Niannian's whole attention was attracted by this little fox, and she was unaware of what happened outside.

One side of thinking but aware of the strange, and then step forward, very brave to his sister in the back, a deep voice: "what do you want to do?"

With her questioning, Hu Wan felt that all the momentum he had accumulated disappeared in an instant, and even his heart was shocked by it.

The double whammy fox aster couldn't believe his eyes.

At this time, Xue an came near and said with a smile: "think about it, don't be so nervous. This aunt is playing with you!"

Think about this to rest assured, but still a face vigilant looking at Hu Wan, and then drag to read to one side.

Xue an then light way: "three elder, you seem very surprised?"

Hu Wan finally woke up from the shock and took a deep breath. "It's really amazing."

As he said this, Hu Wan looked at the two little girls playing with the little fox in the distance, and the lingering palpitations in his eyes did not disappear.

"Lord Honglian, your two daughters are not ordinary people."

"I know that!"

After a moment's silence, Hu Wan finally couldn't help but say, "Lord Honglian, why don't you let them cultivate their talents so powerful?"

Xue an glanced at Hu Wan with a faint smile. Then he looked at the thought and recitation that was playing. He said faintly, "because I want them to have a happy childhood."

Hu Wan's eyes gradually widened and said in disbelief, "that's why?"

"Yes, because of this, is there anything more important than a happy childhood?"

After that, Xue an walked to the two little girls and played with them with a smile.

Looking at the naked fox, he said: "the naked voice of Hsueh Wan! Such a good talent, if adjusted casually, will be the most powerful genius in the world

At this time, Hu Ying also came to her side and said in a low voice, "three elders, in fact, I think brother Xue is right. Think about it, it is the time to be innocent now. If you let them practice early, it will destroy their innocence."

"As for those false names, I don't think brother Xue cares at all."

"That is to say, but do you know what the talent of these two little girls means? One follows what he says and the other understands the origin. Any one is the dream of countless people Hu Wan couldn't help sighing again.

"I think brother Xue should have his own plan." Fox Ying a face affectionately said.

Hu Wan smell speech a face strange looking at Hu Ying, and then close to the front, whispered.

"I haven't asked you, where did you go after you ran out of the country of fox in Qingqiu? The great elder sent countless people to look for you, but they didn't find it! "

In the face of this series of problems, Hu Ying chuckled and said slowly.

"At that time, after I ran out of my home, I accidentally fell into a space, and then I was trapped in it. If brother Xue hadn't helped me, I might have had an accident."

Hearing this, Hu Wan curled her lips and said in her heart that you have the absolute protection of the great elder. Who in the heavens can hurt you? But she did not say these words, but she pressed forward again and asked in a low voice.

"And then you mixed up with him? Didn't his wife say anything? "

Hu Ying said with a smile: "sister Yan is very nice and has been taking care of me. How can you say that I am."

Now the look on Hu Wan's face became more and more strange. He coughed softly, and then went to Hu Ying's ear and whispered something.

Hu Ying's face was red to the root of her ears, and then she bit her teeth and shook her head slightly.

"Three elders, what are you talking about! Brother Xue always treats me as my sister. "

Hu Wan was even more surprised, "what didn't you do? Not even a promise? "


"What are you still doing together? He has a wife and children now. Aren't you ready to give up? "

Hu Ying lowered her head, flushed her cheeks, and said, "I I just want to see him every day, and then I'll be content! "

Hu Wan hears a speech to cover an eye, hate iron not to become steel of say.

"My little sister-in-law, we are the fox people who are famous for attracting all living beings. Now you are just losing the face of the fox people. Are you worthy of the tail behind you and your blood?"

Hu Ying gradually opened her eyes, "what do you mean? Elder three, you Don't you advise me

Hu Ying was already ready. He thought that the three elders would persuade him to go back, but he didn't expect Hu wan to say so.

"Advise? What do you advise? Tell you to part? "

Hu Ying stopped talking.

Hu Wan laughed and shook his head. "You like people and don't commit crimes. Can I persuade you for this? I didn't even persuade your brother like that, let alone you? At least your eyes are not bad. The name of Honglian xianzun is very bluffing"And I know it's no use persuading! Because the fox women have always been infatuated, once recognized, they will never change. This is also the love robbery we all have to face! "

At the end of the day, Hu Wan's tone became very bleak, and his eyes showed a touch of melancholy.

Hu Ying wants to say what, finally or obediently closed his mouth did not say a word.

Because she remembered what she had heard about the three elders.

At this time, Hu Wan suddenly took Hu Ying's shoulder and said in a low voice, "but you can't do it like this now. Men sometimes like to take the initiative, but you'll suffer from being such a stuffed bun. Come on, I'll teach you well today!"

"Teach What to teach? " Hu Ying's voice trembled.

"Teach you how to be a qualified fox girl! After all, as the daughter of the heavenly fox, she can lack strength, but the skill of enchantment is very important. If we want to be like you, we fox girls don't have to mix in the sky. "

Said, fox Ying is forced to drag away by this three elder.

At the same time, the queen of qianzuwu and sanzuwu are also talking.

"The people of the fox kingdom in Qingqiu have also entered the secret realm. The more and more this incident is, can you still control it?" The queen asked coldly, with a trace of irony in her eyes.

Sanzuwu's face became very ugly, and he said: "Damn it, who would have thought that these dead foxes would wade in this muddy water. Don't they have Sansheng trees? Why do you still keep thinking about the emperor

"And who would despise his own treasure "The most important thing now is how we deal with it," the queen said lightly

"Don't worry." Sanzuwu clapped her chest and assured, "although it's a little unexpected, even the people from the country of Qingqiu and fox have also participated in it. I'm quite sure of it!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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