However, only a few months later, when Xue an again faced with the same half step Immortal Emperor's fierce slaughter, he was already able to handle the rest of the white tiger people together.

The growth rate of this strength is simply astounding.

All the white tiger people are like flimsy puppets, which are ignited in an instant and then turned into nothingness.

It was so fast that these people couldn't even scream.

Seeing such a horrible scene, Xue an's swordsmanship forced him to fight with a fierce slaughter. He could not help but hiss and roared.

"Xue an, you're a cruel man!"

"Cruel?" Xue an cold smile, and then a finger has seen silly rabbit banshee, "compared with your means, seems to be a little worse!"

At the same time.

Feeling the real threat of death, he was finally afraid. He exclaimed, "Xue an, you are going to kill all the white tiger people. Is this OK? Do you have to fight for a death net? "

Xue an said faintly: "you are wrong. You are not a fish, and I am not a net! And since you didn't cherish the opportunity given to you before, don't blame me! "

After that, Xue an held up his sword and pointed to the sky. The red lotus fire spread over the whole body of the sword immediately, and then he cut it out with one sword.

This sword with the red lotus industry fire, with the supreme splendor straight to the slaughter.

The power of the force, though not yet near, has made the slaughter heartbreaking.

"Xue an, you are so reckless that you will be attacked one day!"

Said, the fierce butcher put together the whole body's cultivation, regardless of everything to welcome up.

It's not that he doesn't want to run, but he knows better than anyone that in this level of battle, which side runs first means which side is going to die.

After all, when we reach this level, all the empty moves have already failed.

Therefore, although the fierce slaughter was full of fear, it could only be forced to rush up.


This loud noise directly destroyed the whole banquet hall, even most of the white tiger people.

The shock wave even pushed fox night far away.

Wait until everything calms down a little, and then watch.

I saw the butcher dressed in rags and standing in the same place in a mess. However, he did not dare to move.

Because a long sword like autumn water was on top of his throat, and the tip of the sword had even pierced his skin, making it exude a drop of bright red blood beads.

Li butcher carefully swallowed his mouth, and then squeezed out a very flattering smile on his face.

"Big My Lord, I know my sin. Can you spare my life? "

But his last word was just finished.

Just a dull thump.

But as soon as Xue an's hand passed forward, the sword pierced his throat and came out of his back neck.

The expression on butcher's face froze for a moment, and then he fixed his eyes on Xue an with infinite resentment. His mouth opened and he wanted to speak, but he couldn't say a word.

"I'm sorry, I said to kill you all over the door, that is to kill you all over the door, only one person can't do it!"

Xue an light way, and then suddenly back a sword.

The blood gushed out like a spring, and the life of killing also disappeared with it.

Xue an's sword destroyed not only his body, but also his spirit.

Therefore, the throat of Li butcher can only giggle a few whimpers, and then slowly fall to the ground, showing the original shape.

It's a sick tiger that has lost most of its hair.

So far.

The banquet hall, which had just been very busy, became a dead end.

All the high-level of the white tiger clan has been swept away, which means that this race will be removed from the demon clan.

This group of jade rabbit demons have been silly.

In particular, the jade rabbit Banshee looked at xue'an in amazement.

It was not until the slaughter that she was completely killed that she shivered and burst into tears.

In the cry, there was a sense of relief after years of revenge, as well as endless sadness after being humiliated. However, most of them were still yearning for the long-awaited picture and the joy of reality.

Because they know that at the beginning of that arrogant world, invincible Honglian adult, finally came back!

Even fox night could not help mumbling: "I wipe, so windy? Talk and laugh, then destroy a strong race? It seems that Lao Xue's method is much stronger than before when he comes back this time! "

At the same time.

Xue an turned her head slowly, her eyes slightly tired.

Although he had lost his courage, he was also a strong man of banbuxian emperor. With the whole white tiger people, even Xue an felt a little pressure.

"How about Lao Xue? Can you hold on? Do you have to go into a coma again? " Fox night said with a smile."Go away!" Xue an laughed and scolded, then lowered his head to look at these jade rabbit banshees and said in a soft voice, "tell me, what's going on? How could you be arrested by the white tigers? "

"Yes, my Lord!" The lead of the jade rabbit Banshee should a, and then the voice trembling about the past.

It turns out that since Xue an's body fell in the xianzun catastrophe, the forces under his control also disintegrated.

Those with strong strength may become king by themselves, or disappear, or even turn to the enemy camp.

The strength of the jade rabbits is the lowest. Naturally, they know that if they stay like this, they will surely cause trouble, so they escape at the first time.

Because of the talent of watching the wind and Qi, the jade rabbits followed the observed direction to the demon clan after escaping.

They wanted to join the dragon clan, but they didn't expect that they were stopped by the white tigers on the way, and then there was a fierce battle between the two sides.

With the strength of the jade rabbit clan, how could it be the opponent of these tiger demons? Therefore, after only one face-to-face, the jade rabbit clan was beaten to death, including the clan leader and the elders.

In the end, they were the only women left, and then they were imprisoned and humiliated to this day.

After listening to the story, Xue an's face was as heavy as water, and a cold chance of killing flashed in his eyes.

"In this way, you were intercepted on the way to the dragon clan?"


"Good! It seems that these loaches are really impatient to live! "

With a wave of his hand, a flash of light flew over the heads of these jade rabbit banshees, then dispersed and disappeared into everyone's body.

In the blink of an eye, these scarred hares returned to normal.

"How about it? Are you ready to walk? " Asked Xue an.

These banshees knelt down and saluted, "thank you for your help. We are all back to normal."

Xue an nodded. "That's good!"

Then Xue an turned around and said faintly, "go!"

"Go to find these loaches and ask the truth!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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