Then, cen Yuanhe's other hand suddenly appeared an ugly brush.

CEN yuan and holding a pen in hand, quickly in the air to draw up.

The speed is dazzling.

In a flash, there appeared a powerful image of ghosts and gods in the air.

When Cen yuan and the last point of the pen in the eyes of the ghost two points below the midpoint, the ghost suddenly began to expand rapidly, and the power of his body also increased.

In the blink of an eye, just a painting of God will appear in front of the public.

This extremely amazing scene stunned everyone.

Someone with a dull expression whispered in a soft voice: "if the writing is true, if God helps! Has the strength of Cen Yuanhe reached such a state? "

At the same time.

This solution Gao Han is also a shock, but immediately he will calm down, "just illusory, dare to be bold in front of me, give me to die!"

With that, he clapped it down again.

Qing Hai Lou refined the method of water system Taoism. This palm is very deep in its essence. It seems that the head of a huge sea is falling, which is awe inspiring.

But Cen Yuanhe didn't even blink.

Because at this time, the God of the green fangs suddenly roared, and then a trident appeared in his hand and stabbed forward.


The two collided with each other, and Xie Gaohan gave a dull hum, which directly flew out of the distance by the shock, and the boundless sea power also dispersed.

But the God did not let go of his intention. He suddenly stepped forward and roared, and his halberd fell.

Xie Gaohan was shocked and his Qi and blood were surging all over his body. He was unable to avoid it. He could only watch the halberd stab at him. He could not help but show a look of astonishment in his eyes.

But at this time, Xiao Tiansha, who has been standing on one side and silent, suddenly makes a move.

He suddenly reached out his hand and grabbed the Trident. Then he said coldly, "I dare to hurt people in front of my face. Do you really think I'm made of mud?"

As he spoke, his hand jerked.


The Trident was crushed by Sheng Sheng, and then Xiao Tiansha's other hand was directly printed on the chest of the God.

The deity roared with pain, and then it was directly blasted into powder with a crackling sound.

CEN yuan and a white face, can not help but back a few steps.

And Xiao Tiansha walked forward with a murderous face.

But at this time, Luo Rongjin, who has been watching the good play by the side, suddenly laughed.

"Xiao Tiansha, it's against the rules for you to do so!"

Xiao Tiansha turned around, staring at Luo Rongjin, gritted his teeth and said, "Luo Rongjin, it's you again. Last time you said that I didn't conform to the rules, I recognized it. Now the Qianzong xuanhui has been held, where do I violate the rules?"

Luo Rongjin hey, a smile, the heart is almost happy to bloom.

His favorite is to see Xiao Tiansha eat shriveled, so he was not angry when he was asked, but said with a smile.

"Yes, the Qianzong xuanhui has been held, but the arena has not started yet. It's not good for you to hurt people now."

"You..." Xiao Tiansha was said to be stunned.

Luo Rongjin then turned his head and looked at the elders of Shangqing mountain in the distance.

"You say I'm right?"

These elders looked at each other, and then an elder came up and said, "the Lord of the temple is right. Now the arena has not officially started because there are still people in the killing temple."

Xiao Tiansha was furious, "when will that wait? Do we have to wait here for a day if the guy who killed the temple doesn't come

"Young master Xiao, please calm down." The elder laughed, then raised his hand to take out a pillar of fragrance, lit it and inserted it on the ground.

"There was such a situation in the past years. Naturally, it is impossible for so many people to wait for him. So now, as long as the fragrance of this column is finished, the Qianzong xuanhui can officially start."


All the eyes of the audience focused on the fragrance of the smoke.

Mu Wushuang's heart tenses up instantly.

Because she didn't know where Xue an had gone, and she was not sure whether he would come or not.

In fact, mu Wushuang has not seen Xue an's shadow since last night.

It was as if he had suddenly disappeared, even when he set out in the morning, there was no news.

At that time, mu Wushuang thought Xue an was busy with his own affairs, and he didn't care too much.

Because she believed that Xue an would never break the appointment.

But at this time, her faith in her heart suddenly wavered.

Where are you, my lord?

If you can't get there before the burning of the fragrance, you can't join the thousand sacred meeting!

Mu Wushuang cries anxiously in his heart, but he can't show it on his face. He can only watch silently.The fragrance was burning down, but there was no sign of xue'an.

The whole court began to get restless.

People are talking to each other in succession.

"Ha ha, what did I say? The boy certainly didn't dare to come."

"Tut Tut, this mu Wushuang can be regarded as a miserable pit. Whether he can save his life or not is still a matter of two opinions."

Even Huitong, who had been meditating in the corner, couldn't help saying: "elder martial brother, the Lord Honglian will not really come!"

Yuan Tong, with a smile on his face, didn't even open his eyes. "Don't worry. As long as it's the promise of Honglian, he will do it."

At the same time.

Looking at the pale mu Wushuang, Fu Nianzhi suddenly giggled.

"Mu Wushuang, what do you want me to say about you? Is it good to admit defeat? I have to believe a boy who doesn't know where to jump out. Now it's OK. Even he has been taken in. Do you think it's worth it? "

Mu Wushuang's face is as heavy as water, without saying a word, just staring at the fragrance.

Incense gradually burned out, and her heart also mentioned to her throat.

Finally, seeing that there was only one trace left of the fragrance, several elders of Shangqing mountain nodded to each other, and then one of them stepped forward and opened his mouth.

"The incense has burned out, and I declare that the Qianzong xuanhui is now..."

The beginning of the last word has not been said.

A wisp of white feather like sword light swept across the sky at an incomparable speed, and then cut off the fragrance on the ground.

Then, I heard a calm voice coming from far away.

"Don't worry, I'm here!"

Words fall.

A white light fell suddenly. After the light dissipated, it was Xue an, who was dressed in white and proud as the wind.

His appearance made the whole scene quiet and even vibrated.

"Coming, coming!"

"Crouch, no matter how strong the boy is, how brave he is

In exclamation.

Every one of Xue an's faces was smiling.

"I'm sorry, some trifles have been delayed for a long time! But now The game can start! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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