After crying for a moment, he hugged the skeleton on his face and said gently, "jun'er, you are saved. Our waiting is not in vain. When I get the emperor's syrup, you can be revived!"

Of course, skeletons don't respond.

But the man seemed to hear something, a spoiled smile, "I know, you are happy, right?"

With that, he leaned over slowly and kissed the skeleton deeply.

The kiss was so long.

After a long time, he raised his head again and held the skeleton carefully in his arms.

"Let's go, I'll take you to Emperor Liujiang!"

After that, he grew up with a flash in his eyes and a sword. The cottage and the white bone mountain under his feet were cut in two.

In the crashing sound of collapse, a sword light rose from the sky and flew straight to the man's hand.

This is a long sword made of white bone.

The man, holding a sword and a skeleton in his arms, walked to the sky step by step.

When it comes to the dark sky, the man raises his hand is a sword.

A sword cut straight through, and then the curtain of heaven burst into pieces.

Then the man looked down at the planet at his feet and said, "jun'er, you hate this place, don't you? Then I will destroy this place

As he said that, he was full of sword sense, and then he cut it out with a sword, and at the same time, he drank softly.


The light of the sword fell directly into the ground.

Then the planet began to tremble. In the roar, a huge crack appeared on the ground, which rapidly extended into the distance.

In the blink of an eye, the whole planet is split in two and then burst apart.

In the earth shaking sound, the man holding the skeleton, into streamer, disappeared in the vast void.

The secret place of the dragon people began to become lively.

Almost all the elite of the dragon race poured out and guarded the place like an iron barrel.

However, Ao Qing was still a little uneasy. He was still dispatching troops and trying to be safe.

By contrast, Xue an and fox night are much easier.

The two of them even drank tea very leisurely.

"Lao Xue, when did you say that emperor Liujiang appeared?" Asked fox night.

"I don't know!"

"It's hard to collect it. How sure are you to subdue it then?"

"I don't know."

"Why does the emperor's pulping appear here?"

"I don't understand!"

Xue an's three answers made fox night very dissatisfied, "Hello, Xue, you don't know anything. How can I do this?"

Xue an said faintly: "how should do how to do Bai, now think so much useful? It's you. "

"What's wrong with me?"

Xue an said with a smile: "don't you think that such a big thing will certainly disturb the country of fox in Qingqiu. If the elder comes, how should you deal with it?"

Hearing Xue an's words, fox night was scared to shrink his neck, "don't scare me, the elder elder will not leave Qingqiu fox country for half a step unless he has something very important to do."

"What if the other elders?"

Fox night's face became ugly.

Because Xue an's guess is reasonable.

Although the fox nationality in the fox kingdom of Qingqiu is different from the Dragon nationality, it is not so urgent to need emperor Liujiang.

But after all, this is a matter of great importance to the whole demon clan. There is no reason why Qingqiu fox kingdom will not send people here.

"I'm not afraid of the other elders coming. Anyway, I've decided that ah Rou is useless!" Fox night Li neiebara said.

Xue an smiles and looks at ah Rou in the distance.

"You can only make ah Rou's situation even more difficult. Now the most important thing is to get the emperor's slurry and cure ah Rou's eyes. Otherwise, everything will be empty talk."

Fox night nodded in silence, "I understand!"

At the same time, in the void outside of the secret realm, there are shadows.

"Is the secret place of the dragon people ahead?" A man with a long white horn on his head said in a deep voice.

"That's right. Look at the enclosed dragon clan. It's obviously here!" Another man with patterns on his face should say.

"There are so many dragon people. It's a little tricky!"

"Don't worry, let's wait outside first, because it's not just us who come here!"

When speaking, but see a streamer is not stop to come here, after showing the body, is a strange shape of the demon clan.

"My God, isn't this the giant tortoise demon saint who has disappeared for a long time? It's here, too

"Look over there, it's all the demon saints!"

A long-standing master began to appear one after another, making the group send out bursts of exclamation.In the face of more and more demon clans, the dragon people feel great pressure.

The elder said with a dignified face: "even the demon saints who have not been born for so long have been disturbed. It seems that they are all sure to get the emperor's blood flow potential!"

Ao Qing is a face of calm, "this is very normal, after all, the emperor's blood flow for the demon clan is really too important."

"But I'm afraid that if we go on like this, we dragon people will not be able to support it!" The elder said with a worried face.

"Don't worry, they won't be so united!" Ao Qing said lightly.

Sure enough.

When the demon clan gathered more and more, the contradiction began to emerge.

Some demon clans, who had long-standing feuds, started to fight on the spot, and the situation became chaotic.

Hiding in the distant void, the sanzuwu looks at this scene with a smile.

"Let's fight. The more chaotic the fight, the better." Said sanzuwu.

The queen of thousand feet was not in the mood to see these things. She felt something faintly. She could not help saying with a look of awe: "he should be in the secret place, and there is a demon family with strong breath beside him."

"Who is it?"

"From the breath of perception, it should be the fox clan!"

"Qingqiu fox country? Did they join hands with the dragon people Sanzuwu is a surprise.

"It's not like that. After all, Qingqiu fox has three tree species, so it's not so urgent for the emperor to shed blood! That Fox clan should be Fox night

"That's good!" Sanzuwu breathes a breath.

Even if he had a little way, he didn't want to fight against Qingqiu fox country.

After all, it is no less powerful than the dragon clan.

But at this time, there are several shining lights rushing across the air, and then the figure inside is shown.

The leader is a beautiful woman who is almost illusory, and her eyes are full of foxes.

On her shoulder was a white fox.

And behind her, there are several powerful, beautiful young girls.

Seeing this scene, the crowd was quiet at first, and then there was an uproar.

"Green hill fox country!"

"My God, I'm still an elder of Tianhu!"

In the drum noise, the woman looked at the secret place in the distance with a smile, and then she was very surprised.

"Is Xiaoying here?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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