In fact, she didn't have to make a sound at all. At the moment when the light dripped down, Li Jingxing was already ferocious.

But he just rushed to the front, the drop of emperor's slurry suddenly suspended in the air, and then evaded his grasp.

Then, it grew hands, feet and head.

Of course, because this drop is not big, so the hands, feet and head are pocket type.

When it's all formed, it's only the size of a child's palm.

"It's in shape! This is the real emperor's pulping! " Huwan was excited.

Li Jingxing saw the situation is panting for breath to reach out to catch.

His speed can be described as extremely fast, the elf dodged a little bit slowly, was slightly rubbed by his fingers.

This time he rubbed off one of his legs.

The emperor made a cry like a child, and then he ran away to the distance.

Li Jingxing just wanted to catch up.

Just then.

In this round of the full moon, Guanghua began to emerge, and then drop by drop.

Each drop turns into a human form when it is in the air, and then runs away in all directions.

In the twinkling of an eye, the sky is full of these little elves.

This amazing scene also stunned everyone.

Aoshu suddenly raised her hand and pointed to the full moon, trembling: "look, what is that?"

People looked up, but saw that the full moon at this time was more and more huge, and in the glow, a shadow of a man loomed out.

The figure was curled up in the full moon, like a child not yet born.

Then the glow gradually disappeared into the body of the figure, and eventually the full moon collapsed.

Until then, people just see that the figure is a woman.

The woman's eyes closed and her face peaceful, as if she were asleep.

Ao Shu and AO Qing were shocked.

"It's the second princess!"

That's right!

The woman who absorbed the whole moon is aoyi, the second Dragon Princess who disappeared in the secret place before.

When Ao Yi appeared in the air, the spirits immediately gathered around, whining incessantly, and the state was extremely intimate, just like a baby calling his mother.

Everyone was stupid.

Only Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly, and her face was surprised and said in a low voice: "she has absorbed the full moon. Is it possible that she has now incarnated as the Lord of emperor Liu?"

Just at this time, a figure suddenly appeared on the top of aoyi's head.

Then, a bird's foot full of sharp claws pressed on Ao Yi's forehead.

"Jie Jie, don't move. If you move again, I'll kill her. When the time comes, you don't want any more of this emperor's pulping!"

With this full of proud voice, people can see clearly that there is a strange bird with three legs.

"Sanzuwu! How could this ancient beast appear here Huwan exclaimed.

At the same time, this Li Jingxing roared, and he would step forward.

Sanzuwu sneered, "block this guy!"

At an order, these emperor's pulpy elves would not like to fly up and block in front of the three foot black.

After that, sanzuwu laughed and said, "Li Jingxing, can you see clearly? Now I am the one who has the final say, if you want to save your wife, then you will obey the rules, otherwise I will cut you all hope.

This speech a, Li Jingxing although full of angry low roar, but also can only obediently stand in place.

Then the three footed black then one face arrogant looked at Xue an, bared his teeth and said with a smile: "master, long time no see!"

The title of master made people look at each other.

Xue an's eyes gradually cold, and finally said with a smile: "yes, long time no see!"

"Jie Jie, I really didn't expect that one day we would meet in this way. Xue an, do you also want this emperor to shed blood? Would you please me, would you please me? Ha ha ha

In the sound of laughter, the sanzuwu was excited and trembled.

Because what he is facing now is his former master, the towering red lotus immortal.

At the thought of such existence to bow to their own head, the three foot black is simply happy crazy.

Xue an looked at him with a heavy face, and finally said faintly: "sanzuwu, I didn't expect to see you for a few days. You really have a long skill. You dare to do this kind of thing, but have you ever thought about the consequences?"

"Consequences? What are the consequences? As long as the emperor's blood all belongs to himself, then I will incarnate as the first demon family in the heavens. Who dares to provoke me then Three foot black complacent exclaimed.

"What's more, I also tell you that I've been dissatisfied with you for a long time. After you fell down, I told your opponent about all the feelings."

"For example Jade rabbit people? " Xue an's eyes light a cold, light words."Yes, yes, if you don't tell me, I almost forget that those silly women said they would be loyal to you and would not surrender in any case. Therefore, I simply disclosed their whereabouts to the white tigers. It is estimated that they have been disabled for so many years! Ha ha ha ha ha

Sanzuwu never felt elated, especially when he saw Xue an's extremely cold face, he was more and more elated.

"Xue, after hearing the news of your rebirth, we know that this matter can't be solved. After all, you won't let me go. But it's my luck to let the emperor's blood boil come into the world at this time."

"Oh, no, and the queen of the thousand feet, do you think I'm right?" Sanzuwu turned his head and called out to the void.

Helpless, the queen had to tremble from the void out of the void, face a little embarrassed to bow to Xue an.

"Lord Honglian."

"Bah, when are you going to call him lord Honglian? He will be my defeated general, qianzu. If you want to serve me well, I will make you a worthy demon queen." Sanzuwu said with a grim smile.

In the face of his aggressive arrogance, people's eyes showed anger.

No one expected that things would turn out like this.

I thought it was enough to prevent Li Jingxing, but I didn't expect to kill a three foot black on the way.

Even into the obsession of Li Jing line is a face to kill the idea of looking at the three foot black.

But the more people are like this, the more proud they are.

He said with a strange smile: "come on, all the emperor's pulping listen to orders, and melt into my body!"

Because he took Ao Yi as his hostage, the emperor's pulping all over the sky had to obey his orders.

With his orders, countless emperors began to flow into his body.

Every drop brightened his eyes.

In the twinkling of an eye, his momentum was lifted to a terrible level, and his feathers became more and more bright. It was obvious that he was about to transform and break through.

But at this time, I don't know when to sneak out. I want to think about Niannian and stick out her head from behind an Yan.

Then read read and then full of light called: "Wow, a lot of elves! It's lovely. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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