Xue an and others came to Sansheng tree.

It's only when you get closer that you can appreciate how big the tree is.

The green tree trunk stands like a wall, which makes people feel oppressed.

When you look sideways, you can't even see the boundary of the trunk, as if the whole space is occupied by this tree.

Compared with it, the abyss tree Xue an had seen in the abyss was dwarfed.

Fox night and fox Ying, who are used to such scenes, have no feeling, but an Yan and a rou have been completely shocked by the scene.

Even think and read these two little girls can not help but exclaim, "Wow, Dad, this tree is so big!"

Xue an smiles. "That's for sure, because this tree is called the first divine tree in the heavens."

"So good?" Think about it and wonder.

"That's it!" Xue an said with a smile.

Just at this time, just listen to the void came a light smile, "Wan er said that the Lord Honglian has a pair of extremely clever and lovely gold, now I see, it really deserves the reputation!"

The voice of speaking is more and more gentle, which makes people feel like spring breeze just by hearing it.

But fox night and fox Ying after hearing this voice, but the face appears solemn color, even standing posture has become respectful.

Xue an is to sprinkle ran a smile, "how? The elder asked me to come just to praise my daughter? "

"Of course not!"

Then, in front of the crowd, an escalator emerged out of thin air, winding up along the trunk of the Sansheng tree, and finally disappeared in the boundless darkness.

"I'm sorry I can't meet you in person now. Please walk up this escalator and see me."

Xue an's eyes flashed slightly, then nodded, "OK!"

After that, Xue an stepped up the escalator, and the crowd followed.

When everyone stepped on the escalator, the escalator suddenly began to climb rapidly.

It's so fast that you don't even have time to react.

People just feel a flower in front of them, and then they suddenly open up in front of them.

At the foot, there are branches as thick as a mountain peak, and on top of the head, there are stars as bright as diamonds, and the distance between the stars is so close that it seems that you can pick them with your hand.

Under such a beautiful starry sky, there is a towering white jade tower, emitting a soft and crystal light.

The starry sky is vast and the jade tower is high and clean.

Everyone was stunned by the scene.

Xiaosha whispered: "I wipe, is this a real scene?"

Only Xue an stood there calmly, his eyes shining, as if thinking about something.

At the same time.

Before the Jade Pagoda, a man's shadow gradually emerged.

Although it was only a virtual image, when he completely appeared before and after the public, it still caused people's shock.

It's all because this man is so perfect.

That's right!

It's perfection.

A pair of sword like eyebrows slanted into his temples, and his lavender eyes were shining like jewels. However, the most striking thing was the red and flame like pattern between his eyebrows.

As if there is magic power in this pattern, people can't help but fall into it, unable to extricate themselves.

Xue an's mouth gradually raised and sighed in a low voice: "I didn't expect to see you for such a long time. Elder elder, you are still the same as before Beautiful

This man is the great elder of the fox kingdom in Qingqiu, known as the fox King's Fox worshiper.

After hearing Xue an's words, the elder chuckled, "Lord Honglian is still so fond of joking. I am a man, how can I describe it with beauty?"

Xiao Sha woke up from the shock, grinned and murmured in a low voice: "my mother is really a man! But the man is much more beautiful than the woman. "

The sound is not big, but makes the whole audience quiet for a moment. Xiaosha is surprised to be speechless and immediately closes his mouth.

At this time, the elder looked at her with a smile. He was stunned and said with a smile: "eh, it's a brand-new dragon clan. It's so cute and interesting!"

Xiao Sha, who has always been fearless of heaven and earth, blushed after hearing the elder's words, and then did not dare to speak.

The elder didn't say anything, but looked at Fox night and fox Ying.

As far as I can see.

The two men bowed their heads and said in unison, "elder!"

The elder looked at him in silence. After a long time, he sighed, "Ying'er, you really don't let people worry. Even if you run away from home, why haven't you heard from him for so long? Fortunately, I met the Lord Honglian. Otherwise, what can I do if something goes wrong? "

Hu Ying's whole body trembled, "big elder..."

"All right." The elder waved his hand, "no matter what, it will be good if people can come back safely. The rest Later. "After that, he turned his head and looked at the fox night.

On Fox night's forehead already showed big drop big drop cold sweat.

But unexpectedly, the elder didn't say anything. He just took a deep look at him, and then he left his eyes on ah rou.

"Are you ah Rou?"

Ah Rou's face turned white and she nodded her head.

"Well, come in with Fox night."

After that, the elder arched his hand at xue'an, "Lord Honglian, please wait outside for a moment. I have a few words to say to both of them in fox night

The fox night, who was extremely nervous, looked at Xue an like a cry for help.

But Xue an seems not to see the same, a faint smile, nodded, "good!"

Fox night silly, all over the face is you are teasing me.

But the matter has come to this point, he can only obediently follow the virtual image of the great elder to the jade tower.

After walking a few steps, he suddenly grasped ah Rou's hand, and his face became firm and resolute.

It's like being forced into a corner, and the people who have no way to retreat finally burst out with unparalleled courage.

They finally disappeared in the jade tower.

Anyan finally couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "husband, why do you..."

Why didn't you say the following words, but the meaning is already obvious.

Xue an looked at the jade tower with a dignified face, and said faintly: "things are far from simple. By contrast, this marriage seems to be less important."

Anyan didn't understand what it meant, but she heard from Xue an's tone that things had obviously changed, so she closed her mouth and stopped talking.

The atmosphere became very solemn.

People are waiting quietly.

Hu Ying clenched her hands with sweat.

Brother, you have to refuel!

Just when people thought they needed to wait for a long time, the door of the jade tower suddenly opened.

Then fox night came out of the room with a face full of amazement. Ah Rou seems to have encountered something unimaginable.

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