Next, Ao Qing gave a brief account of the process of the battle for demons. After listening, Xue an was silent and thought for a moment before he said it.

"That is to say, this war ended with the tragic victory of the dragon clan, and the secret place will be owned by you?"

Aoqing nodded and said with a sad smile: "yes, my father was seriously injured because of this war, and he died soon! As for the secret place... "

Ao Qing shook his head. "I know what you're thinking, but over the years, our dragon clan has explored the secret place for thousands of times, but there is no clue about the emperor's blood flow, so this road is not feasible!"

The third princess Ao Shu, who was standing on one side, could not help nodding. "Yes, brother Honglian, I was shut up in that secret place for a long time, and I didn't find any difference either!"

Xue an's eyes flashed slightly and said slowly, "it may not be. You can't find it. It doesn't mean I can't find it either."

Ao Qing sighed and just wanted to speak.

But at this time, Aoqing suddenly felt a trace of vibration from the depths of his own blood.

This does not ban her for one Leng, then Huoran and rise, blurt out: "is Yi son?"

Not only she, but also the third princess Aoshu also felt the shock from her blood. She could not help but open her eyes and said, "it's the second elder sister's breath! What's wrong with her, second sister? "

The whole teahouse was quiet in an instant.

Aoqing's face was iron green. After carefully feeling it, he was suddenly shocked, "it's a secret place! Yi'er's breath comes from the secret place

"Princess, what happened? Second princess, what's wrong with her The elder couldn't help asking.

Aoqing took a deep breath and said quickly: "just now, my three sisters and I both felt a shock from the deep blood. It was the breath of Yi'er. But this kind of blood feeling will not be used unless it is extremely urgent. That is to say, Yi'er may encounter something!"

"What?" The elder exclaimed, then he said angrily: "who dares to do harm to the second princess? And it's still in the secret place of our dragon people? "

"I don't know, but it's urgent. We need to get there right away!" Ao Qing said and turned to see Xue an.

"Lord Honglian, would you like to go with us?"

"Of course Xue an nodded. "We also have responsibility for the second princess. Naturally, we are duty bound."

"Well, it's not too late. We'll start at once."

With these words, the party immediately flew up and left the holy land of the Dragon nationality, and then came to the secret place in the vast void.

Time back five minutes ago.

In the secret land of the dragon people not far from the sea of Stardust, a figure suddenly appears.

It is aoyi, the second princess who just left in the ancestral land of the Dragon nationality.

Her face was full of grief and indignation.

What had just happened flashed through her mind like a lantern.

In particular, fox night's joyful expression after hearing the divorce makes Ao Yi, who has never experienced real setbacks since childhood, become mad.

"Asshole, men are all big assholes! How dare you give up marriage with me, fox night, you are a real big bastard, pig brain ah ah ah

Ao Yi waved his fists and feet with indignation on his face and imagined the air in front of him into the hateful smile of fox night.

After a hysterical vent, Ao Yi finally sat on the ground panting, then grinned and began to cry.

The cry is extremely sad, as if to vent all the grievances in the heart through tears.

While crying, aoyi sobbed and cursed.

"Fox Fox night, you are a big bastard, big pig hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof

But when she was crying, the ground which was dripping by her tears suddenly had shallow ripples.

The ripples were very slight at the beginning, even Ao Yi didn't feel it.

But soon, the ripples became strong and gradually spread far away.

Aware of the strange Ao Yi can not help but stop crying, looking at the scene in front of her with consternation.

At the same time, the whole secret ground began to ripple, as if suddenly changed into water, and exuded a soft light.

"This What is this? " Ao Yi opened her eyes and whispered.

The voice just fell, suddenly, in the sky appeared a round of bright moon as big as the sun.

The full moon is as bright as jade, and it will be a piece of silver shining on the ground of rippling secret land.

Ao Yi was completely shocked by the spectacle in front of her.


She suddenly thought of something, could not help but the whole body huge shock, and then took off the mouth and said: "emperor's slurry flow!"

The voice became hoarse because of excessive excitement.

But it seemed to be disturbed by her words. The originally prosperous moonlight suddenly flickered, and the whole secret place trembled with it, and there was a faint image of collapse.Ao Yi was shocked.

But now she has been searching for the whole demon family for thousands of years.

If because of their own words and startled away the only clue, then their own hundred deaths are also to blame.

In a hurry, she immediately urged the whole body of blood force, through this blood medium to spread the information.

But at this time everything is fading like the tide.

The full moon fades away.

Ao Yi saw the appearance of a bite of teeth, and then the heart a horizontal, directly toward the scene of the fading away.

In full urging, aoyi's speed can be said to be extremely fast, even so, she is just able to catch up with the last ray of light.

But at this time, everything is speeding up convergence, and it will disappear completely.

Ao Yi cried out, "don't go

Then, with a sudden dash forward, the whole body suddenly disappeared into the brilliance, and then all the visions disappeared.

Once again, the secret place was calm, but at this time the whole world had no trace of Ao Yi.

Apart from the tears on the ground, it seemed that she had never appeared.

At this time, Aoqing and Aoshu felt the shock of their blood, and then they went to the secret place with Xue an and others.

And at the same time, somewhere far away in the demon race.

A large demon hiding in the dark suddenly opened his eyes, eyes like electricity across the sky, even the space to be stirred out of layers of fine lines.

"Emperor Liujiang? Is it the smell of the emperor's pulping that has disappeared for a long time? "

The big demon's excited voice trembled, and then he couldn't help laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha, it's the way of heaven and man. Emperor Liujiang still exists in the world! At that time, if I break through the first realm, I will become a demon

But at this time, in this crazy laughter, suddenly came a enchanting female voice.

"What's so happy about?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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