The whole banquet hall was enveloped with a thick bloody atmosphere.

Everyone was stunned by the scene.

Actually, some people dare to kill people directly in the banquet hall in front of the patriarch.

How bold does this man have to be?

Sure enough.

I saw that Li butcher's face gradually became gloomy, staring at Xue an, and then gave a cold smile.

"It seems that you are questioning me?"

With this sentence, the fierce pressure fell on Xue an like a storm.

This pressure is so terrible that only the aftershocks can reach them, which makes many people pale and retreat.

You can imagine how much pressure Xue an should bear again.

If you were a strong man in general, he might collapse on the spot. But Xue an didn't even blink his eyelids. As if everything was just a breeze, he said slowly: "answer yes or no, the rest of the nonsense Don't say it


As soon as this was said, the whole audience was shocked.

In particular, these white tiger people are in an uproar.

"Isn't this boy out of his mind? How dare you talk to the patriarch like that Some people are astonished way.

"Ha ha, I'm really impatient to live!" Someone sneered.

Under this boiling situation, he slaughtered Jie and laughed strangely.

"It's interesting. It's interesting! No one dares to talk to me like this for a long time. You are the first one! "

With that, he turned his head and looked at the fox night, and said faintly, "Mr. Fox, this is with you, so I really want to know that his attitude now represents your green hill fox country? Or just for himself? "

This is a very clever remark.

If fox night does not want to intervene in this matter, as long as he only represents himself, then this matter has nothing to do with Qingqiu fox country.

This is also the intention of killing, after all, he does not want to fall out with Fox night.

He felt that the future successor of Qingqiu fox country could see through his intention.

And as long as they are in a normal mind, they will make the right choice.

However, in the face of the fierce slaughter, fox night shrugged slightly and said with a smile: "although I don't want to say it, his words also represent my meaning!"

This response not only made the killing stunned, but also shocked the father and son of the Li skeleton and the fierce spirit.

Is this a fight with the white tigers?

Just for a humble maid?

Li slaughter is worthy of being a patriarch who has experienced great storms and waves. He soon regained his consciousness, and then he spoke his words as cold as ice.

"Fox night, I hope you can think clearly what your words mean! Is it worth fighting against the white tigers for a humble family? "

"Humble people?" Fox night is just like hearing the most ridiculous joke in the world, wanton laugh.

In the laughter, many elite of the white tiger people gathered in silence and were ready.

Smile for a full minute, fox night just gradually convergence smile, and then a narrow face to see Xue an.

"Lao Xue, do you hear me? He called you a lowly race! I'm really laughing, ha ha ha

Xue an didn't even have a trace of expression, just looked at the distant slaughter with the eyes without waves.

"In that case, they..." Xue an refers to the women of Yutu nationality.

"You've made all of this?"

"So what?" The slaughter was full of anger, and his voice was cold.

Because he really didn't expect that a good dinner would turn into what it is now.

In order to be a humble maid, some people slaughtered their own people in front of their own faces, and then even the people of the fox kingdom in Qingqiu fell out with themselves.

All this upset him, and his anger even made the whole void of the white tiger land tremble.

"Good, just admit it!" Xue an nodded, then lowered his head to see the Yutu Banshee with tears on her face.

"Are there any of them?"

The Yutu Banshee cried and nodded, unable to speak.

"Don't cry, and then you'll see how I made them pay for their actions."

With that, Xue an looked around the audience, and a cold smile appeared in the corner of her mouth.

"All of you, you must die!"

As soon as the words were said, without waiting for the fierce slaughter to react, he jumped out first and roared: "where's the boy who dare to act wild in the land of the white tiger people? I'm going to kill you today

Then he pounced on him.

Although the strength of this fierce spirit is not as good as Ao Yi, the Immortal King's body, it is also quite good.

Especially because of the addition of white tiger blood, he is far more powerful than the same level of human friars.This is why he dare to be so arrogant.

Especially at the moment, in front of the patriarch and the elders of the clan, if you kill the white boy who jumps out of the family at one stroke, it will be good for your prestige.

Holding this idea, the fierce spirit rushed to Xue an with a grim smile. His eyes were full of excited and cruel light.

His speed can be described as extremely fast, only a moment, he has crossed most of the banquet hall, rushed to Xue an near.

Can not wait for him to have further reaction, but see Xue an suddenly in the time of no time to raise his hand, it is a slap in the face.


After a sharp and sour sound, the fierce and fierce spirit just as fierce as a broken kite was directly fanned out.

And in the air, he couldn't help spitting out several mouthfuls of blood.

This scene made the white tiger people a little agitated.


The fierce spirit can fall to the ground. Looking at him at this time, half of his face is swollen and bigger than his head. His eyes are full of bitterness.

He's going crazy.

What's going on these days?

Why don't you go with anyone?

First of all, Ao Yi almost broke her face. Now, she is still in front of all the people.

How could it not have made him resentful.

Xue an, however, seemed to fly a mole ant, even his eyelids did not blink. He said lightly: "continue!"

"Die for me!" Li Feiling is on the verge of madness. His eyes are bloodshot and his bones are banging. Then he shows his original form.

He ran is a majestic white tiger.

And then she's staring at him coldly.

The fierce spirit, speed and power of the noumenon state are more than twice as powerful as before.

Even many people did not have time to react, only to see a white light straight to Xue an.

Xue an is still, as if he has settled down.

Many people sneer in their hearts.

This kid is dead!

But the next moment, these faces on the sneer will be frozen.

Because just at the moment when the white light just rushed to Xue an, a palm carved from sapphire appeared out of thin air and directly grasped the white light. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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