With the words, the boundless darkness suddenly became resplendent, because a giant centipede with golden light all over suddenly climbed in.

Then the centipede turned into a charming beauty, and she looked at it like silk.

But for such a scene which should have been a feast for the eyes, the demon's eyes grew colder and said in a cold voice, "Queen qianzu, why did you come to me all of a sudden?"

"Cluck, cluck, cluck!" The queen of thousand feet covered her mouth with a smile, and then glanced at the demon with all kinds of amorous feelings, "sanzuwu, what are you so afraid of me for? Can I eat you

With that, the queen licked her red lips.

"Hum! Queen qianzui, you and I will not invade the river water. Naturally, the king of birds will not be afraid of you, so you'd better give me less of this set! " Sanzuwu sneered, his eyes glimmering brilliance.

As a bird of heaven and sun in ancient legend, the sanzuwu is full of natural confidence.

"Well, I don't know people? You and I have been under the same people at least. How can the well water not invade the river? " The words of the queen of thousands of nationalities.

As soon as this speech came out, sanzuwu couldn't help turning pale and said in a grim voice: "thousand feet, what do you mean by that?"

"I don't have any consciousness. I just want to remind you that our once loyal master has been reborn, and as a betrayer of him, how do you say he will deal with us?" Thousand feet queen light way.

"I don't need you to remind me of these things, and I'm not afraid of him, so you'd better take care of yourself."

"Oh? Are you really afraid of him? " The queen of thousand feet said with a smile: "then how did you get up in this wild place

Sanzuwu was furious, "qianzu, what do you mean?"

Qianzu queen said lightly: "it's not interesting, but suddenly heard a news that Xue Anye has appeared in the ancestral land of the dragon clan."

Sanzuwu shuddered all over, and her face turned pale. "What? He's already here? "

The queen scoffed, "don't you say you're not afraid?"

Sanzuwu's face gradually darkened, but did not speak.

The queen of qianzu didn't care. She said to herself, "as his subordinates, I believe you should be very clear about his temperament. Do you think that he who came back from birth and killed the five elements evil emperor just after he had just testified to the Immortal King, would let us go?"

Sanzuwu thought for a moment, and finally shook his head with a livid complexion

"It's not estimated that it won't, but it certainly won't, because you and I all know what happened to the jade rabbits at the beginning."

Qianzuwu's words made her face more and more ugly. She couldn't help but say, "what do you want to say?"

"It's very simple. The reason why I come to see you is that there is only one way to survive, that is, we should unite to deal with Xue an, otherwise, we will die!" The queen of thousand feet said in a deep voice.

Sanzuwu lowered his head and began to think carefully.

The queen of qianzuwu was not in a hurry. She waited quietly because she believed that as long as sanzuwu was not a fool, she would make the right choice.

Sure enough.

After thinking for a long time, sanzuwu finally made up his mind and said, "I can cooperate with you, and I have a way to not only live, but also kill Xue an directly and replace him!"

"What?" Now it's the Queen's turn to be shocked.

Sanzuwu took a deep breath, "but the premise is that you must obey my command and take me as the master, otherwise everything will be wasted. Understand?"

The queen took a deep look at sanzuwu and found that he was not joking, and finally nodded with hesitation.

"I can promise you, but if you play me, I will kill you at all costs!"

Sanzuwu grinned and said, "don't worry, this matter is absolutely reliable, and once we two join hands, the odds are absolutely big enough!"

"Don't play games. What is it?"

Sanzuwu took a deep breath, "do you know that the emperor is bleeding?"

The queen of thousand feet was stunned, "do you think that legend has disappeared for a long time?"

"It's not a legend!" Sanzuwu shook his head. "It was real! Because I was lucky to get the memory inheritance of an ancient demon, I could feel this thing. Just now, I suddenly felt a breath of it

"Are you mistaken?" Said the queen of thousand feet in shock.

Because it's just incredible.

It doesn't seem true that something that only exists in legend suddenly appears.

Sanzuwu firmly said: "I can't make a mistake, that is the smell of emperor's flowing blood! And it's so clear that it's about to be born again! "

"And as long as we acquire this thing, we will immediately become the real strong among the heavens, and then..."A grim smile appeared on sanzuwu's face. "How can a Honglian immortal who is far from returning to its peak be our opponent?"

The eyes of the queen of the thousand feet also gradually became hot.

"What is to be done? Where is this thing now? "

"Don't worry? It's just a surprise now. According to the legend handed down from ancient times, as long as it appears once, it will appear again in a very short time. Moreover, I already have a general position, and now we can catch up with it! "

"What are you waiting for? Let's go! Otherwise, if someone else gets ahead of us, we'll be finished! What's more, Xue an is now in the dragon clan. If he wants to intervene in this matter, wouldn't it be more difficult? " The queen said anxiously.

"Sanzuwu has a ready smile," don't worry, I'm here, who can't rob the emperor's slurry! "

"Even if he is Xue an, the result is the same!"

At the time of the three foot Black's wild talk, the strong people in the demon family more or less feel the strange breath.

These people couldn't help but cast their eyes to know what was going on.

Only a few people feel the unusual smell, and then they are ready.

At the same time.

Xue an and his party have already rushed out of the sea of stars and dust and come to the secret land of the dragon people.

Looking at the secret place which has already recovered its tranquility, all the people have some silly eyes.

"What about the second sister? Where has she gone Ao Shu looked around anxiously, but did not see any trace of Ao Yi.

Aoqing, the eldest princess, also looks like water on her face. She explores her surroundings with divinity, looking for clues about her sister.

Only Xue an seemed to smell something strange. He walked to a place and squatted down to look at the ground.

Above the ground, there are a few drops of shallow tears.

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