Although it is not yet the time for celebration, the ancestral land of the Dragon nationality has become very lively.

Nearly all the demon clans have arrived, only some of them are still on the way. Not only that, but also some secret demon clans who have not been born for a long time have written back to say that they want to participate in the celebration.

In a word, the momentum of the celebration and the number of guests coming and going exceeded the expectation of the dragon people.

The most fundamental reason for all this is because of Ao Shu.

After all, at the age of 17 years old, she was promoted to the realm of daruo, which is enough to show how amazing the talent of the three dragon princesses is.

In fact, the vast majority of the people who came to attend the ceremony were young Junyan of various demon clans.

These people come here for only one purpose, that is to find a way to pick off the beautiful flower of the dragon clan.

Among the three princesses of the dragon clan, Aoqing, the eldest princess, has been guarding the Holy Land and has made it clear that she will not marry.

Although Ao Yi, the second princess, has no such oath, her madness is well known. Who dares to provoke such existence.

That is to say, among the three princesses, only Ao Shu is the most suitable candidate.

The reason why many demon clans covet her is not only because of her powerful talent, but more importantly, if you become her lover, it means that the whole dragon clan will become your solid backing.

Such a step-by-step opportunity, these from the big demon clan, ambitious young people naturally do not want to give up.

That's why they rushed to the ancestral land of the dragon people. They wanted to see the three princesses of the dragon family one step at a time and try to make a good impression in their mind.

Unfortunately, these people's wishful thinking all failed.

Because no matter whether it comes sooner or later, no one has seen the third Dragon Princess.

Only then did the elder of the Dragon nationality reveal the truth with a smile.

It turns out that Princess long San followed the second princess Ao Yi to see their elder sister in the holy land of the dragon people. At the moment, she was not in the ancestral land of the dragon people. She would not come back until the day of celebration.

Hearing this news, these young Junyan from various demon clans are inevitably disappointed.

But then the people were back on their feet.

Because since there is no way to do a good relationship in advance, we can only wait for the celebration to compete with each other's strength.

For a moment, the atmosphere became subtle.

Because these people are very clear, now there is a calculate one, as long as they are in the ancestral land of the dragon people, they may be their opponents.

So mutual suspicion and calculation have reached a peak.

All kinds of infighting and gang building are just endless.

Even some of them have already been waiting in the void outside the ancestral land of the dragon clan. Their purpose is to drive away the new comers as much as possible.

After all, in this case, just one less person means one less competitor.

For this situation, the elders of the dragon clan naturally saw it in their eyes, but they were all very tacit and did not intervene.

Because the elder said clearly, since these people want to be the three Princesses' favorite, they should first show their own strength and sincerity.

So in this kind of almost tacit consent, the whole ancestral land of the dragon people fell into a strange atmosphere.


In a void thousands of miles away from the ancestral land of the dragon clan, several demon men with double horns or tails are chatting together.

"Tut Tut, I think it's better to call the third Dragon Princess's marriage meeting for this celebration. Before I even saw the princess's face, the fight was in full swing." A man with long, jagged horns on his head sneered.

"That's right. These guys are just like crazy. Even some vegetable chickens who are not even real fairies join in the fun. Don't they know how to pee and look at the mirror?" Another man with spots on his face said.

"Maybe I'm gambling on my own luck, in case the third Dragon Princess likes it!" A fellow with a pig's tail nearby sneered.

"Ha ha, if you want me to say that they are all wishful thinking people, there are only a few people who really hope to succeed in this celebration."

Then he listened to the man who began to speak with a flattering smile: "or we must say that we snake master has a strategy. We will send us here to explore the wind and drive all those irrelevant people away. Therefore, I think that the only one who can really win this time is Mr. snake!"

"Yes Everyone nodded.

Just as he was talking, a white light suddenly swept to the crowd. After the light had dissipated, a handsome young man in black appeared.

As soon as the man appeared in the scene, he said with a smile: "what do you say about me behind my back?"

As soon as they saw him, they bowed down and saluted.

"Childe"Yes, sir."

The snake boy waved, "OK, don't be so polite when you go out! What are you talking about just now

A man stepped forward with a big smile on his face and said, "we are talking about this celebration, and we all agree that you will defeat everyone and win the beauty home in the end."

"Yes, yes, yes!" They all nodded and said yes.

"It's still too early to say these words, but I think those guys are just mediocre people, and they have nothing to worry about! After all, who can compare with me in family background or appearance? "

His words are not vain. After all, the snake clan is a big clan among the demon clans.

Whether it is talent, blood or strength, it can be called first-class.

And this snake childe is the most favorite young master among the snake family.

This time, the whole ethnic group has been backed up, so we are naturally full of confidence.

His words were full of arrogance.

The helpers are naturally flattering.

The snake boy was very satisfied, then he said with a smile, "how about it? Did anyone come while you were waiting here? "

"Mr. Hui, there are indeed many people who have come, but according to your order, except those who sincerely celebrate, we have driven the rest away!"

"Good! Well done He nodded and patted the leader on the shoulder.

"When it's done, I won't treat you badly."

"Thank you very much," he said

He was about to turn around and leave. At this moment, a star boat suddenly broke through the void and appeared in the distant void.

The star boat came so quickly that it almost rushed to the crowd in the blink of an eye.

Awed by the momentum, these men could not help but look frightened and retreated one after another. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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