"What about this strength?"

The eyes of triangle head changed abruptly, "so you were better than nine head adults?"

But soon, his eyes will change into a treacherous and chaotic state, evil smile way.

"What you just said is right. Those evil creatures that erode the earth are indeed sent out by me to weaken the strength of these bald donkeys. Who let them be so pedantic that they would sacrifice themselves for others?"

"What's more, you can't think of it. I got the evil spirit from those monks who wanted to protect themselves at the expense of themselves. Isn't it ironic? Hahahaha "

the triangle head laughs with pride.

But in the sound of laughter, Xue an suddenly said coldly: "you are so diligent, for It's the underground thing

As soon as this speech came out, the triangle head's laughter stopped abruptly, and then staring at Xue an, he roared: "what do you say? How do you know that? "

Xue an's eyes were cold, and his white clothes were like snow and jade. In this strange and bloody environment, he was really like a banished immortal.

"Of course I know, because from the moment I stepped into this city, I knew that the whole city was actually transformed by your body, right?"

As a matter of fact, xue'an felt something was wrong when she searched the memory of the warship pilot.

When he saw the magic city, he finally confirmed his guess.

Because these seemingly prosperous buildings are, in essence, transformed by boundless resentment.

The purpose is to do something underground.

As soon as this statement was made, the triangle head opposite him was instantly quiet.

A powerful force of incomparable terror was formed in the dark.

"I look down on you, but you shouldn't have been so big that you came to this bar, because you are in my belly now."

The voice has just dropped.

However, countless tentacles and vines sprang up on the walls and floors around him like a creeping sea of flesh and blood.

Where it passes, space breaks and time stagnates.

This shows how terrible these tentacles and vines are.

But more terrible than this kind of attack is the ubiquitous spiritual attack.

It's as if there are countless mental patients whispering in your ears, and a maddening sense of consternation arises.

You may even feel that the world is so unreasonable.

Even the existence of Dara level will collapse in the face of such an attack and become a madman who loses his mind.

But Xue an did not even have a trace of expression, as if everything was just a breeze, quietly watching.

When these tentacles and vines just rushed in front of Xue an, there was a bang. Xue an's body was ablaze with fire, and the boundless flame bloomed like a lotus flower. Its color was red and white, just like glass.

The advanced version of red lotus industry fire, finally came into the world.

In fact, after stepping into the fairy king, Xue an seldom used the red lotus industry fire, but this time, he did it again.

Because in the face of boundless demons, fire is the best way to attack.

In a flash, the tentacles and vines turned into fly ash, and the flames spread up, clinging to the walls and the floor, burning wildly.

The triangle head howled miserably, and then roared: "red and white double flame, how can you have such divine flame?"

Xue an sneered, "very surprised? But this It's just the beginning

After that, Xue an's body shape has already rushed to the triangle head, and at the same time, he exhaled and opened his fist, and directly blew out.


After a very dull loud noise, the triangle head was even blasted into bloody water.

But Sheehan knew that it didn't kill it.

Sure enough.

The blood and water melted into the floor and the wall in an instant, and then came a voice full of sarcasm from the void.

"No matter how powerful it is? As long as you get into my stomach, you still have to die! "

The wall and floor suddenly began to shake, and filled with layers of blood gas, which is strongly corrosive, even the space has been eroded out of a big hole.

Xue an's eyes slightly coagulate, and then step down, the red lotus industry fire with layers of swords suddenly spread out, sweeping the blood around.

But only a moment later, the blood began to fill up again, and then it continued to press towards xue'an.

Xue an's face sank. He took a step forward and threw out his fist.


After a loud bang, the blow directly shattered a wall that was constantly being squeezed.

But only a moment later, these broken blood gas again congealed into one.

From the void came the laughter of the triangle.

"Jie Jie Jie, it's useless. Any resistance and struggle are useless in front of my extremely strong digestion. You will soon become the best food I have captured. After all, those bald donkeys are vegetarian all day long, and their meat is very thin."At this point, the triangle became more and more excited, and his figure appeared on the ceiling.

"See? These blood gases will first corrode your skin, then bones, and finally viscera. Finally, even the most difficult to digest hair will be completely digested. At that time, there will be no trace of your existence in the world, but I can replace you! Ha ha ha ha ha

The triangle head is extremely excited to shout.

To his surprise, he did not see the slightest fear on xue'an's face, and did not even lift his eyelids.

This did not prevent him from being astonished, "aren't you afraid of what I said?"

"Afraid? Of course not Xue an gave a cold smile, and then looked up at the triangle monster on the ceiling, "you just called that Hydra nine headed adult, right?"

"So what?"

"Oh, of course not, but there is a problem." Xue an's eyes became cold, "from the strength you show now, it is no less than that nine headed snake. Why do you use honorific terms for it?"

The eyes of triangle head changed.

Xue an went on to say, "if you beings are divided into superior and inferior according to their strength, if you call them adults, then it means that your strength is not as good as it is, so There must be a fatal flaw in your abilities. Am I right? "

As soon as this was said, the shape of the triangular head began to change rapidly, from the standard triangle to the square, rectangle, or even the circle.

Because it really did not expect, Xue an only by his own address will reason so much.

He roared hysterically, "so what? But I'll never find my flaws. "

"Ha ha!" Xue an chuckled, then shook his head, "you said wrong, as long as it is a defect, it will be found!"

"Even you No exception! "

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