"Really?" The queen of thousands of nationalities is still a little unconvinced.

"It's true, of course. Unless there are strong ones coming in, the emperor's pulping will be mine! But now even Qingqiu fox country's people have come, what can be strong in the demon clan? So you can rest assured! " Sanzuwu said triumphantly.

But as if in response to his words, just after the three footed Wu finished, just heard a very clear sound of chirping, which shocked the whole void.

Everyone was shocked.

Because they were all aware of the unusual sound.

In particular, some demon clans with a long life and Yuan Dynasty were even more suddenly colored.

"The cry..."

As soon as the voice fell, a fire suddenly appeared in the void.

This fire is not a common thing. As soon as it appears, the scorching heat will push many people back and forth.

Even the space is being roasted and twisted.

But this is just the beginning, almost in a flash, the fire began to converge rapidly, and then condensed into the shape of a Firebird.

After the Firebird, a cluster of long tail feathers slowly unfolded, beautiful, people have an impulse to worship.

"Huofeng My God, it's the Phoenix! " Some people have a dull face and mutter.

No wonder he was so surprised.

It is because the Phoenix clan has disappeared in the demon clan for a long time, and even has become a legend.

Many people think that the Phoenix clan has been completely extinct.

But I didn't expect that even today, this extremely mysterious ethnic group also appeared.

Sanzuwu's mouth opened slightly, and finally forced to smile.

"Ha ha, it's just a phoenix survivor. Don't worry too much about it!"

But at this time, the bird turned into a fire suddenly condensed into a woman.

A beautiful woman with flaming eyes, red lips and white teeth, wearing a red dress.

As soon as the woman appeared, she let out a burst of wind chime like laughter.

"Oh, it's really busy. Sister, don't you show up yet?"

Words fall, in this woman's side, a group of deep to extremely cold air began to emerge.

Although the distance is very far away, but just a glance, this group of cold will freeze a lot of people shiver, we can see how terrible its lethality is.

Then the cold air also condenses into a phoenix image, and finally turns into a woman.

this woman is as like as two peas in the first place.

There are only two differences.

One is that her eyes are filled with ice blue to the extreme cold, and the other is that she is wearing a long dark green dress.

In addition, the two are almost like a mold carved out of the same.

"Gemini Phoenix! My God, there is such a existence Someone sighed in shock.

Therefore, it is said that the Phoenix clan is different from the dragon clan, which is the most prolific. This race has a noble nature and is extremely difficult to bear children. Therefore, the number of Phoenix people has been very small since ancient times.

When the Phoenix family comes to the critical moment of life and death, they will give birth to a pair of twin Phoenix with Yin and Yang, fire and ice.

This Gemini Phoenix will have a supernatural power, and even kill the existence of the same level.

I didn't expect that the legend which sounds absurd is true.

At the moment when all the audience were stunned, the sanzuwu said: "it's just a pair of Gemini Phoenix. I don't pay attention to it. If you have the ability, let me have a look! I'm not afraid

Today, this sanzuwu's mouth seems to be open like a light, what he says and what he says.

For his voice had just fallen, and from the distant depths of the void came a loud, dull sound.

It was as if there was a giant beast coming slowly, which made all the demons tremble.

Then I saw a man with a skeleton in his arms, walking slowly and fast from the dark.

Every step he took, he would arouse countless swords. His momentum was so powerful that he was heartbroken.

And when he came to the field, the Gemini Phoenix each step back, bowed and saluted: "see the master!"

Sanzuwu is stupid.

He didn't expect it to turn out like this.

When did the strong become the Chinese cabbage on the roadside, even one crop after another.

At this time, the queen of thousand feet said: "are you sure now? Do you want to stop shouting twice and see if there are any strong ones

The sarcasm and anger in this sentence are about to overflow.

Sanzuwu can't even say a word.

Because he felt vaguely that this matter had been out of his control.

At least compared with those strong people who come after us, this strength is not enough to see.

At the same time.Xue an, who was in the secret place, naturally sensed the outside world. But he didn't feel flustered. Instead, he squatted down to the two girls and said with a smile: "think about it. Go back to Fubao building with your mother."

"Ah, can't you play a little longer? Just a moment The two little girls who are in the mood are not happy.

"Good, after a while, dad will play with you, OK?"

"All right."

Two little girls also understand that dad has a lot of things to be busy, so they simply follow an Yan to go.

Xue an nods gently. "Husband, be careful!"

Xue an sprinkles ran a smile, "don't worry, I have my own discretion!"

When an Yan returns to Fubao building with two little girls, Xue an turns around slowly, and then the smile on his face gradually gathers.

"Lord Honglian, do you also feel it?" Hu Wan appeared beside Xue an and asked softly.

"Of course, Gemini Phoenix, I haven't seen such existence for a long time!" Xue an said lightly.

"But I think the other one is the most important one. After all, I have never seen such a powerful and crazy sword meaning!" Hu Wan said solemnly.

"He?" Xue an smiles and shakes his head. "He's really good, but I know him right now."

"What? Who is he then Hu Wan startled.

At this time, a flat sound like water across layers of barriers to reach everyone's ears in the secret place.

"Xue an? Are you still alive? "

Xue an faint smile, "of course I am still alive, how?"? Li Jingxing, are you disappointed? "

Li Jingxing!

When the name came out, including huwan, everyone was thrilled.

For in the heavens the name means absolute power.

That's the real God!

Moreover, as the master of the sword palace, Li Jingxing founded the buried sword mountain and guarded the throne of ten thousand swords by himself. He almost suppressed the northern part of the void with one person's power. He made countless evil spirits dare not cross the thunder pool and even fled to see the shadow. Finally, it became an insurmountable peak in sword cultivation.

How can such existence not be frightening.

It can be heard that he was mysteriously missing three years ago, which caused a great disturbance in the sky.

It is said that he died because he was possessed by the devil during his practice.

I didn't expect him to be here today.

"I'm not disappointed. I just didn't expect you to be here. Why? The immortal statue of Honglian was also bought by the dragon people and became their thugs? " Li Jingxing light way.

"Ha ha, surnamed Li, after so many years, you still haven't changed at all, and you are still so mean and mean!"

Said, Xue an step out, directly appeared in the secret outside.

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