Xue an said faintly, "of course, I can do it on the spot, even killing Luo Rongjin. But don't forget the purpose of my coming this time. If I scare the snake in advance and expose my identity, how can I continue to play this game?"

Mu Wushuang suddenly realized, and solemnly nodded his head and said, "I understand. As expected, adults still see things far-reaching."

Xue an smile, and then looked back at the towering white jade building, a light way: "so many years have not seen, the year of the yellow girl has also come out so beautiful ah!"

"What do you say, my lord?"

"Oh, nothing, let's go! Go back to the post

Then Xue an looked at the greedy boy, "do you have a place to go?"

The young man shook his head and said firmly, "No

"Come back with me first."

"Is there anything to eat?"


"Good!" The young man's answer was so simple that he didn't even hesitate.

Mu Wushuang is stunned to listen to the dialogue between the two people, really don't understand why Xue an should pay so much attention to this unknown youth.

But Xue an seemed to appreciate the young man and said with a smile, "do you trust me so much? I'm not afraid I'll sell you. "

The young waves are not happy to shake his head, "not afraid. Anyway, I don't have money to eat now. I'll follow whoever can make me full. "

Mu Wushuang finally couldn't help asking, "is eating so important to you?"

There was a blazing light in his eyes and solemnly nodded: "of course, for me, if there is only one thing in the world that can't be let down, it must be delicious food."

"So you have to eat if you don't have money, even if you're beaten up?"

"What's the problem?" The boy asked.

Mu Wushuang:.... "

The boy went on to say: "I ate other people's food did not give money, let them hit a few times out of breath is also should, anyway, the food has been eaten into my stomach, they can not pour out."

Xue an couldn't help crying and laughing. "You're a talent if you have such a big obsession with eating."

"Thank you for your praise. My idea is that every meal must be treated well. After all, if you don't want to eat any more, what's the point of living?"

"I suddenly felt that you and a friend of mine would get along very well."

"Does he like eating too?"

"No, he also likes to say some plausible fallacies."

When the light white light began to appear in the sky of Ziwu City, the feast of white jade building gradually dispersed.

Gong Yunjun staggers back to his boudoir, and then lies down on the bed.

The little servant girl with her rushed forward to undress her.

But Gong Yun Jun waved his hand, "don't touch me first, let me lie for a while."

The little servant girl retracted her hand and looked at Gong Yunjun with heartache.

"Miss, how much did you drink last night?"

Gong Yunjun wryly smile, "no way, that Luo Rong brocade has been pestering, and even want to take me away, in order to get away, I can only use wine to cover up."

"Hum! That Luo Rong brocade is really not a thing. It looks gentle on the surface, but actually a big lecher. Teng Bo is really angry Little servant girl hate hate way.

Gong Yunjun closed his eyes and said, "how dare Teng Hongbo offend Luo Rongjin, the top Tianjiao! Hee. "


"Get ready for the chariot."

"What do you want?" Hee is a little silly.

Gong Yunjun suddenly opened his eyes, "I'm going to see someone."

Xi'er originally wanted to persuade Gong Yunjun to have a good rest, but after seeing the firm color in her eyes, he could not help but shut his mouth.


"Remember not to publicize!"


After a meal, an ordinary chariot flew out of the white jade building.

At this time, in the guest house post, think about Niannian and xiaoshazhang Xiaoyu. They are sitting in a row and staring at the young man who is eating at the table.

"This This is food. At this time, the boy put the empty plate aside and picked up another dish.

Zhang Xiaoyu's mouth twitched, "it's the 19th set now!"

The two little girls could not help swallowing.

"This big brother is so good to eat. I'm a little hungry from the way he eats."

Even chan'er, who has always been honest and sincere and has a very low sense of existence, is very surprised to see this young man.

An Yan can't help but smile and ask: "husband, I finally understand why this boy has no money, because depending on his appetite, some money is not enough for him to eat."

Xue an smiles, but doesn't speak.Just then, outside the guest house where they lived, a chariot stopped slowly.

The carriage of the chariot was covered with black curtains, and it was impossible to see clearly inside.

After that, he saw a prayer stick flying out of it, turned into a streamer, and flew into the post house.

This is a common way for people to visit their friends, just like ringing the doorbell on the earth, to inform the host that a visitor is coming.

All of a sudden, Xue an's hands will appear in a lavender worship paste, and the worship paste also exudes a faint fragrance.

Xue an saw the situation slightly raised eyebrows, and then looked at an Yan.

Anyan just chuckled.

"Husband, it seems that a woman has come to you."

Xue an casually opened the post, which was really a line of beautiful small characters.

See you, Miyun.

Mu Wushuang also saw, can't help but be surprised: "Palace Yunjun? What is the flower queen of the white jade building looking for an adult to do? "

Words fell, she was surprised to be speechless, and quickly covered her mouth.

Anyan was not as furious as she imagined. On the contrary, she said curiously: "Huakui? Did you know that before? "

Xue an was silent for a moment, then said faintly, "it should be regarded as one-sided knowledge, but she should not see through my disguise."

An Yan nodded, "that you go to have a look, see what she looks for you to have what matter."


After that, Xue an turned and went out.

Mu Wushuang looks at Xue an's back, and then looks at an Yan who looks as usual. Suddenly, he doesn't know what to say.

What is this?

Does the wife let her husband go to see a flower leader who may have known before?

At the same time, Xue an went outside the post house.

Xi'er stood by the car and said in a soft voice, "this childe, my young lady is waiting for you in the car. Please get on the bus and talk about it."

Without hesitation, Xue an boarded the chariot directly.

After lifting the car curtain and walking into it, the first person to catch sight of him is Gong Yunjun, who is dressed in cool clothes and sits on the soft collapse.

And in the whole carriage, there is a fragrance that is enough to make people feel relaxed.

When Xue an came in, Gong Yunjun suddenly raised his eyes and said with tears: "adult, is it you?"

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