The language is full of ridicule and ridicule.

Xue an didn't get angry. Instead, he raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a smile: "tiansu, it's really you! When I was immortal, you were the fairy king. Now I am reincarnated and have a new testimony to the fairy king. You are still the fairy king! "

"What? Are you going to be a little fairy king all your life? "

The words were floating in the air, which shocked all the people present or not.

A lot of people opened their eyes and their faces were incredible.

When did the fairy King become small?

You know, no matter where you are, the fairy king is absolutely strong.

Even if it is a strong Xiandi, they do not dare to say that they will be able to kill the fairy king in seconds.

But the problem is that the words from Xue an's mouth are so logical, not against the slightest.

He is the only one who deserves to say so.

Because, in the past, he was the immortal who oppressed all the stars.

After reading this, many people can't help but think of the fear that was dominated by the fire of Honglian industry, and their expressions become shrunk.

Killing the temple Saint looked at the distant young man in white, and her eyes were a little complicated.

It was the first time she had seen Xue an's face.

Xue an was not a saint when she was the immortal.

But she's heard too much about Xue an.

Before she came, she thought about what she would look like.

Can wait to see really after, still feel deep astonishment.

Because Xue an looks like a pretty young man no matter how he looks, he can't see the domineering power of xianzun in the past.

To tell the truth, she was quite disappointed at that time, so she asserted that Qingqiu fox country was dead.

Until hearing Xue an's domineering words, she was shocked, and then a strange thought rose in her heart.

Maybe Qingqiu fox country is not sure to lose!

Tiansu's face suddenly turned iron blue, but did not respond to Xue an's words. He just looked at Xue an with a dead man's eyes, and then turned to look at chuliqing.

"Chuliqing, how dare you betray tiandaozong? Have you ever thought about the consequences?"

Chuliqing trembled.

At the same time.

Someone escorted a group of people in rags and bruises to come up.

"Father, brother!" Chuliqing exclaimed.

It was the Chuli family that had been taken.

They knelt on the ground with dull eyes, until they heard chuliqing crying, and many people's eyes showed a glimmer of light.

"Qinger..." One of the teenagers whispered, and suddenly his whole body trembled. He woke up from the confusion, and then called out: "run, don't stay here!"

But the next second, his voice suddenly stopped, because someone dead covered his mouth.

This teenager can only anxiously look at chuliqing, the meaning in his eyes is very obvious.

That is to let chuliqing run quickly.

Chuliqing has already become a tearful person.

Tiansu was very satisfied with the effect, then turned to Xue anpi and said with a smile: "Lord xianzun, don't you say I'm only worthy of being a fairy king? Then I will kill all the people of Chuli family now, and I can help you with your words, OK? "

This is obviously stirring up dissension.

Can never expect, Xue an lightly shrugged, "please, if you want to kill, please as soon as possible, or later you may not have a chance."

"You..." Tiansu can't help being stunned.

Xue an smiles, "you want to ask why I am not coerced, right?"

Tiansu did not speak, but his silence had indicated his answer.

"It's very simple, because it's you who kill, not me, so why should I be coerced? If it's a big deal, then I'll let you pay ten times as the price. " Xue an said in a relaxed tone.

Chuliqing's face is blue and white, and I don't know how to deal with it.

She didn't expect to say that Xue an would come out for herself.

After all, it doesn't mean that you will be forgiven even if you do it under duress.

But she didn't expect Xue an to be so indifferent.

Instead, tiansu was pushed into a dilemma.

It's easy to kill the Chuli family, but we have to consider the cost performance.

Now it's as if you were obeying xue'an's orders.

So he thought a little, and then he laughed grimly.

"I'll kill you if you want me to? How can I listen to you like that

Then, with a wave of his hand, someone put the Chuli family in custody again.

There was a sly look in Xue an's eyes.

Almost everyone didn't notice that.Only the saint of the temple saw it, and then she showed a trace of thoughtfulness.

At this time, he suddenly heard the sound of laughter coming from the chariot behind tiansu.

Then he saw the curtain of the car lifted up and threw out ten corpses that had been sucked dry.

Tian Su looks very happy and hates Xue an, and then he retreats respectfully to one side.

Then, out of the chariot came a man in a black crown uniform, with a symmetrical figure and a handsome face.

His appearance caused a stir in the audience.

Because many people were extremely shocked to find that they could not feel the slightest breath from this man.

If you close your eyes, there is nothing in the mind perception.

As for Zhuge Zang and the killing of the goddess of the temple, they were all shocked and their faces became extremely dignified.

Xue an was just staring at the man coldly.

The nine headed snake man didn't care about other people's eyes. He glanced at all the people on the scene with an evil and sycophantic face. Finally, he stopped his eyes on Fox night and laughed darkly.

"What? The precious opportunity of the Immortal Emperor has given you such a waste? "

He called fox night a waste.

This naturally attracted a lot of fox people for it's fury.

"Where can a maniac dare to insult my king?"

The fox punishment explodes to drink, soars to the sky and blows out a blow to the nine headed snake man directly.

In fact, he had already been unable to restrain himself. Although the enemy was fierce, he was not afraid of fox punishment at all. On the contrary, he was burning with a sense of war in his chest.

But before he rushed to the front, the nine headed snake man laughed and stomped his feet.


This foot seems to have stepped on all people's hearts, and those with less strength were shocked to vomit blood on the spot.

As for the fox punishment, which is the first to bear the brunt, it flies upside down like a kite with a broken line.

A blow.

Just a blow!

The five elders of Hu state in Qingqiu were shaken out like this.

The Hydra man didn't even move the place.

Now, the whole audience was shocked.

Then the nine headed snake man looked up to the sky and laughed. The laughter was like the devil's howl from hell, which made people shiver.

In the laughter, he raised his hand and pointed to Fox night, "die obediently, give me the chance, and I can spare your family from death, otherwise..."

Before the words fell, a fist suddenly appeared next to his cheek, and then hit him hard on his head.


The Hydra man's head was first blown up, and then his whole body was taken out.

Then he blew his fist gently, otherwise, how could he , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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