Everyone was stunned by the scene.

Because this battle is beyond many people's imagination.

One step down, thousands of miles of land collapse.

A blow out, even the space has been shaken out of the cracks.

This is the real war.

At this time, Xue an slowly pulled out his leg from the deep ground, then grasped his left fist without expression, and slowly straightened the fist crushed by Hydra.

Every time, there will be a crunchy bone in the fist, which makes the whole body bristle.

Nevertheless, Xue an didn't even blink his eyelids, as if holding his own hand.

The heartache on an Yan's face was about to overflow, but she didn't say a word, just looked at Xue an with firm eyes.

She knows that the only thing she can do now is to support Xue an behind her back.

Because this is what a woman who really loves her husband should do.

As for others, they are dignified and worried.

Tiansu, the leader of tiandaozong, was finally completely relieved, and a touch of pride and joy appeared on his face,

in his opinion, since the demon ancestor had already made a powerful move, Xue an was obviously dead.

The Hydra shook its body, which was numb by the shock, and laughed strangely.

"Xue, I have to admit that you are powerful enough to shake my body with the power of the Immortal King. But it's all over because you don't understand... "

With the voice, the Hydra slowly floated up, the momentum of his body became more and more powerful, and even the disturbance of the whole heaven and earth's air engine was disturbed.

The fierce wind blew across the sky, and all the people were silent. The one with the weaker strength was even more pale and retreated.

All of them were looking at the nine headed serpent with awe on their faces. Tiansu's face flushed with excitement and whispered: "this is the real power of the demon ancestor."

But in the face of the overwhelming power that enveloped the whole world, Xue an just raised her eyebrows slightly, and then asked calmly, "don't you understand what?"

"Jie Jie, you won't understand, I It is an immortal being

As a result, a huge thunder roared over his head, and his figure was infinitely elongated by the light of the explosion. It was like an evil god who was in charge of all things in the world, which made people dare not look directly at him.

All the people in the fox kingdom of Qingqiu turned pale.

But Xue an began to laugh, with a bit of irony in his smile, "immortal? In front of me, no one dares to call himself immortal? "

"Jie Jie, surnamed Xue, I didn't want to fight against you, but you've been bad for me again and again. Don't blame me for being rude! In particular, you have the only chance of being immortal in the heavens. If you can be obtained by me, I will be the first person in the history of heaven

The Hydra said more and more excited, along with the sky of thunder is also constantly exploding.

"Oh? Covet my chance? " Xue an said with a smile, then her eyes suddenly coagulated, "my chance is here, I have the ability Come and get it

The words fell, Xue an rose to the sky, clapped his hands into a fist in the air, his voice was cold as ice, and he said, "the seventh move of killing God, none!"

The six ways of killing gods were created by Xue an when he was the Immortal Emperor. When he just came back from his rebirth, he was very brilliant, but he seldom used them.

Because no matter how powerful these six forms are, they are always rigidly formalized. Moreover, Xue an's understanding of kundao has reached the state that all things are Tao.

Every move contains the essence of boxing, so you don't have to use the six movements of killing gods.

But this time, Xue an used it rarely, and it was the seventh form beyond the six forms.

Tiansu's face showed a look of ridicule and disdain, "six ways to kill God? ha-ha! The gods are just ants in front of the demon ancestors! It's a big laugh. "

But as soon as his voice fell, Xue an's blow came out.

What a blow!

When it appeared at that moment, the violent wind stopped instantly, and the clouds all over the sky stopped. The expression on each face was frozen, and they could only look at it with wide eyes, shocked and confused.

Because in this moment, all the movement between heaven and earth is forced to stop.

The sun and moon no longer rotate, the stars no longer twinkle, and even the endless time has stopped flowing.

Only Xue an and his fist are beyond the heaven and earth, completely unaffected by the bombardment to the hydra.

At the moment, the Hydra was also affected and could not move at all.

He looked at the blow to himself, and there was a dignified look in his eyes.

Then his whole body's prestige suddenly soars, urges all the Immortal Emperor's strength, forcefully breaks free the fetter, and then roars.


Boom!A thick but baby's arm, its golden thunder fell from the sky, and cut Xue an.

Although it seems that this ray of thunder is weak, but even the space has been blasted out of the gap.

The speed is so fast, if Xue an continues to blow down this blow, the thunder light will also split on his body.

At this critical moment, Xue an's fist suddenly showed a black light.

As soon as the black light appeared, it immediately began to spread wildly, and everything was erased by life.

Airflow, light, and even Space!

The nine headed snake suddenly changed color, and finally a look of fear appeared in his eyes. Then he cried out, and the thunder light twined on his hands and blocked him in front of him.

Without a sound or even a trace of obstruction, the black light was born and wiped off the nine headed snake's hands.

Just at this time, the thunder also heavily thundered on the black light.

There are thousands of things that have been blasted away by an invisible wave.

Even the celestial king like tiansu retreated in terror.

And the crowd watching the scene in the distance was even more breathless and exclaimed.

In the eyes of the goddess of the killing temple, she was full of brilliance and said, "the six ways of killing gods..."

Finally, the black light stopped, and everything was a little calm.

Then people looked at the field with fear on their faces.

But there was nothing but this empty abyss of thousands of miles.

Is it possible that They both died together?

This question has just come to mind.

But see a figure in distress from the void to fall out, it is the nine headed snake.

At this time, he can be said to be extremely embarrassed, his hands from the elbow below, brush disappeared, and the wound is smooth like a mirror, it is also covered with a layer of light black light.

Every time there is flesh and blood in the wound trying to wriggle to repair, the black light will twist it into powder.

The nine headed serpent's face showed the color of pain, but its eyes were full of happiness after the disaster, and then looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Xue, is it worth it if you destroy my arms, but you are dead

As soon as this was said, the whole audience was shocked.

Qingqiu fox country of all Qi Qi color change, fox Ying on the spot will cry out, "brother Xue!"

Chan'er, who has been taking care of the two little girls in silence, is still pale at the moment, whispering: "young master..."

On the contrary, Anyan did not cry because she was full of confidence in her husband after so many ups and downs.

She didn't believe Xue an would fall like this.

But the nine headed snake's wild laughter actually lets an Yan Xiumei slightly raise, then pulls out that pan from the space ring, raises the hand to point at the hydra.

"Shut your mouth for me!"

Nine headed snake a Leng, and then convergence smile to look at an Yan, cold voice way: "how? Just one and a half steps, how dare you shout at this seat

"Lei Zun, chop him!" he said in a cold voice

At an order, the hapless Lei Zun in the pan is finally awakened, but when he looks at the Hydra opposite, he is stunned, and then screams bitterly.

"Ah, ah, ah, last time it was Xianwang, this time it's Xiandi. Should I deal with xianzun next time?"

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