When the twins opened their mouths, the burning flame and the cold ice and fog gushed out wildly, and condensed into the shape of a phoenix in the air, and went straight to Xue an.

But Xue an just lightly drinks, "step down!"


This pair of Gemini Phoenix like by lightning strike general, whole body huge shock, straight fly backward.

But the two people react very fast, hovering in the air, they show the original form of the body.

However, seeing two beautiful Phoenix crowing, they went straight to Xue an again.

Xue an slightly sneered, "if you are the real Phoenix descendants, I may be careful about the key points, but it's just a remnant forged by the Phoenix spirit. Do you really think I'll be afraid?"

Say, Xue an then in the time that can't send again and again blow two fists.

Bang bang!

After two loud noises, the pair of Phoenix and Gemini gave a sad cry, which was directly blown away and then flew out.

"Damn it, after a long time of fighting, it turned out that it was two scallops, which made me so nervous before." Sanzuwu curled his mouth and said, and then looked at the thousand foot queen on one side.

At this time, the queen of thousand feet is pale, at the same time, her whole body is shaking slightly.

"What's the matter?" Sanzuwu asked in surprise.

"He His strength is stronger than before! " The queen of thousand feet trembled, her eyes full of horror.

"Did you? How do I think he's just an ordinary fairy King now Sanzuwu's words were startled.

However, the queen of qianzuwu did not want to pay attention to this stupid and arrogant guy. At the moment, she even began to regret that she should not have listened to the ghost of sanzuwu and ran to this place to participate in this matter.

Now it's all right. The whole person is in it and can't get out of it.

At this time, Xue an once again raised his hand and patted Li Jingxing, who was completely crazy.

But at this time, all of a sudden, the whole secret place of the Dragon nationality was rippling, and scattered a soft light.

Then, a huge full moon appeared in the void, shining through all directions, and covering everything with a layer of silver.

All the demons were shocked, and sanzuwu blurted out, "the emperor is bleeding, the emperor is bleeding, it appears!"

With that, he was hiding in the dark and went to the secret place immediately.

At the same time, the demons also wake up and start to rush forward madly.

But in the audience, Li Jingxing was the first to react.

When the glow just appeared, there was a sober look in his eyes which had been infinitely crazy.

At this time, Xue an's palm has been photographed near.

But Li Jingxing didn't pay any attention to these, but flew to the secret place recklessly.


This clap directly on his back, Li Jingxing shivered all over, still did not look back, but rushed faster.

Xue an was stunned and sighed.

Naturally, he didn't really take Li Jingxing, so he didn't do his best. In addition, Li Jingxing was the Immortal Emperor of the hall, so he only suffered a slight injury.

For the existence of Li Jingxing, there is no harm at all.

For a moment, all the demon clans were rushing forward.

The dragon clan, who was responsible for guarding the secret land, naturally refused to let it go, so a fierce conflict broke out between the two sides immediately.

But this degree of defense naturally can not stop Li Jingxing such a strong.

I saw him charging forward at an astonishing speed. Where he passed, the defensive dragon clan had no time to react.

Until he was about to rush to the secret place, the elder of the dragon clan led the elite of the dragon family to block the way.

"Li Jingxing, the road is blocked. You'd better go back!" The eldest brother cried.

But Li Jingxing didn't pay any attention to these things. Now he only had the matter of robbing emperor's pulping in his heart, and all kinds of other things were automatically blocked by him.

So in just a moment, he rushed to the front.

The elder asked to start.

Li Jingxing did not hesitate at all, raised his eyebrows and cut out a sword.

The sword went straight to the elder.

The sword is fierce, which makes the elder suddenly pale.

He can clearly feel that if he uses this kind of state to hard connect the sword, he will be seriously injured.

Therefore, he roared and showed the noumenon directly.


However, when a golden light flashed by, a dragon with thousands of miles long was in front of the sky, and then it exploded with the sword light.

With a click, the solid scales were broken instantly, blood splashed, and the flesh and blood were flying, revealing the dense white bones below.

The elder cried out in pain, and there was a look of panic in the huge dragon eyes.

Just a sword, he almost cut off his bones, which shows how terrible Li Jingxing's sword meaning is.In fact, Li Jingxing can't be measured by common sense at the moment. His whole body is burning with blood, just like a complete sword maniac, he gives full play to the idea of supreme sword.

Li Jingxing, crazy!

But just after Da Changlao's sword, Li Jingxing didn't even have a trace of hesitation. He raised his hand and chopped several swords.

The sharp sword went straight to the elder.

The elder was so stiff that he would resist it. At this time, Xue an, who had already arrived, raised his hand.

Don't forget that an turns into a streamer and flies close to him. It can be said that Hua has solved this wave of attack.

Then Xue an yelled: "get out of the way. You can't stop him. Staying here can only increase unnecessary casualties."

Hearing Xue an's cry, the elders of the dragon clan looked at each other, and finally scattered and made way for the road.

Li Jingxing's blood red eyes, regardless of three seven 21, directly from the gap to drill in the past.

Xue an followed closely, and did not forget to take the air's Mo Mian an in the hand when passing by.

When the two of them left, the elders came in.

"Elder, are you ok?" The elders asked with concern.

The elder shook his head. The wound was healing at a rapid speed, and then he took a deep breath of the airway.

"I'm fine. Now Honglian has chased the madman. Our task is to guard here and prevent other demon clans from intruding. At this critical moment, everyone should try their best to make no mistakes. Understand?"

"Understand!" All the elders understood that this was not for fun. Qi Qi was awe inspiring.

But when they put out 12 points of energy, ready for battle.

Hidden in the dark, the queen of sanzuwu and qianzuwu has quietly passed through the defensive formation and came to the secret place.

At this moment, the glow in the secret place is more and more prosperous, and the whole world seems to have become the water surface, with shallow ripples.

At this time, the huge full moon, which had been suspended in the void, was also slowly falling down.

The secret place is bright, which makes people feel that the whole body has been washed.


In the full moon, a drop of light drops down.

The brilliance fell like a drop of water.

"That's emperor Liujiang!" Hu Wan could not help exclaiming.

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