At the same time, there is a woman standing beside Wei Rulan.

She also gave a deep salute to Xue an

Xue an was slightly stunned and immediately showed a trace of smile. "It turns out that it's Xuanqing girl. I didn't expect you to come too!"

The woman was tall and slender with black hair and black clothes. She had a black chess bag one foot above her shoulder on her back. She was the same Zhuge Xuanqing who had seen her in Tianzhao Xingyu a long time ago.

After seeing Xue an's smile, Zhuge Xuanqing was shocked. Then he lowered his head in a hurry and did not dare to look again.

Because in her perception, Xue an's breath is as ethereal as the gods above the nine heavens, which makes people feel an impulse to worship.

Is this the power of the Immortal King? Zhuge Xuanqing thought of it in his heart, and at the same time felt a trace of unspeakable bitterness.

At that time, Xue an's strength was powerful, but at least she could see her back.

Unexpectedly, Xue an has reached a point she can't imagine just a few years.

You know, she has been taking xue'an as her pursuit target since the Tianzhao Xingyu bid farewell.

But now the Chase has become a joke.

Although she has made unremitting efforts, has been promoted to half step Luo in the past, but this strength is still far from Xue anlai.

It seems to be aware of her strangeness, Wei Rulan, taking advantage of Xue an and Zhuge hiding in the distance, whispered in her ear.

"Elder martial sister, in fact, you are already very good. Don't be discouraged, because even the master has said that there is an adult in the sky. It's normal that you can't compare with him."

Zhuge Xuanqing gave a smile and said in a soft voice, "I don't need to say these things. Don't worry. I'm not discouraged."

Wei Rulan nodded, "that's good."

At the same time.

Zhuge Zang, who was talking with Xue an not far away, said solemnly, "brother Xue, I didn't intend to rush here after receiving the invitation, but something suddenly happened that made me change my plan!"

"It's about the elder of the fox kingdom in Qingqiu?" Xue an said lightly.

Zhuge Zang was shocked and said in astonishment, "do you know all about it?"

"Of course! Otherwise, why do you think the wedding on Fox night is so hasty? "

"No wonder, do you know that Fox night?"

Xue an shook his head. "I don't know yet."

"What? You haven't told him yet? "

"Is it useful to tell him?" Xue an asked, "since it can't be changed, let him get married peacefully. It's you How do you know that? "

Zhuge Zang sighed, "I felt something was wrong after I received the invitation from Fox night, so I divined casually."

"The divinatory symbols are displayed?"

Zhuge Zang nodded and said solemnly: "at the beginning, I even thought I was wrong, so I even occupied three trigrams. As a result, all the hexagrams are the same. That's why I'm sure it's true. "

Xue an is silent.

Zhuge cangman was worried and said, "brother Xue, it is obvious that this matter can't be concealed, because since I can calculate it, then other people will certainly be able to, and then..."

Zhuge Zang's words did not finish, but the meaning was obvious.

Generally speaking, such as the great elder of the fox kingdom in Qingqiu, all the deduction is invalid for him, because his existence has covered up the mystery of heaven.

Only when there are major changes, such as serious injuries and dying, will the hidden secrets be revealed.

Since Zhuge Zang was able to figure out what happened to elder Qingqiu, it showed that he had run out of oil and the lamp was dry, and he was unable to hide his weakness.

Once the news spread, it will be a heavy bomb for the demon clan and even the whole sky.

Zhuge Zang couldn't even imagine how big the storm would be.

Xue an was silent for a moment, and then said firmly: "this matter can't be concealed for a long time, so it's nothing to spread now."

"And I'm in charge of it, because the wedding of fox night must be held. Whoever dares to cause trouble will be killed!"

At the end of the day, Xue an's tone is full of cold and killing intention.

Zhuge Zang was surprised and nodded, "OK, I'm one."

Xue an looked at him. "What? Is it all right? "

"Ha ha, don't look down upon my old bone. I can't die for a while." Zhuge Zang said with a smile.

"Understand, a good man does not live long, a curse lives a thousand years!"

Two people are talking and laughing, but see far away, fox night led a group of people in a hurry to come.

As soon as he saw Zhuge Zang, he could not help but look surprised. Before he arrived, he called out: "ZHUGE Laodao, you are here at last!"Then he rushed to the front and thumped Zhuge Zang's shoulder heavily.

Zhuge Zang laughed, "can I not come to your wedding? I'm sure I'll drink the wedding wine. "

"It's easy to say, it's OK to put you in the wine jar then." Fox night is overjoyed.

Although the difference was not long ago, Zhuge Zang came to attend his wedding on purpose, and the meaning was naturally quite different.

In fact, Hu Ye wrote an invitation to Zhuge Zang, not because he had a bad relationship with ye hanshang, but because they were too far away to make it in ten days.

That is to say, the place where Zhuge Cang is located is relatively close to the country of fox in Qingqiu. If it is fast, it can be reached in three days. Therefore, he gave Zhuge Tibet an invitation.

The crowd walked in laughing and talking.

At the same time, in the void outside the country of fox in Qingqiu, the space suddenly ripples, and then they walk out of it.

The men and women of this team are both men and women, and each of them is of extraordinary momentum. The leader is a handsome man, but there is always something evil in the corner of his eyes and eyebrows.

He glanced at the green hill fox country not far ahead, and said faintly, "is this the old nest of those foxes?"

"Yes, tianshao. Qianconvenient is a famous fox country in Qingqiu! Tut Tut, I feel a little excited when I think of those beautiful fox girls. " A man's face was full of evil smile.

"Ha ha, don't worry. Sooner or later, these fox girls are all ours. I don't see that they all go out to battle in person!" Another man in a crimson robe laughed.

Tian Shao's face was indifferent and turned to look at a young girl standing on one side.

"How about it? Younger martial sister Chuli, can you see the clue? "

Dressed in a grey cloth Taoist robe, with a large cloth pocket on her back, and a delicate compass in her hand, the girl was staring at the distant country of Qingqiu Fox and muttering.

After hearing Tian Shao's question, chuliqing felt a slight tremor all over her body and her eyes flashed. Then she took a breath and shook her head.

"Now I can't see any clue, because the whole void Qi machine is occupied by the tree, and nothing can be seen. If you want to find out the result, you can only get close to it. "

Tian Shao nodded, "in this case, let's go to the wedding ceremony of the young fox nation and see if the bride looks good."

The crowd roared and laughed, and then they turned into streamers and went straight to the fox kingdom of Qingqiu. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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