Xue an's casual attitude made the whole audience a commotion.

Xiao Tiansha's supporters were even more furious and clamored.

"In front of the young master, I dare to be so presumptuous. I'm really looking for death."

"That's right. I've been offended by him for a long time. I'll kill him first."

Xiao Tiansha also looked at Xue an with a heavy face. Suddenly, he waved his hand. The group of people behind him immediately became quiet.

Then Xiao Tiansha said coldly, "it seems that you are very confident in yourself."

Xue an smiles. "I always have confidence in myself."

I hope I can wait for you

After that, Xiao Tiansha took a look at the elders of Shangqing mountain in the distance.

These people understood it, and immediately someone yelled: "thousand metaphysical meeting, officially started!"


With his command, along the ring around, there are countless lights rising, and then in the high air burst open, into bright fireworks.

And the atmosphere of the whole audience also reached a climax.

Whether present or not, people are all looking forward to watching this once-in-a-century event in various ways.

On the challenge arena, the situation became chaotic.

The rule of Qianzong xuanhui is to fight on their own. If you think you have enough strength, you can challenge the last overlord directly.

Of course, anyone with a little bit of a normal mind wouldn't do that.

After all, it's no different from looking for death.

What's more, this session of Qianzong xuanhui is different from the past. Xiao Tiansha, who is the first in the jade list, is obviously in a rage. He stares at Xue an in the opposite direction, and then steps forward and prepares to start.

A great war is about to break out.

But at this time, a tall figure suddenly jumped out of Xiao Tiansha's back, and said: "little Lord, please step back first, let me take care of this boy!"

Before the words fell, the man rushed to Xue an, and then said in a grim voice, "boy, today is your death date!"

Said, he raised his hand, in the palm thunder light faintly, then clapped down.

Xiao Tiansha saw this scene, his heart moved slightly, and then stopped.

The person who started it was Lei Yang, the young hall leader of leihuosha. He had a good relationship with him, and his strength was very strong. He was far better than Xie Gaohan of Qinghai tower before. He was the 17th expert on the jade list.

Moreover, this man has a hot temper and loves to fight. Now that he has made a move, he can have a look at the young man in white.

It would be better if we could get rid of this young man in white.

Holding these thoughts, Xiao Tiansha could not help standing in the same place and watching coldly.

Lei Huo Cha, as the name suggests, is the master of thunder system.

Lei Yang is a young man, but he is already a strong man of half step fairy king. His thunder cultivation is unfathomable.

Even heaven and earth seemed to be trembling for it when this palm fell.

Xue an doesn't hide or dodge, just looks at it with a smile.

Seeing that his palm was going to hit Xue an, Lei Yang's face showed a ferocious and joyful look.

I dare to be so big that I don't even hide. I'm looking for death.

To know the power of one's hand, even the Immortal King dare not seize its front lightly.

But in this palm can touch Xue an's clothes, Xue an suddenly blew a breath.

That's right!

It's literally a breath.

But it was this tone that made the thunder light attached to Lei Yang's palm shake like a candle in the wind, and then It's gone out.

Lei Yang was so shocked that he couldn't believe his eyes.

No one has ever been able to crack his thunder method in this way.

It's just incredible.

But in Lei Yang a Leng God's Kung Fu, Xue an light smile, "it seems that your thunder light is not very in use!"

With the voice, but see Xue an stretched out his hand and directly grasped the two shoulders of Lei Yang.

Lei Yang was shocked and wanted to break free.

But how could Xue an give him this opportunity, but Xue an's face showed a cold smile.

"It's indecent to come and not to go. Since you are just going to kill me, I will send you on the road first."

After that, Xue an's arms fluttered, and the mighty force tore Lei Yang's body directly.

Lei Yang is almost scared to be silly, because he is extremely frightened to find that all his strength has been suppressed by life, that is to say, now he is just like an ordinary person.

How could he not be afraid of it, and the pain of being torn on both sides made his soul run out. He could not help but scream, "ah, ah, Xiao Shao, help me!"

As soon as I uttered the word, I only heard a dull sound. Xue an tore Lei Yang in two.Blood mixed with internal organs spilled all over the ground, and the thick bloody gas instantly spread out, which shocked the whole arena. Many of the clan Tianjiao, who were fighting, could not help but stop their hands and looked at the scene with horror on their faces.

Then Xue an clapped her hands and said, "how about this success?"

With that, Xue an took a step forward and stepped on the spirit of Lei Yang.


The spirit of Lei Yang screamed, and then it broke into pieces, and the spirits were all destroyed.

Such decisive and cruel means make these Tianjiao strong people who are used to life and death can't help but marvel at it.

Xiao Tiansha's eyes are instantly contracted to the size of the needle tip.

He thought that even if the thunder Yang could not defeat Xue an, he could still hold on a few moves, so that he could explore his details.

However, Lei Yang didn't even think of a move, so he was torn in two by Xue an, and even the spirit was trampled out.

This strength made Xiao Tiansha's heart sink, and then his face became extremely dignified.

"Who are you?"

"Me?" Xue an raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "I am a foreign aid from the killing temple. Have you forgotten?"

"No way! With the strength of the killing temple, how can you please move an expert like you? Tell me, who are you? Why are you here? " Xiao Tiansha asked in a deep voice.

Xue an's mouth gradually burst out a smile, "since you want to know so much, I'll tell you, my name is Xue an!"

Xue an?

The name spread throughout the audience, making many people one Leng, always feel that the name is very familiar, but suddenly can not remember where to hear from.

Suddenly, someone remembered something and screamed: "Honglian xianzun, he is the reborn Honglian xianzun!"


This sentence is like a heavy bomb, the whole scene was overturned.

Xiao Tiansha is even more pale, "are you really Honglian xianzun?"

Xue an nodded with a smile, "if you don't have the same name and surname, you should be talking about me!"

With the voice, Xue an's momentum suddenly changed, from the previous ruyaping and instant to violent.

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