"You You... " Ao Qing's incoherent words, you did not say why for a long time, obviously has been completely shocked.

"Do you want to ask, how can I know this? Is that right? " Xue an's understatement.

Aoqing did not speak, but his eyes had already explained everything.

Xue an stood up and went to the window of the tea pavilion. Outside the window was a huge mausoleum like a mountain, where the bones of the white kings of all dynasties were buried.

Xue an looked up at the tombs and said, "if I'm not wrong, the origin of the so-called holy land is actually formed by the blood of the white kings of the past dynasties! After their death, their blood and strength did not dissipate, but returned to this place and became the holy land of the dragon clan

Ao Qing did not know what to say, including the great elder.

Because this is the core secret of the dragon people.

Now they are told by Xue an. How can they not be shocked.

At this time, Xue an went on: "don't wonder why I know this, because I've been aware of this since I entered this space."

With that, Xue an raised his hand to the tombs and said in a deep voice, "these tombs It's clear that he's dying

Mausoleums were originally dead, but now Xue an describes them with the four words "keep dying".

But after hearing these words, Ao Qing lowered his head slowly, with a sad look on his face.

"Because the origin of the holy land is made up of the tombs of the white king, their death means that the origin of the holy land is gradually disappearing. Am I right? The eldest princess

Xue an turns around and looks at Ao Qing with bright eyes.

Ao Qing was silent for a moment, and finally nodded with difficulty, "yes, the power of the first king is indeed disappearing, and the origin of the holy land can not support for several years!"

"So you're staying here, trying to hold on to the world, to slow their death? Even if It requires you to give your life, even if you don't care? "

If Xue an's words before that only let Ao Qing feel puzzled and shocked, then now this speech makes Ao Qing completely speechless.

She couldn't imagine how she knew that.

It was clear that none of them had told them.

Even the great elder knows nothing about it.

Now Xue an has broken the mystery.

She sat there almost numbly.

The elder responded first, and then exclaimed: "princess, is it true what the Lord Honglian said? Are you really guarding the holy land at the cost of your own life? "

So far, concealment has no use, so Aoqing nodded slowly.


This time, the elder sat on the chair with a pale face and could not even speak.

Aoshu was even more when she cried.

She suddenly felt that she was useless, because a little bit of small things to hide in the secret to shut up, but also think that she is very powerful.

The result is that the elder sister will bear all the pressure silently.

Xue an sighs, "is this really worth it?"

Ao Qing smiles bitterly, "what can we do if it's not worth it? As you said, the spirit of the former king is constantly dying, and the origin of the holy land is rapidly disappearing. In a few years, it will become a desolate land, and the holy land of the dragon people will no longer exist. "

Speaking of this, Aoqing's eyes showed a tiny invisible tear, "by then, without the protection of the former king, the dragon clan will become a hopeless ethnic group, and such an ethnic group is doomed to be unable to last for a long time. Therefore, in order to survive the dragon clan, I will not hesitate to pay all I have to pay!"

"Even if it can only be postponed for a while?" Said Xue an.

Ao Qing nodded, "yes, even if delay one second more, it is also meaningful!"

Xue an is silent.

This dragon eldest princess's perseverance is simply moving.

As for AO Shu, she was already weeping.

Even the great elder was red in his eyes and bowed his head.

Xue an sighed, "that's why you refused me?"

"Yes, because the present strength of the holy land is not enough to support a training! So I'm sorry. " Ao Qing said calmly.

At this time, Xue an suddenly said, "then why does the origin of Holy Land disappear suddenly? What is the reason for all this? "


Why did the spirit of Xianwang, who had been in good condition for countless years, suddenly began to die, and the origin of the holy land was constantly disappearing. What was the reason for all this?

Holding these questions, everyone looked at Ao Qing.

Ao Qing was silent for a moment, then gently shook his head, "I don't know, but I have a guess!"

"All this is probably related to Emperor Liujiang!""Emperor Liujiang?" Xue an was slightly stunned and asked a question.

"Yes! Because the emperor is boiling

Ao Qing said slowly: "since the disaster of the moon five thousand years ago, Emperor Liujiang has never appeared again, and since then, the development of demon clan has almost stopped! After that, there was a battle to seal off demons, and my father fell in this battle

"Since then, the origin of the holy land began to dissipate gradually, but at the beginning, the speed was so slow that people didn't even notice it, but the speed in the back was faster and faster, and finally reached the point where it is out of control now!"

Aoqing's words moved everyone.

Because of the disaster of the moon, the battle of sealing demons is a very important event in the history of the demon clan.

I didn't expect that the origin of the holy land was also closely related to these two events.

But Xue an did not show much surprise. His eyes flickered and he seemed to be thinking about something. Only a moment later, he narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice.

"That is to say, as long as you find the emperor's pulping, you can solve all the problems?"

Ao Qing shakes his head and smiles bitterly? In order to search for the emperor's blood, I don't know how many amazing and brilliant people in the demon clan have devoted their whole lives to finding the emperor's blood, but they are still in vain in the end! "

"Even I have looked for it more than once, but I have no clue! That's why I gave up the idea, because emperor Liujiang may not exist any more! "

At the hearing of the speech, they all looked desperate.

Ah Rou could not help but lower her head.

But Xue an quite confidently shook his head, "words can not be said so absolutely, since it has appeared, that means it will certainly appear."

"So now there is only one question, that is, what is the battle of demons?"

After that, Xue an's eyes were shining on AO Qing.

Ao Qing pondered for a moment, and finally said with a wry smile, "forget it, there is no need to hide it up to now."

She raised her head and looked at xue'an with a solemn face.

"For many years, the specific details of this battle have been hidden, and even become a taboo among demon clans. However, the truth is very simple, that is, the big demon clans fight to fight for the last party and leave the secret place with the smell of emperor's blood slurry!"

"So simple?"

"That's it!"

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