
Everyone in the room was shocked.

Even the goddess of the killing temple, who was watching from afar, could not help but open her eyes.

No one thought that Xue an would be brave.

Only Zhuge Zang smiles and whispers, "this is the Honglian immortal I know!"

At the same time, the nine headed snake, which was shot hundreds of miles away with one punch, stood still.

At this time, half of his face was smashed, his face sank into a big hole, and his left eye was pulled into a thin gap.

However, there is no trace of blood in the wound, just like a plastic dummy, giving people an extremely strange feeling.

Hydra stares at Xue an with the only eye left, and then takes a deep breath.


With his breath, there was a strong wind blowing from the sky and earth thousands of miles around, and the center of the storm was him.

With the breath into the body, the scars on the hydra's face are recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the original sunken face is also bulging up.

In the blink of an eye, the Hydra has recovered as before, and there is no sign of injury.

Such a terrible recovery ability also makes the hearts of the fox people in Qingqiu fox Kingdom sink.

Only Xue an's face was calm and said with a faint smile: "I didn't expect to be beaten, so One more punch

Before the words fell, Xue an disappeared in the same place again. When he appeared again, he had come to the nine headed snake, and then he raised his hand and blew out another blow.

The speed of such ghosts made the Hydra have no time to react, so the blow was hit hard again.


With a loud bang, Xue an's blow hit his chin.

The jaw of the Hydra broke in response. Then, under the heavy bombardment, his mouth full of teeth was also shocked to powder, and then his head was heavily lifted back, and the whole person was blasted to the sky.

But Xue an obviously didn't intend to give him a chance to fight back. His body just flew up a hundred meters. Xue an's body appeared above his head again. Then he bent slightly, his eyes twinkled, his arm raised high, and he punched down.


The blow hit the Hydra on top of its head with a biting bone rub and a crack.

Even if the head of the Hydra was more than half smashed down, its two eyeballs were even forced to burst open.

But that's not over. Xue an bends his knee, which is just on the back of the rapidly falling Hydra. Then Xue an puts his hands on his shoulder and pouts.


After a bang, the hydra's body bent back at a strange angle.

As if a piece of paper had been folded in half, the head even completely stuck to the buttocks.


All those who saw the scene gasped.

Because it took only a few blinks of an eye from the beginning to the present, but in such a short time, Xue an was like a cold-blooded butcher. He was ruthless and merciless, and could not even fight back the nine headed snakes.

And his every move is crisp to the extreme, and even has an artistic rhythm and aesthetic feeling, which makes people look both creepy and pleasing to the eyes.

Xue an finally released his hand and stepped back.

The toy was discarded as if it were a snake.

Tiansu was so stupid that he didn't wake up until the Hydra fell to the ground, and then he screamed.

"Demon ancestor!"

Xue an stood in the field as if nothing had happened. His thumb slightly buckled his index finger and made a bang bang. He said with a forest smile: "your demon ancestor, it seems that your demon ancestor is not working!"

There was a silent uproar, and many onlookers could not believe their eyes.

The people of tiandaozong were defeated by Xue an so easily?

Killing the temple Saint looked at xue'an thoughtfully and didn't know what she was thinking.

As for tiansu, his face was hard to see and could not be described by words.

Anyan breathed a sigh.

She had been careful before, for fear that Xue an would encounter some accident again.

Now it seems that the evil man is not particularly powerful.

Hu Ying, standing on one side, is even more colorful in her eyes at the moment. She looks at Xue an's figure with adoration on her face and says in a low voice: "Wow, brother Xue is really handsome!"

Small sand hears speech to curl one's lips, not without complacent say: "this is rubbish, my master still can not be handsome?"

But the voice just dropped.

In the distance, there was a sharp bone rubbing sound.

Everyone looked at it one after another, and then they were all stunned.

On the ground, the man who was pushed in half by Xue an suddenly began to wriggle, and then he stood up a little bit. Every time, the broken lumbar spine would make a huge noise of friction.Not only that, he also slowly raised his hands, put into the head which was smashed into half, and slowly pulled it out.

The head was pulled out a little bit, and the wound began to heal at an astonishing rate.

And in the whole process, not even a drop of blood was shed.

This extremely strange scene made everyone look silly.

But tiansu took a breath, and then put down his heart and looked at it with a sneer on his face.

But in the blink of an eye, the man who was just like an abandoned toy recovered.

Then he saw the nine headed snake slowly raised his head and grinned at Xue an.

"How about it? Did you have a good time? "

Xue an slightly narrowed his eyes and said faintly, "it's OK. If you don't mind, I can still hit you again."

Hearing this, the Hydra looked up to the sky and laughed. The laughter was full of mockery.

"Honglian xianzun, I haven't settled with you about your killing me. Now you dare to do me a bad deed. Do you really think I can't kill you?"

"Oh? Then you can try it now and see the end Who killed whom Xue an said in a cold voice. His body flashed and he rushed to the Hydra again. Then he raised his hand and made a fist.


This blow with enough to annihilate all the supreme power of the hydra.

The speed is so fast that even the air that can't dodge in the future is broken down.

In the sound of huge sonic boom, Xue an's fist is about to hit the nine headed snake's chest.

But at this time, the hydra's hand suddenly appeared, lightly blocking Xue an's killing blow.

Then the Hydra showed its new fangs and said with a ferocious smile, "don't you know that the same trick will fail after I use it once?"

After saying that, the hydra's hand suddenly shook.


Xue an's fist broke in response to the sound, and then the nine headed snake stomped heavily. The land around thousands of miles collapsed into a huge pit, and he ran into xue'an like a giant dragon.

In this time, Xue an was indifferent and took a deep breath. With his other fist, he went straight up.


After a very dull noise, even the space was shaken out of cracks.

The Hydra was driven back by the living.

Xue an wiped his feet on the ground and flew backward like an arrow from the string.

After a long journey, he was able to stop. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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