At the same time, fox night and Hu Ying Qi in the secret place of the Dragon nationality sensed something, and then they looked at each other in shock.

"Three elders!"

After that, a cold sweat appeared on the forehead of fox night, and his face became ugly and difficult to speak.

"It's over. How could it be her?"

There was despair in the tone.

Seeing this, Xue an could not help but ask, "is it Hu Wan?"

Fox night very depressed nodded.

Xue an sighed and patted fox night's shoulder with infinite sympathy.

"Brother, please help yourself."

The reason for this is because Xue an also knows the three elders Hu Wan and knows that this woman is not easy to provoke.

In the country of fox in Qingqiu, she is second only to the great elder in terms of cultivation strength, and is the existence of eight tailed Tianhu.

But this is not the main thing. The most important thing is that the woman is extremely eccentric and disorganized. She can't speculate with common sense.

Once her temper comes up, she will fight no matter who you are.

So even the fox night, who is the future successor of Qingqiu fox Kingdom, has to bow his head in the face of the three elders and dare not make a mistake.

This is the reason why Xue an is sympathetic to Fox night.

Once she gets involved, it gets more complicated.

At this time, fox night lowered his head to ponder for a moment, then suddenly raised his head and looked at Xue an earnestly.

"Lao Xue, these old ladies are so powerful. I'd better take ah Rou out to avoid the wind. I'll give it to you here!"

With that, he grabbed ah Rou and turned to leave.

Fox Ying some worried shout: "brother, you take sister-in-law to go like this?"

"Nonsense, if you don't leave, it will be too late. That old lady is so fierce that I don't want to provoke her!" Fox night said to himself.

But just as he was about to break through the void and leave here directly, he saw several flashes of light flying from the sky, and at the same time, there was a girl voice full of fun.

"Little night Son, who do you think are old ladies?"

As soon as this is said.

Fox night was frozen in place.

At the same time, the light flashed by, easily breaking through the dragon's defense, came to the crowd.

After Guanghua was gone, Hu Wan, the three elders, and the gang of men she led were astonished.

When she saw her, Hu Ying trembled all over her body. Then she stepped forward, lowered her head and said, "three elders!"

Three elders Hu Wan looked at Hu Ying a few eyes, sharp eyes gradually become soft down, and finally nodded.

"I didn't expect you to be here, Xiaoying. It seems that my harvest is not small this time."

Hu Ying did not dare to say anything. She could only stand aside with her head down.

Then Hu Wan looked at xue'an and said with a smile, "I heard that Honglian had been born again before. Now it's true. And in such a short period of time, it's really gratifying to hear that Honglian has been born again."

Xue an nodded with a smile, "thank you! I haven't seen you for a long time. The demeanor of the three elders is even better than before. "

"Oh, Lord Honglian is still so boastful, but I always think so!" Hu Wan covered his mouth and giggled. The natural style revealed by his every move was enough to make people with a little less calm go crazy on the spot.

Then Hu Wan turned his head and looked at the fox night which was not far away from her, and said with a smile: "xiaoyezi, what did you just call me? Ladies? Am I that old? "

Although she was smiling, her eyes were full of cold.

No woman can bear to be said to be old, even if she is a strong man of the emperor to be.

But after hearing this sentence, fox night shivered all over, and then turned hard, and squeezed out a smile that was worse than crying.

"Three Three elder, I was just playing with you! How can you be old? You are not old at all. You even look younger than me. "

Hu Wan nodded with satisfaction. "It's almost the same, but what are you going to do now? Run away

"Ha ha, ha ha, how can I escape! I am not aware of your arrival, and I am ready to meet you! " Fox night strong smile said.

But Hu Wan didn't eat him at all. She looked at Fox night calmly, but at last she kept her eyes on ah rou. Especially when she saw the hands they were holding, her eyes were slightly frozen.

Fox night realized this, subconsciously wanted to release his hand, but immediately thought of something, and finally not only did not let go, but also slightly leaned to block ah Rou behind him.

"Who is she, Onoko?" Hu wan light way.

Fox night silent for a moment, and finally solemnly said: "she is my woman!"

"Your woman?" Hu Wan was slightly stunned, and immediately seemed to hear a big joke, and giggled again.With her laughter, the fox squatting on her shoulder is also looking at ah Rou curiously.

After a moment, the laughter gradually subsided, and then Hu Wan said in a cold voice: "Fox night, I hope you can find out your identity. You are the blood of the sky fox, the future king of Qingqiu fox country, and your woman can only be the most powerful demon clan."

"As for this woman..." Hu Wan turned her head and said, "I can treat her as if I didn't see it this time, but you have to deal with her well. Don't leave any troubles. Understand?"

This makes ah Rou's face turn pale like paper.

Fox night, aware of this, gently shook her hand, indicating that she should not be afraid, and then shook his head at Hu Wan with a heavy face.

"Three elders, I hope you can understand that she is my woman. She is and will always be. As for what to find a powerful demon clan to be a woman, I have no interest at all."

Hu Wan's expression became colder and colder. "Fox night, I'm still saying that. You have to figure out your identity. You are the future king of the fox country in Qingqiu..."

Before she finished, fox night said straightforwardly: "if this king wants to sacrifice my woman for the price, then this king I don't deserve it!"

Hearing this, sister Hu Ying can't help but secretly drink a color.

brother brother careless and casual, but he is awesome at the critical moment. He dare to face the three elders.

Sure enough.

Hu Wan's face became iron blue in an instant, and the little fox on his shoulder also began to grin at the fox night.

"For the sake of a mortal woman with six incompleteness, do you believe that I will finish her life now?"

Fox night is not moved, just in the eyes of the cold flash, "you can try!"

"I fox night now swear here, who dares to touch her a hair, will kill it!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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