Hear this voice, fox night and fox Ying this pair of brothers and sisters face Shua white.

"Damn it, how can he meet him! It's over. This is the end of the calf. " The face of fox night is very ugly.

The fox punishment of the five elders is like a God and a ghost.

And different from Hu Wan, the five elder Hu Xing was in charge of punishment, and he was selfless and honest, so he did not pretend to express his words to anyone.

There is no one who is not afraid of him.

Fox night in particular, because of his mischievous, he was beaten by this fox punishment since he was a child. So when he heard that he was coming, fox night was almost ready to turn around and run away.

Even Hu Ying was shocked and frightened.

It seems that she feels the shiver of fox night. Ah Rou holds fox night's hand from behind,

is this silent handshake, which makes fox night calm down quickly.

At the same time, Xue an smiles and says in a loud voice: "I didn't expect that it was the five elders of the penalty Hall who came to meet him in person. It's very polite."

With that, the door of the star boat opened slowly, and Xue an stepped out.

The fox took a deep breath at night, and then followed.

When the crowd came out of the star boat, they saw a group of people standing in the void not far away.

There are men and women in this group. They are not too old. They are all beautiful and well-dressed. Only the tail behind some of them shows their identity.

It is the fox nationality of the fox kingdom in Qingqiu.

The leader was a man in his thirties.

The man's face is cold and stern, but his facial features are very handsome. With the cold breath on his body, he has a unique charm.

It is the famous fox punishment of the five elders, who makes countless fox people scared.

After seeing Xue an, the fox punishment first examined him carefully, and then his eyes showed a look of surprise.

The news that Honglian xianzun is back is the most powerful news in recent days.

Fox punishment naturally knows.

And the three elders Hu Wan also told the story of the dragon clan after he came back.

Therefore, fox punishment would say to welcome Xue an here.

But he never thought that he could not see through Xue an's strength.

You should know that Fox punishment is a long-standing master of fairy king.

Its strength in the demon clan can row on the number.

But this is the existence, but can not see through the strength of Xue an.

It's terrible.

Because how long has it been since this red lotus immortal was reborn, but in such a short period of time, he not only re testifies to the Immortal King, but also reaches an incredible height.

Fox punishment in the heart for the shock, the strength evaluation of Xue an also followed up a large part.

At the same time, Xue an looked at the team and said with a smile: "such a big battle, five elders, did you know that we would come?"

Hu Xing suppressed all the thoughts in his heart and said in a deep voice: "after the three elders came back to report the news, I led the people to wait here all the time. As expected, I have been waiting for you!"

Xue an nodded and said with a smile: "it's intentional."

At this time, fox night and fox Ying together came forward to bow.

"Five elders!"

The eyes of brother and sister do not see the strange, that is to say, a fox.

As far as her eyes go, a rou is struck by lightning, and her whole body is shocked, and her face turns white.

Xiao Sha sneered at her appearance and stepped forward, blocking her eyes directly.

"Well, old man, isn't it too much to do to a mortal woman who has no strength to bind a chicken?"

Old man?

This name Ling Hu Xing is a little surprised.

"Dragon clan? Or just born baby dragon

Xiao Sha's face suddenly sank down, "you Ya is just born dragon baby, my mother has grown up!"

The words did not make fox Xing angry.

In fact, no one is angry with a cute little Lori.

See him ha ha a smile, and then quite meaningful to see Xue an and fox night and others.

"Lord Honglian, fox night, please come with me. The elder has been in the state of Fox for a long time."

Fox night's forehead instantly showed a cold sweat, stammered: "big The elder wants to see me

"Yes! Let's go quickly. Don't let the elder wait for him in a hurry! "

Having said that, he did not wait for the public to react, he directly turned to fly to the fox territory.

Fox night nervous all over the body some shiver.

Although he had already made up his mind, it was inevitable that some things could not be controlled when things came to an end.

Seeing this, Xue an shook his head and sighed, "Fox night!"

"Ah Ah? "

"It's time to avoid it. It's time to face it, but it's time to go."Fox night's breath gradually calmed down, and finally nodded heavily, "Hmm!"

The territory of the fox people is very vast. This time, they did not take the star boat, but urged their bodies to fly in after the fox Xing and others.

Different from the dragon people who live together on a huge planet, the fox people live in scattered places.

Within the realm of the fox people, there are many shining stars.

These planets are big and small, but without exception, they are full of foxes.

And when fox punishment and others fly through the void, the fox people on these planets are also disturbed.

"Coming, coming, five elders coming back!"

"Is that the famous red lotus immortal? How handsome you are A fox woman said with two eyes shining.

"Bah, I'm crazy about everyone, and I don't want to see who they are!" Another fox woman spat, and then also a face obsessed to see Xue an.

"I have heard that this red lotus immortal is a young man like jade. When I see him today, he is really extraordinary. If we can develop a relationship with him, would it not be a good story?"

This group of fox girl chatter, full of bad smile of the initiation of flower mania.

As one of the top demon families in the sky, fox girl is famous for her passion and hot.

This kind of unscrupulous talk about men's picture, only in Qingqiu fox country will appear.

And these male foxes are all focused on Fox night.

"The eldest childe has come back, but I don't know if he can get through this barrier!"

"Yes, it's unreasonable for a good young master to find a mortal woman as a companion."

"This red lotus immortal is coming back together for this matter! After all, he and our eldest son are brothers

"Hehe, what can Hong Lian xianzun do? If the elder is angry, it is difficult for anyone to come! "

In addition, there are many young male foxes will focus on Fox Ying.

"The little princess went out for a trip, and her strength has made great progress!"

"Yes, they are more and more beautiful."

At the time when the whole country of fox in Qingqiu was discussing in secret.

Xue an and others followed the fox punishment to the core of the country.

A tree growing in the void, its height does not know how many thousands of miles, branches and leaves even cover hundreds of millions of miles in the starry sky before the big tree.

This is the most important sacred object of the Tianhu clan, Sansheng tree.

Fox, wait in front of you, elder, please stop

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