragon people.

When the time comes, the white tiger clan will be able to sit on the mountain to watch the tiger fight and reap the profits of the fishermen!

These thoughts flash away from the fox night's mind, but there is nothing to do. In a hurry, they can only see Xue an in the distance.

But did not expect that at this time Xue an didn't even look at him, but looked at the whole venue thoughtfully.

This guy What are you looking for? Fox night heart also can't help but some doubts.

But then these ideas were drowned out by the flattery of the white tigers.

All kinds of flattery, fox night some dizzy, can not help but once again look to Xue an for help.

But this time he was disappointed.

Because at the moment, Xue an was looking at everything in the banquet hall with great interest and ignored fox night at all.

Fox night a heart gradually sink to the bottom.

Lao Xue, what are you doing?

At the same time.

Do you want to see the chief butcher

Li slaughtered and laughed, "OK! It happens that Mr. Fox is here today. Let him have a look at it. "


He slapped his hands.

A group of dressed up and showy demon women entered the banquet hall.

All of these women are excellent.

But this is not surprising, because demon women are more beautiful than Terran women.

The most important thing is that these demon women all have a kind of temperament that I can still feel pity for. Especially when they blink their innocent big eyes and look around in confusion, they can stimulate the deepest desire for protection in all men's hearts.

Therefore, their arrival also caused a big stir in the field.

Many white tiger elders or senior officials are looking at these women with salivation.

If it wasn't for being in front of people, they might have rushed on the spot.

Even so, there are still many people ready to move.

Only Xue an's eyes were bright, and even his fingers turned white because of excessive force.

However, Li skeleton didn't feel it with a smile. "It's a great honor for our white tiger people to visit this time. These women are specially here to cheer up the fun."

With these words, these women walk to Fox night like puppets.

Although the performance is dull, but this feeling has a different taste.

And not only he, but also Hu Ying and Xue an have their own arrangements.

Fox night originally wanted to refuse, but when he saw the deep meaning in the eyes of Li skeleton. Or the words behind the Sheng Sheng swallow back.

Because he knew that if he refused, the women might die on the spot.Therefore, he could only suppress the unhappiness in his heart and reluctantly said with a smile: "thank you, elder Li."

Before the words fell, I heard a crisp sound. Several cases in front of Xue an were directly broken, including the dinner plate and tea set on it, which were instantly turned into powder.

Then he stood up with cold eyes, pointed to the woman in front of him, and said faintly, "who did it?"

There was silence.

Including fox night, everyone was shocked.

Xue an tiny pick eyebrow, "I ask again, who did the wound on her body?"

Fox night slightly a quiver, and then urgent voice way: "old Xue, how to return a responsibility?"

Xue an takes a deep breath. "This woman is my former staff!"

This speech, fox night also can't help but change color.

"What's going on?"

"What's the matter? Hehe, you need to ask these guys! " Xue an sneered.

In fact, just a moment ago, it was the jade rabbit Banshee who was sent to serve xue'an.

This has been tormented to muddle confused woman, arrived at Xue an near, has not yet waited for her to speak, Xue an has already realized the unusual, the face is cold like ice way: "is it you?"

The Banshee looked at Xue an with a confused face at first. After a long time, she gradually recognized Xue an, and then said excitedly, "Hong Lian Lord Honglian? Are you Lord Honglian

Said, tears will burst out of my eyes, tears contain infinite grievances.

As for Xue an, his eyes were ablaze with anger.

All because this woman and her ethnic group were the subordinates of Xue an when she was the immortal.

Yutu people!

This sounds very gentle, it seems that there is no lethality of the ethnic group, before it is a big component of the demon clan.

Although this race has no strong blood, it has a unique ability, that is, watching the wind and watching the Qi.

It is also because of this ability that they have escaped several catastrophes and have survived to this day.

Especially when they were committed to xue'an's camp without hesitation, xue'an's momentum was as high as the sun, and finally became the first one worthy of all.

But unexpectedly, Xue an finally fell on the xianzun's robbery, and the jade rabbit clan also did not know where to die.

To this day.

When Xue an saw the wounded jade rabbit people in front of him, he couldn't help but get angry.

Even fox night has never seen Xue an so angry.

The power of the storm echoed in the field.

At this time, the white tiger people in charge of the water prison said: "what's the matter? It's just a cheap maid bought. Isn't it normal to be beaten a few times? "

The voice has just dropped.

The white tiger's body suddenly expanded, and then it was directly fried into powder.

Blood sprayed most of the ballroom.

Xue an slowly raised his eyes and looked at the white tiger patriarch's slaughter, "I ask again, who did it?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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