Xue an patted an Yan's hand and motioned with his eyes.

An Yan understood, came forward, took ah Rou's hand and left first.

Xue an came to the fox night and couldn't help laughing: "Fox night, I didn't expect that you were very charming. Even the second princess had deep love for you!"

"Go away, when are you going to make fun of me? I don't need that crazy woman's deep love Fox night is simply gas not hit a place, angry voice said.

Xue an was not moved. Instead, he lowered his voice and said, "shout louder! If Aoqing heard this, what would she think? Don't forget what you came to the dragon clan for

Fox night like a dream to wake up, the arrogance of the flame immediately will be depressed.

"Oh, how can I be so miserable? What can I do now?" He lowered his head and groaned.

Xue an patted him on the shoulder, "OK, there must be a way to the front of the mountain. If not, you will marry the second princess. Then you will enjoy the happiness of the people. Isn't it beautiful?"

Hearing Xue an's words, fox night's mind can not help but imagine his life after marrying Ao Yi, and then excite Lingling to fight a chill.

That picture It's exciting to think about it!

Because the temple had been demolished by these two goods dragon people, Ao Qing led Xue an and others to the holy land where he had been stationed.

This is a space closely connected with the ancestral land of the Dragon nationality, but it is also a heaven and earth of its own.

It is said that the ancestor of the Dragon nationality was bred from this heaven and earth.

But because the time is too long, I don't know whether this legend is true or not.

However, as a holy land of the Dragon nationality, it has been passed down and became the burial place of the white kings of all ages.

Surrounded by these huge mausoleums, there is actually a green and elegant hill.

On the top of the hill is a teahouse.

Ao Qing led xue'an Huye and others and the elder to come here.

"Sit down, please."

Xue an first looked at the mausoleum around the hill, and then sat down.

"It's said that the Lord Honglian likes to drink tea most. This is the best demon tea I specially bought from the tree demon clan. How about the taste of it?"

Said, Aoqing then personally poured a cup of tea for Xue an.

Xue an nodded his thanks, and then picked up the cup and sniffed it. The fragrance of tea was faint and refreshing.

And after a sip, there is a warm current directly into the heart, making the whole body comfortable.

"Good tea!" Xue an couldn't help exclaiming, "I didn't expect that the demon clan also had such good tea!"

Ao Qing said with a smile, "if you like, you can stay with me. When the time comes, not only tea pipes will be enough, but also everything else will be available. Even our dragon clan will spare no effort to help you climb to the top of the sky again! How about it? "

As soon as these words came out, the teahouse suddenly became quiet.

Because people can hear the implication of Ao Qing.

Standing behind her sister, Aoshu's nervous palms were sweating. She lowered her head and did not dare to look at xue'an, but prayed silently in her heart.

Lord Dragon God, bless Honglian brother will agree!

Unfortunately, her Dragon God can't help Xue an.

Under the public's attention, Xue an didn't even lift her eyelids. She said faintly, "thank you for your kindness. But if I want to have tea, I can buy it myself. As for climbing to the top again..."

Xue an smile, "I lost things, of course, is to take back their own, do not need others to help!"

Although Xue an had been expected to refuse, but after hearing it, Ao Shu couldn't help shivering, and tears appeared in her eyes.

Ao Qing sighs lightly, "really do not consider?"

Xue an slowly leaned on the back of the chair, picked up an Yan's hand sitting on one side, gently kneaded it, and said faintly, "what do you say?"

Ao Qing was silent for a moment and nodded, "OK, I understand!"

Then her tone changed, "but I don't know what happened to Honglian when she came to our ancestral land of the dragon people so hard?"

Without hesitation, Xue an said directly, "one of my subordinates belongs to Jiaolong. Because she was seriously injured, she lost most of her vitality. So I want her to enter the holy land of the dragon clan and help her recover!"

"No way!" Ao Qing did not hesitate, and refused Xue an.

Xue an was slightly stunned.

Ao Qing said faintly: "if the red lotus adult comes here because of this matter, then don't say it again. In short, it is absolutely impossible!"

"Why?" Xue an can't help but ask.

Ao Qing was silent for a moment and then said slowly, "because only the dragon people can enter the holy land, and no one else can enter without permission."

"But Xiaosha is also a dragon!" An Yan said.

Ao Qing's face showed a look of ridicule, "can Jiaolong belong to the dragon clan?""Not really?"


Speaking of this, Ao Qing picked up the teacup in front of him, sipped it gently, and then said, "Lord Honglian, if there are other things I can do for you, this is not the only thing!"

Xue an looked at Ao Qing, his eyes flickering, as if thinking about something, did not speak.

Ao Shu can't help but say: "elder sister..."

"Needless to say, it's useless for anyone to ask for help in this matter." Ao Qing cut the railway.

All of a sudden, the situation fell into a deadlock, and there was silence in the teahouse.

Even the look of the elder became a little unnatural.

Finally, Xue an slowly sat up straight, looking at Ao Qing opposite with a smile, "good! Since the eldest princess says so, I'll break my mind and let this matter be exposed. "

An Yan was surprised at the speech.

What do you mean?

Husband, is this not going to save Xiaosha?

Ao Qing didn't expect Xue an to give up directly. He was stunned.

At the same time, Xue an went on to say, "I have one more thing to ask the eldest princess, which should be OK."

Ao Qing nodded, "please speak!"

Xue an leaned forward with his arms on the table in front of him. He looked at Ao Qing with bright eyes and said, "but I don't know the whereabouts of the emperor's pulping?"

As soon as this speech came out, Aoqing's whole body was shocked, and his expression of dispirited mood also changed greatly.

"Emperor Liujiang? What do you want to do with emperor Liujiang Ao Qing said in a trembling voice.

Xue an light way: "very simple, because want to save a person!"

Ao Qing was silent and finally shook his head. He said in an astringent voice, "I'm sorry, I don't know!"

Speaking of this, she murmured with bewildered eyes: "in fact, in today's sky, no one should know the whereabouts of emperor Liujiang!"

The atmosphere became extremely dull.

Fox night is full of despair, because if even the eldest princess of the dragon clan doesn't know the whereabouts of emperor Liujiang, it means that this ethereal thing may not exist at all.

But at this time, Xue an suddenly sneered: "so even you can only watch the Dragon holy land die?"

As soon as this speech came out, it was like a stone breaking the sky, which made Ao Qing all turn pale.

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