The scene of Princess long San's meeting with Xue an also makes the atmosphere in the field strange.

Among the dragon people, except Ao Yi, they are all embarrassed.

Especially the elder, he didn't expect things to be like this.

She tried to avoid meeting Xue an, but finally she did.

As for others, they have different ideas.

For example, this snake childe, at the moment, his heart is completely cold to the heel.

Because the deep feeling in Ao Shu's eyes can be seen by a blind man.

This is tantamount to an invisible verdict on him, and all the previous schemes are futile.

It seems that he is not qualified to find himself sad even when he is angry.

Ao Shu has nothing to do with him. He is not qualified to be sad.

As for anger.

Joke, the other party is a super big guy who can't lift his head even under the pressure of the dragon clan. How many lives does he dare to be angry?

His face turned blue with this feeling of incomparable suffocation.

One of the men standing on the side asked in a low voice with great concern: "childe, what's the matter with you? What's the trouble? "

"Shut your mouth to me!" He let out a low roar with gnashing teeth.

The famous hand closed his mouth with grievance on his face, and then murmured in his heart: "I am a deer demon, where has a bird's beak?"

At the same time.

Ao Shu finally managed to calm down the excitement in her heart, aiming at Xue an Ying Ying Ying Li, "Honglian brother, my sister, she has a bad temper. Don't be wise with her!"

"Well, shu'er, who do you say is irascible? I'm starting for you Ao Yi yelled.

"That's enough, sister. Brother Honglian said it right before. There is no such thing between us that you think about!" Ao Shu said with a gloomy face.

"You fool Ao Yi was angry at her sister's words.

Although she sometimes crazy, but not a fool, on the contrary, her IQ is still very high.

Therefore, she is very clear that Xue an has not done anything to her sister. Everything is just wishful thinking of her sister.

But she still has to carry the banner to make her head, because only in this way can she force Xue an to make a statement and fulfill her sister's wish.

But now all the arrangements are destroyed by AO Shu's words, how can she not be angry?

At this time, Xue an suddenly laughed, and then turned to the star boat and called out: "don't you come out? Are you going to hide to the end? "

What do you mean?

Who is he talking to?

The crowd is just a Leng, listen to a light sigh from the star boat.

Then a white light flashed by, and a careless man appeared in the field.

The eyes of the people gradually widened.

This is Tianhu people?

The people from the fox kingdom of Qingqiu are here?

But the biggest reaction is the dragon people.

After seeing this man, he was shocked Fox night? "

Fox night embarrassed smile, and then bow to the big elder, "green hill fox country, fox clan fox night, met the dragon clan elder!"

The look on the elder's face can be said to be wonderful.

There is a little gratification, a few excitement, but more still unknown.

Because he did not understand why the fox night dare to appear here!

Wasn't he afraid to see the dragon people before?

What's more, aoyi is here now!

Sure enough.

Aoyi also looked at Fox night with shock on her face. After a while, her expression gradually became cold, and then a burst of sneer.

"Who should I be? I am the first Playboy in the heavens! Tut Tut, the two scum men are here today. It's really a rare scene to see! "

Fox night slightly a shock, immediately take a deep breath, look up to Ao Yi.

"Second princess, long time no see!"

"Hum!" Ao Yi snorted coldly from nostril, "how? No hiding? How dare you come to see me? Come on, what do you want to do

Is her arrogant ask fox night, a soft an Yan one after another off the star boat.

A rou went straight to Fox night, and then gently took fox night's arm. She asked in a soft voice, "little fox, who are you talking to?"

The atmosphere in the field suddenly became extremely dignified.

Almost everyone can see Ao Yi's crazy eyelids and blue veins on her forehead.

The murderous air was so strong that it was almost suffocating.

"Who is she?" Ao Yi raised a finger to ask a rou.

Fox night at this time instead became extremely calm, with a very calm tone said: "this is my girlfriend, the future wife! Her name is ah Rou

Bang!Scales appear on aoyi's shoulder, which is a sign that she is too excited to control the human form.

"What are you talking about? Do you say that again? " Ao Yihan said in a voice.

"I can say it ten times! Ao Yi, forget it. You look down on me. Why do you care so much about the so-called engagement? Isn't it good to let go of each other? " Fox night deep voice said.

"I don't like it. Even if I look down on you, you can't look for another woman behind my back!" Ao Yi is going to be totally crazy.

And this kind of cultivation ground also let an Yan see very worried, pull Xue an hand, light voice way: "husband, fox night and ah Rou will be ok?"

"Don't worry, it won't, after all, the dragon clan won't let Ao Yi come here!" Said Xue an.

At this time, an Yan suddenly reached Xue an's ear and lowered his voice: "husband, that girl over there has been looking at you!"

Xue an doesn't have to look back to know who it is.

The smile on an Yan's face also made him feel embarrassed, so he could only cough softly and say, "cough, Yan'er, listen to me..."

"Well, don't explain. I'm not such a mean woman!" An Yan said with a smile, and then turned to see Ao Shu.

At the moment of Aoshu, the heart is full of pain, because the appearance of an Yan, broke the last trace of fantasy in her heart.

Even because of an Yan's noble temperament, she can't even make the right idea. She can only look at it in such a daze.

And this kind of delicate and touching poor appearance makes an Yan also can't help but sigh.

For a moment, the whole temple became the ultimate Shura.

The elders of the dragon clan are staring at each other, and they don't know what to do.

I don't know how to persuade you!

Let's do it. The other party is Honglian xianzun and Qingqiu Tianhu!

In this dilemma, a girl's voice sighed: "OK, Yi'er, you should step back first!"

With the voice, but see a woman appeared in the field.

This is a woman in plain white, with picturesque features and a calm temperament all over her body.

The elders of the dragon clan saluted the woman after seeing her.

"See the princess!"

That's right!

It was Aoqing, the eldest princess of the dragon clan, who guarded the origin of the holy land.

Xue an smiles, "OK, the one who can really manage the affairs of the dragon clan is coming!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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