And this scene also made the dragon clan elders who came down from the dragon boat to laugh bitterly.

"The eldest princess said that we should restrain her, but with the murderous appearance of the second princess, who dares to control it?" A dragon elder said with a sad face.

The elder of the dragon clan sighed, "take a step and see a step. Although the second princess has a hot temper, she still has some basic sense of propriety."

With that, the elders of the dragon clan rushed to catch up with them.

After they left, the whole venue immediately opened the pot.

"Crouch, it's really lively. Princess longer is here too!"

"Tut Tut, this Dragon Princess is not an oil-saving lamp. Wait and see. The wedding will not be so smooth. Maybe you will make mistakes if you can't wait for it to be held."

Aoyi's arrival is like a ladle of cold water in the hot oil, which makes the already lively situation boil up instantly.

Numerous demon clans are looking forward to watching this rare "bustle".

But to everyone's surprise, everything didn't happen. Ao Yi didn't go to Fox night to settle accounts. On the contrary, she stayed quietly. It seemed that she was going to attend the wedding.

This scene has stunned many people.

What's going on here?

Do you think the second Dragon Princess has changed sex?

Even fox night is full of muddle after knowing the news.

What has happened recently is beyond his imagination.

First of all, the elder promised to get married, and then Ao Yi, who was supposed to make a big fuss, was out of the ordinary.

All this made him have a deep doubt.

"Lao Xue, do you think the recent events are strange?"

"Strange? What's so strange? "

"It doesn't feel right."

Xue an patted him on the shoulder and said earnestly, "you boy, it's not because you're going to marry a daughter-in-law right away, which leads to happy dizziness?"

"Go away!"

Fox night laughed and scolded, then lowered his head and frowned to think.

Strange, what's wrong?

Do you think I've been in a bad mood recently?

Just as he was full of doubts, Xue an patted him on the shoulder again.

"Oh, Lao Xue, don't bother me. I'm just thinking about something." Fox night impatiently said.

Just then, a timid voice came.

"Fox Fox night. "

It's ah Rou's voice.

Fox night immediately looked up, and then froze.

Because standing in front of him is a rou in a red wedding dress.

What is redder than the wedding dress is ah Rou's cheek.

I saw her timidly hanging her head, hands unnaturally kneading the corner of her clothes, and her body trembled slightly. The crystal diamonds on her wedding dress reflected the brilliance of flowing light.

Fox night is a complete fool.

It's not only because of the wedding dress made by dozens of top craftsmen, but also because of Arona's various customs when he bowed his head.

It is no exaggeration to say that at the moment, ah Rou perfectly meets all the imagination of women in the eyes of fox night.

The more he looked at ah Rou's head, the redder her face, the more she trembled.

Finally, she said with great difficulty, "OK Does it look good? "

Fox night instantly wakes up, and then nods like pound garlic general, "good-looking, too good-looking, giant motherly good-looking!"

Because too excited, fox night has some incoherence.

Ah Rou glanced at Fox night with half anger and half joy. Her cheeks were flushed and her lips were lifted. "Fool!"

Fox night, hehe, giggle.

Now he can only giggle.

Just at this time, I saw the weaving girl who was responsible for making the wedding dress come over and said with a smile, "Mr. Fox, is this wedding dress still satisfactory?"

"Satisfied, satisfied! It's better than I thought. "

"Haha, in order to make the wedding dress on schedule, I invited all my ancestors, so as not to delay your marriage, but also to be perfect." The charming weaving girl said with a smile.

Fox night extended a thumb, "did not say, this matter is I owe you a favor, when there is anything to use my place, just open your mouth!"

The weaver girl laughed more brightly.

Compared with the material reward, the promise of fox night is the most precious.

Because he is the successor of Qingqiu fox country, the top demon clan master.

"It's not only the bride's wedding dress, but also your clothes. Go and try them on."

"Good, good!"

Happy dizzy fox night excitedly followed the weaver girl down to change clothes.

Only ah Rou is left here alone.

Xue an coughed and left.

Although the relationship between him and fox night is the same, ah Rou is fox night's wife after all. Now fox night is not here, he must avoid suspicion.But when he was about to turn around and leave, ah Rou suddenly said in a soft voice, "Lord Honglian, please stay."

"Well? What's up, Miss arrow? " Xue an stops.

Ah Rou hesitated for a moment, and finally raised her head and said in a solemn voice, "Lord Honglian, are you hiding something from us?"

"Why do you say that?"

"Because the wedding was too hasty. After you entered the jade tower, it took only a moment to get out. And the great elder, who should have prevented all this, agreed with him with great frankness. "

Speaking of this, ah Rou bit her lip, "so Is there something wrong with the elder? "

Xue an was stunned.

The ill fated girl in front of her is not very impressive, but this time, she guessed the truth of the truth.

We can see how smart she is.

And Xue an's silence also makes a rou sit down in the heart of speculation, the face can not help showing a worried color.

"Is it serious?"

Xue an nodded. "Very serious."

Ah Rou did not speak. After a long time, she hung her head. "Can fox night accept it?"

Xue an sighed, "I don't know, but as the successor of the fox clan, he has to accept all this."

Ah Rou nodded. "I see. Thank you very much."

Then she turned and left.

Xue an looked at her thin back and sighed again.

"Fox night, this girl is much smarter than you think

While he was sighing for it, he suddenly felt a familiar throb.

Xue an was slightly stunned, and then a smile appeared on his face. Then he raised his head and looked at the void in the distance.

Just at this time, a few flashes of light rushed to Xue an almost in the blink of an eye.

After landing, the leader was a bad old man in ragged Taoist robes.

Then the bad old man burst out laughing, "brother Xue, I'll come here immediately after receiving the invitation. How about that? It's not too late. "

Xue an also laughed, "of course, it's not too late."

Then Xue an looked at the woman behind the Taoist priest and nodded slightly, "Miss Wei!"

Wei Rulan blushed and quickly saluted, "my Lord!"

That's right.

It was Zhuge Cang, who was called the first prodigy in the sky. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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