Looking at her full of hope, Xue an faint smile, gently shook his head.

The flame in Gong Yunjun's eyes was extinguished in an instant. Then he hung down his head and remained silent for a long time.

Xue an did not speak, so he sat quietly waiting.

A moment later, Gong Yunjun said in a very gloomy tone: "I'm sorry, it's my faux pas."

Xue an slightly raised eyebrows, "what makes this remark?"

Gong Yunjun raised his head, his eyes were red, and then he said with a bitter smile, "because your appearance and temperament are very similar to an adult I know, so I take the liberty to come and ask, and the result is..."

"It seems that I have mistaken myself. I'm really sorry."

At last, Gong Yunjun's voice has become choked, and he sucked his nose hard. His tears fell down like broken beads.

Xue an quietly looked at her, eyes gradually become soft, but finally did not speak, until Gong Yunjun gradually become calm, he just light way.

"Is that person important to you?"

Gong Yunjun wiped away his tears, nodded hard, and said in a solemn face, "it's very important, even more important than my life, because he gave me my life."

There was a twinkle in Xue an's eyes.

However, Gong Yunjun seems to have found a window to vent his heart's emotions, and said to himself.

"At that time, I was just a young girl, my father died in the gang fighting, and my mother left me quietly one morning, leaving me alone to live hard."

Speaking of this, Gong Yunjun's tone became confused.

"Can you imagine that feeling? I don't even dare to sleep soundly, because there are gang fights in my place every day, and a helpless girl like me is their best prize. "

"So I'll cover my body with the dirtiest and stinkiest mud, try my best to hide my gender, and I'll sleep with a knife in my hand."

Although it has been many years, but again when talking about these, Gong Yunjun's eyes still show a deep color of fear, as if the scene of that year reappears in front of him.

"Fortunately, I survived, but do you know what is more terrifying than death?"

"Hunger." Xue an was silent for a long time.

"Yes, hunger." Gong Yunjun looked at Xue an and said with a bitter smile.

"It's hard to imagine that just behind the colorful surface of Ziwu City, it's a dark abyss with no bottom. Some people die in endless Gang fighting, others die of cold and hunger, and the wall away from them may be the gold selling caves of the rich."

Xue an shook his head. "It's not surprising, because it's like that in many places."

"Yes, it's basically the same." Gong Yunjun laughed at himself.

"At that time, because I didn't dare to go out to look for food, I fainted for several times, and finally lay in bed unable to move and was on the verge of death. I was thinking at that time that if I died like this, at least I would not suffer any more. "

"But in my hazy time, someone came to me, and then picked up the skinny me and took me away from the chaotic place."

At the same time, I still remember the warmth of the people in my arms

"Although I had no strength to open my eyes, I could tell that it was the leader of the nearby gang who brutally killed my father, and such a vicious figure begged for mercy from him in tears."

"You don't understand what I felt when I heard this, just like the sounds of nature, or even a thrilling force."

"He seemed to feel it. He bowed his head and gave me a light smile. Then the old man's plea for mercy came to an abrupt end. Then I smelled a strong smell of blood, which mixed with his smell, which I can never forget in my life."

"In the end, I fainted, but in the moment before I fainted, I still thought, if there was heaven, it would be."

Gong Yunjun finished, the low voice still reverberated in the carriage, and she was staring at Xue an.

But she was disappointed, because she couldn't see any expression on xue'an's face.

After that, she didn't even wink at everything.

"And then?"

"Then he took me away from there, invited a famous doctor to treat him, and even taught me the skills."

Speaking of this, Gong Yunjun's eyes are shining with happiness and bright light.

"It was the happiest time of my life, because every day someone cared whether I was fed and dressed warm, and he taught me a set of skills according to my qualifications. Until then, I knew that he was the famous red lotus immortal."Speaking of this, Gong Yunjun's eyes were filled with infinite pride. "In fact, I was not surprised at that time, because only a hero like him could be called xianzun. Moreover, he came to Ziwu city because he did some trivial things. As a result, he happened to meet those gangs who committed crimes in broad daylight, so he was angry and wiped them out completely."

"Then he left in a hurry after staying for ten days. Before leaving, he left me a weapon to protect himself and a lot of money."

Speaking of this, Gong Yunjun took out an extremely exquisite brocade bag from his arms. After opening it carefully, it was a small seal script.

"He told me that this seal script can protect me in peace and security, while silver can make me live in peace and wealth. But he didn't know that I could not want anything, really!"

Gong Yunjun's eyes once again burst into tears. "When he left, I didn't even ask if he would come back, because how could a hero like him remember such an ordinary and humble girl as me? But I still have a little hope. "

"So over the years, I have been practicing crazily to make myself strong as soon as possible, so that I can have the qualification to follow him. As a result... "

"Gong Yunjun's face became even paler than the paper," but he fell down! I really don't know how I survived hearing the news. "

"I wanted to commit suicide for countless times, but I finally put up with it, because I want to know why he fell down. I want to know whether someone has harmed him. If so, I will avenge him."

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