The sweat on the elder's forehead has been clearly identified, and the dragon people behind him are also frightened.

The dragon clan, known as the first demon clan in the heavens, was frightened by a man on his own territory at the moment.

No one would believe this, but it is.

"Red Lord Honglian, this matter has nothing to do with my dragon clan. I can assure you of this point! " The elder said with difficulty.

Xue an's face was calm, without sorrow or joy, as if he had not heard the elder's words at all.

But it is this kind of calm, but let the atmosphere in the field extremely depressed.

The elder opened his mouth and was about to continue to say something. At this time, he only heard an excited shout from the distant sky.

"Wow, you scum man, how dare you come to our dragon clan? I will not teach you a lesson today

With the words, but see a flash of light to the lightning to Xue an near, and do not wait for the public to react, then one after another out of two punches.

The fists are fierce and intimidating.

Everyone was surprised.

But Xue an did not even blink his eyelids, slightly to the side of the body and then evaded the two punches.

Until this time, people just see that the punch is a woman with a face full of excitement and madness.

"Two The second princess There was a cry of surprise.

Yes, it is the second Dragon Princess Ao Yi who fights Xue anda without asking.

At the same time, after two punches failed one after another, the Ao Yi still did not have any intention of stopping his hand. Instead, he took the first half step, which was a series of fists and kicks.

Every move and every form went straight to Xue an's key point, and he was reckless and full of crazy spirit.

Xue an is like a duckweed in the storm, hiding from the left and flashing right. It seems that she is in danger of capsizing at any time.

But at this time, aoyi suddenly stopped attacking, and then stepped back a few steps, his face sunk like a waterway: "surnamed Xue, why don't you fight back all the time?"

Xue an smiles, "because I'm afraid to hurt you."

"Don't talk nonsense. You always give up on my sister, and her affectionate feelings are all wrongly paid. Today, if you say that the next day comes, I have to let you know how powerful my aunt is!"

Ao Yi, who felt despised, was furious and rushed up again.

And the whole audience was boiling with her words.

"What? Honglian xianzun always abandons Ao Yi's sister? So, the rumor was true? " Someone said in dismay.

But more people are desperate.

After all, many of them came here for the sake of Ao Shu, the third princess of the dragon. However, they did not expect to hear the news at this moment.

Xue an frowned slightly and said in a deep voice, "Ao Yi, I hope you don't talk nonsense. I have nothing to do with your sister, and I can't give up on her all the time!"

However, Ao Yi didn't listen to that one at all. He attacked crazily and roared at the same time: "at this time, he didn't admit it. He's really an irresponsible slag man. Let's die!"

Ao Yi is a real Immortal King Xiuwei, and because of the blessing of the dragon family blood, her strength is far higher than that of the same level. In addition, with all her efforts at the moment, she actually forced Xue an to retreat.

The elders of the dragon clan watched from behind and could not help admiring the great elder's foresight and sagacity from the bottom of their hearts.

, "the elders, you are really like a torch, but you can think of two princesses to deal with Xue An." An elder actually flattered me.

But at the moment, the elder didn't feel complacent. On the contrary, his face was extremely ugly, and his eyes were fixed on the situation in the field.

When he heard the elder's flattery, he growled, "shut up! Now hurry to find the third princess, let her stop the second princess this madman, do not fight again

"Why?" The elder actually asked a question.

"You fool, if there is no white tiger clan, the second princess may really be able to stop xue'an, but now xue'an is coming for his own people, and he suspects that we, the dragon clan, are also involved in it. If you force him to hurry up, what will happen is really unpredictable!"

The words of the elder awakened the dreamer.

Sure enough.

At the moment, xue'an's face began to sink.

He didn't want to fight with this crazy woman, but she was so aggressive that the clay figurine had three points of fire, let alone Xue an.

Therefore, he said coldly: "you believe it or not, anyway, the fact is like this. If you dare to be presumptuous, be careful that I will calm you down now."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Ao Yi burst out a nervous laugh, completely ignoring Xue an's words, but the offensive became more and more violent.

Xue an's eyes grew colder and stopped abruptly. He did not dodge any more and met Ao Yi's fist.

Ao Yi's eyes showed a touch of excitement.But the next second, the excitement turned into consternation.

Because Xue an in nearly impossible time, suddenly raised his hand to block Ao Yi's fist.


The blow seemed to hit a wall of copper and iron. Aoyi didn't even respond to it, so he was shocked out.

But this is just the beginning. At the moment when she was shaken out, Xue an cheated her and came directly to her back. Then she would start.

Ao Yi felt the chill behind her. She wanted to dodge, but she was frightened to find that she was locked in by Xue an's mind and couldn't move at all.

At this critical juncture, there is another Guanghua rushing to the scene, and before it falls, a panic female voice comes from it.

"Brother Honglian, be merciful

As soon as the voice came out, Xue an's eyes flashed, and then he flashed to the other side. Ao Yi got rid of the blockade and fell down.

At the same time, Guanghua scattered, showing a beautiful girl wearing a lotus green shirt, skin like blood clotting.

At the moment, the girl's eyes are full of tears, and she looks at Xue an.

Xue an smile, and then nodded to her, "shu'er girl!"

This simple and extreme address makes Ao Shu several want to cry, because she has seen this scene in her dream more than once.

Especially after hearing the sad news of Xue an's fall, she woke up from her tears almost every night.

But when this scene really happens, the people who miss every day and night really stand in front of themselves.

Aoshu suddenly felt a strong sense of unreal.

All these emotions mixed together, let her fall into confusion, even can't say a word.

Ao Yi looks at his younger sister, and then stares at Xue an fiercely.

That's obvious. Is that all right?

But Xue an's face is calm, even don't care about this crazy woman.

It is enough for him to have a clear conscience. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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