With the voice, but see from the stairway mouth and fish up a lot of beautiful and moving maid.

After they came up, they all hung their hands and stood on both sides, as if to greet something.

Then saw a woman carrying a dress, slowly walking up the steps.

This is a woman in a lavender dress. Her skin is white and her eyes are picturesque. Her heart beats for half a beat.

In particular, her eyes, as if she could speak, were full of thousands of amorous feelings.

At the sight of the woman, Xue an could not help but be stunned. He immediately showed a faint smile, but did not speak. He just stepped back half a step.

At the same time, the whole house was in a commotion.

Teng Hongbo quickly welcomed him with a smile, "Yunjun girl, you are finally here. Your Highness has been waiting for you for a long time. You are qualified to let your highness wait for you in the whole world."

That's right.

It was gong Yunjun, the leader of the white jade building.

You should know that this white jade building is not only the leading restaurant in Ziwu City, but also a first-class gold selling cave and hero's tomb.

Countless beautiful women gathered here, and some even said that if you can't find the right girl in the white jade building, it means that there is no suitable woman for you in the sky.

And Gong Yunjun can stand out in such an environment, and become the leader of the flower, enough to show its charm.

For example, now, all the audience are looking at the palace with amazing eyes.

Only Luo Rongjin did not say a word and sat on the sofa with a heavy face.

Teng Hongbo sees the situation, Chong Gong Yun Jun makes a wink.

Gong Yunjun covered his mouth and chuckled, then he walked to him.

"Your Highness, why are you so unhappy? Do you think I'm late? "

The tone is gentle and moving, but also with a few jiaochen, which makes people feel comfortable just by hearing.

Several faces close to each other were intoxicated.

Smelling the faint fragrance from Gong Yunjun, the gloom on Luo Rongjin's face gradually dissipated. Then he stood up and said with a gentle smile.

"Miss Yun Jun misunderstood me. How can I dislike you for coming late! It's just a little bit of an unpleasant episode

At this time, Gong Yunjun also noticed the man whose mouth was full of blood not far away, but she was used to the big scenes, so she just gave a faint smile.

"Oh? I don't know who is so bold as to offend your highness! "

Said, her beautiful eyes flow, the line of sight from mu Wushuang and others swept.

Although the expression is soft and charming, but after being swept by her eyes, mu Wushuang's heart suddenly rises a trace of chill, which can not help her eyes show a touch of dignified color.

This gorgeous crown white jade building, in the whole Ziwu city are leading Palace Flower Kui Obviously, it's not that simple.

Then the palace Yun Jun looked at that greedy young man again.

The young man, however, had a leisurely look on his face. He seemed to be reliving the taste of the meal he had just had. He knew nothing about what happened outside.

Gong Yunjun also didn't care too much, but when her eyes finally swept Xue an, she was suddenly stunned at the spot.

Then her eyes burst out with a very hot light, and her whole body was trembling.

"Big..." The word was whispered in her throat, but it was as if she had found something, and the flame in her eyes darkened.

"Well? Yunjun girl, what's wrong with you? Why are you so embarrassed? " One side of Luo Rong brocade was aware of the strange, deep voice asked.

"Oh, nothing!" Gong Yunjun's face was as white as paper, and forced to smile. Then he looked at Xue an deeply and saw a look of doubt in his eyes.

What's going on?

How can this person be so similar to an adult? Even I have recognized the wrong person.

But soon she will hide these extraordinary perfect, and then rush down Rongjin Qiao smile Qian Xi way.

"Lord, I think these people are just ordinary disciples of the clan. In your capacity, how can you tell them the same thing. Why don't you give me a face and let it go like this

Luo Rongjin quietly looked at her, suddenly laughed, "do you believe this, if other people say that, he has now died, can't die again!"

Gong Yunjun said with a smile, "what do I say?"

"You..." Luo Rong brocade suddenly stretched out his hand to gently hook a palace Yunjun's lips, and then put it into his mouth, very satisfied with the inhalation, and then sighed.

"It's so sweet!"

Gong Yunjun's face can not see any difference, even the smile has not changed a bit.

At this time, Luo Rongjin raised his eyes and looked at mu Wushuang, and said faintly: "Mu Wushuang, although I don't know why Yunjun girl pleads for you, but since all the beauties have begged me, I will give you a chance."

Said, he pointed to a glass of wine on the table, light way: "drink this cup of wine, and then you can go."Mu Wushuang's eyes are full of relief.

She was just ready for the worst.

But I didn't expect that the situation had room for maneuver.

So she took a deep breath and was just about to pick up the drink.

The greedy boy who had not spoken suddenly rushed to the front of him, picked up his glass and poured it into his mouth.

Then he smacked his mouth and said, "well, it's delicious. Is there anything else?"

The whole scene was quiet for a moment, and people were all stupid.

Luo Rong brocade is a pick eyebrow, the face showed a thick anger.

Can palace Yun Jun but take advantage of this opportunity to fill a glass of wine, and then personally brought to Luo Rong Jin in front of.

"Well, your highness, no matter who drinks it, this glass of wine has been drunk. Let them go. Otherwise, it will spoil your pleasure to stay here."

Luo Rongjin snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Seeing this, Gong Yunjun quietly nods to Mu Wushuang and others.

Mu Wushuang looks hesitant.

Because she didn't know what Xue an would mean.

He doesn't matter, but he is a great red lotus immortal. Can he bear this anger?

Can her idea just rise, but see Xue an take the lead to go out, and in passing by her side also urged a sentence.

"What are you doing? Let's go now!"

Mu Wushuang is a little stunned, but still obediently follows Xue an to leave behind.

Together with this greedy young man.

Soon, they left the white jade building and came to the street.

Until this time, mu Wushuang finally couldn't help but wonder in his heart and asked in a low voice: "adult, you Why are you walking so fast? "

Xue an said slowly: "is it fast? I don't think so

Said, Xue an turned to look at mu Wushuang, "are you surprised why I will go?"

Mu Wushuang nodded, "a little bit!"

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