Mu Wushuang stupidly looks at Xue an's direction of disappearing, his eyes are full of bewilderment.

She is still a little unconvinced, so it is so easy to decide.

Xiao Tiansha, who can't sleep at night, seems to be just a mole ant in Xue an's eyes, and even has no qualification to let him think about it.

Gradually, mu Wushuang's eyes became clear, and then a smile appeared on his face.

Soon, the smile evolved into a crazy face.

Mu Wushuang looked up and laughed, "Xiao Tiansha, you are going to taste retribution at last!"

In the laughter, mu Wushuang's eye corner Qin gave out the big big big tear drop, refracted the hatred light.

"Crouch, are you going now?" Fox night looks shocked.

Xue an nodded, "yes! There are some things to deal with, so you can't stay and drink your wedding wine! "

"What's in such a hurry?" Fox night asks a question with some astonishment.

Xue an smiles, "it's nothing. It's just a little trifle."

Fox night took a deep look at Xue an, and finally sighed, "well, you should be more careful. If there is anything that can't be solved, please inform me immediately. No matter where I am, I will rush there immediately."

Looking at a serious fox night, Xue an can't help but be moved, but soon he covered up the emotion perfectly, and then raised his hand to beat fox night's chest.

"Don't worry. Something will happen then. You can't come."

If put in the usual, fox night at this time must have had a fight with Xue an, but this time he was strangely silent, bowed his head and said: "old Xue, or I will go out with you!"

"Don't talk nonsense. You're married now. You have a family. Why are you so childish?" Xue an laughed and scolded, then patted him on the shoulder.

"Work hard and try to drink your son's full moon wine when I come back!"

Fox night:.... "

Then he murmured, "can't it be a daughter?"

"My daughter can do it! But I think it's hard, because you can still have a daughter? " Xue an said with a smile.

"Well, don't look down upon the fox so much, will you? As if you can have a daughter, maybe I can have twin daughters too

"Well, if you give birth to twin daughters, I will give you double gifts. What do you think?"

"It's a deal!"

"It's a deal!"

They looked at each other, and then they laughed together.

After laughing, fox night approached Xue an and asked in a low voice, "seriously, don't you really plan to take Ying'er with you this time?"

Xue an couldn't laugh or cry, "what's your name? Why should I take Ying'er with me? You know, this is her home

Fox night face is difficult color, "but Xiaoying won't think so. If you really leave like this, what will she think?"

Xue an looked at Fox night strangely, and then said with a smile: "Fox night, seriously, I want to really take her away, aren't you afraid? You know, you've always been afraid of what I'm thinking of your sister! "

Fox night bitterly smiles, "at that time, now is now, I know you are not that kind of person, and..."

Fox night up and down looked at Xue an several eyes, "if you do my brother-in-law, it is also very good."

"Get out of here." Xue an said with a smile and then said, "I think it's better not to let Ying'er know in advance about this matter. You can tell her when we are gone."

Hearing Xue an's words, fox night was full of bitterness, "but who can persuade her? You don't know her temper. In case she is stimulated and runs away from home again?"

Xue an is just about to speak.

Just then, a faint voice came from outside the house.

"Don't worry, I won't!"

Both were stunned.

Then he saw Hu Ying lowering his head and slowly walked in.

Her presence made the atmosphere in the room suddenly embarrassed.

Fox night stood there at a loss and stammered: "sister, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Hu Ying raised his head and forced a smile at him: "brother, can you go out? I want to say something to brother Xue

Fox night such as the amnesty, repeatedly nodded, "good, good, have words to say well ah!"

With that, he went out in a hurry. Before he went out, he didn't forget to wink at Xue an. That means you should persuade her.

After he left, Hu Ying looked at Xue an with a sad face. After a long time, he said.

"Brother Xue, are you really going

Xue an sighed, then nodded, "yes, there are some things to deal with, so I have to leave first."

"Without me?" Hu Ying's voice trembled and her eyes flashed with tears. It was obvious that she was about to shed tears.Xue an naturally also recognized the cry in her voice, but still a ruthless, turned his head to say.

"You can't follow me all the time? And now your fox ancestor is back, and the strength of Qingqiu fox country is booming. You should stay and practice hard and strive for an early breakthrough. This is what you should do

"But if I don't want a breakthrough, I'd like to be with you?" Hu Ying choked.

Xue an is silent.

He didn't know what to say so as not to hurt the little girl who grew up.

Silence is often more painful than this time.

Hu Ying's eyes gradually despaired. Finally, she lowered her head and said in a low voice: "I understand. Frankly, you just don't want me, right?"

Xue an opened his mouth to speak, but Hu Ying shook his head, "don't say brother Xue, I know what you want to say."

Then she raised her head, and her pale face was full of perseverance. "Brother Xue, I promise you, I will stay and practice hard."

Xue an breathed a sigh of relief.

But then Hu Ying said, "brother Xue, do you remember what I said to you?"


Hu Ying gave a sad smile, "I once said to you that I would surely wake up to Jiuwei, surpass my brother and become Jiuwei Tianhu! And your answer to me was good! You said you would wait for that day. "

Speaking of this, Hu Ying's eyes were full of expectations, "so Are you not going to leave me as long as I become a Nine Tailed Tianhu? "

Xue an suddenly did not know how to answer this question.

Hu Ying grew up watching him grow up. Of course, he didn't have any other ideas, but he didn't want this little girl to sink because of this incident.

If it is really like fox night said, and then because of this and run away from home, that his conscience will also be uneasy.

If you promise.

Just when he was in a dilemma, a gentle female voice came from behind, "silly Ying'er, your brother Xue certainly won't want you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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