With the voice, an Yan walked into the field, and then took Hu Ying's hand with pity.

"No matter whether you become a Nine Tailed Tianhu or not, your brother Xue will not refuse you and dare not leave you! That's what I said

Hu Ying's tears were like the flood that broke the dike But you are leaving me now

"Well, don't cry. We're just going out to do something this time. Maybe we'll be back soon." An Yan gently persuades, and then makes a wink at Xue an.

That means you should try to persuade.

Seeing this, Xue an sighed and said, "OK, Ying'er, don't cry. I won't leave you, OK?"

Hu Ying tearfully looked at Xue an, and finally nodded slowly, "Hmm!"

But when xue'an got up and left, she looked at xue'an's back, but made up her mind.

Brother Xue, I will become a Nine Tailed Tianhu, even if you want to leave me, it is impossible!

Xue an and an Yan left quietly.

In addition to Fox night and fox Ying and so on a few people, other fox people simply do not know.

But when their star boat crossed the green hills and disappeared in an instant.

On the tree, in the white jade tower.

Hu Huan looked at the scene in the water mirror and couldn't help sighing.

"I don't know what kind of storm will arise in the sky. I hope you can find out the real culprit as soon as possible, and give the Chinese people justice back then."

One side of the small too Hu an also some Leng Leng looking at the scene in the water mirror, finally can not help saying: "master, do you think Xue an this can succeed?"

Hu Huan nodded and said firmly: "of course you can!"

"Why so sure? You know what he's facing, but you can't even guess who's behind the scenes! " Hu an doubts.

"Because he is a red lotus immortal!" Hu Huan said with bright eyes.

"But he's not regaining the strength of his heyday? It's just a fairy king, isn't it... "

Hu Huan shook his head, "disciple, you don't understand! The reason why he is unique is not only his strength, but also his will. "

"The reason why he can become a red lotus immortal is that he can still forge ahead fearlessly even though he knows the danger ahead."

Speaking of this, Hu Huan sighed, "it is because of the lack of this will that I have been trapped in the Immortal Emperor, unable to step out of that last step!"

When Hu Huan sighed.

On top of the star boat, Xiao Sha doubted, "master, where are we going?"

"Yes, boss. Why don't you let sister Ying follow along?" Zhang Xiaoyu asked with red eyes.

It was after she got on the star boat that she knew that Hu Ying did not go with her. At that time, she cried, and she was very sad.

Although Huying often bullies Zhang Xiaoyu, their relationship has been inseparable after such a long time.

When Hu Ying leaves, Zhang Xiaoyu is naturally filled with maladjustment.

Xue an laughed and said, "this time I'll take you to see a big party!"

"Big bang?"


But Zhang Xiaoyu is more sad when he hears the speech. "Why is it so busy that she doesn't let sister Ying follow her? She loves to watch the fun

As soon as she finished speaking, Xiao Sha raised her hand and knocked her head, "what so much nonsense? There must be a reason why the master didn't take sister Ying with him. "

Zhang Xiaoyu covered his head with tears, but he did not dare to speak.

Xue an said with a smile, "well, Xiaosha, Xiaoyu didn't say anything wrong. The reason why she didn't take Ying'er was because Qingqiu fox country was her home. She couldn't run around all day long."

While talking, the star boat slowly slowed down and stopped in the void.

Then, the star boat opened the hatch, and then mu Wushuang, the goddess of the killing temple, came in.

Her appearance makes Xiao Sha nervous for a moment, and subconsciously blocks thinking and reciting.

On the contrary, these two little girls are innocent and look at mu Wushuang curiously from behind.

Mu Wushuang saluted Xue an respectfully, "my Lord!"

Xue an nodded his head and said faintly, "are you going directly to Shangqing mountain or go back to your killing temple first?"

Mu Wushuang shook his head, "I take all the seals of the killing temple with me. I don't have to go back."

"Well, let's go straight to Shangqing mountain!"

After that, the star boat slowly turned the direction, suddenly accelerated, directly broke through the void, and disappeared in place.

Shangqing mountain.

As the name suggests, it is a mountain peak.

But in the sky, the name refers more to Shangqing mountain.The history of Shangqing mountain can be traced back to ancient times.

Although it has experienced ups and downs, it has always stood firm.

The Qianzong xuanhui was held in Prajna peak of Shangqing mountain.

Shangqing mountain is at least half a month away from the demon territory where Xue an and others are now.

Moreover, this is still in the case of all efforts to catch up with the road. If there is a slight delay, it may take a month. We can see how far the distance is.

Therefore, Xue an did not delay, and directly drove the star boat to the direction of shangqingshan as fast as possible.

On the way.

Mu Wushuang took out a seal and solemnly said to Xue an, "your honor, since you want to disguise as a disciple of the temple, you can only be wronged first."

Xue an nodded, "OK! Come on

Mu Wushuang took a deep breath, released his hands, and the seal was suspended in the air.

Then her hands bloomed like a lotus flower, making a set of extremely complicated and dazzling hand decisions.

In an instant, the seal gave off thousands of rays, and then slowly rose to the top of Xue an's head.

A glimmer of light covered xue'an and covered his figure.

Mu Wushuang can't help but feel relieved.

But just a moment later, there was a crack in the seal, and then cracks appeared.

Mu Wushuang was shocked and looked at the field in disbelief, "how can it be? How can the seal be broken? "

But even though she didn't believe it, it happened.

In an instant, the seal, which symbolizes the authority of the killing temple, broke up completely and turned into powder.

The milli light then explodes, and then quickly converges.

Then Xue an slowly came out of it, and gave a smile to the dull mu Wushuang.

"Sorry, your seal seems to be broken!"

As he spoke, Xue an's whole life began to change.

There are some subtle changes in the face, the eyebrows and eyes seem to become narrower and longer, and there is a trace of sanctity in the eyes.

At the same time, there are also some changes in temperament, no longer gentle as jade, but a lot of rebellious.

Although these changes are very subtle, but the combination makes Xue an whole person have earth shaking changes.

He would never have been recognized unless he was very familiar with him.

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