After that, Xue an stepped down, and the whole second floor shook, and then there was a striking sword in front of Xue an.

With a wave of his hand, Xue an flew straight out of the sword. All the tentacle vines turned into blood mist, and then a big hole was opened in the wall.

Triangle headache calls out, but still ferocious roar way: "useless, give up these senseless struggle!"

Sure enough.

Just in a flash, the big hole that was blown up began to heal wildly.

This abnormal resilience is desperate.

Xue an gave a cold smile, then lowered her eyebrows and said, "you are not going to avenge your parents? Now is the chance

This sentence came directly to the young man's ear through the big hole that was about to heal.

Coming together, there is the bright sword.

The boy was shocked and then opened his eyes slowly.

At this time, the hall on the first floor has become a sea of blood, countless limbs and broken arms scattered on the ground, and the blood gas is thick, which makes people feel nauseous.

The young man's eyes showed the color of doubt, but at this time, the sword which was flying up and down around him suddenly stopped in front of him, and then Xue an's voice came from above.

"Take this sword and go upstairs to avenge your parents!"

Young face a Su, and then stretched out his hand, slowly holding the sword.


As soon as he started, the sword suddenly turned into a long sword.

Then the teenager staggered through the bloody ground and walked to the second floor.

At the same time.

In the second floor, the battle is in full swing.

The tentacles are mixed with extremely poisonous blood mist, and attack xue'an from all angles.

But before he rushed to the front, he was cut off by the sword.

But these tentacles regenerate at a very fast speed, often just cut off in the first second, and then grow again in the next second, and continue to launch attacks.

Xue an's face became a little pale, and the speed of his sword also began to slow down.

The triangle head can't help laughing triumphantly, "no wonder I always feel something wrong with you, so you have been carrying internal injuries! Ha ha ha, now I see how long you can hold on. You know, my tentacles are endless. Even if I'm tired, I can kill you

At the end of the day, the triangle's laughter became more and more rampant.

Xue an has no expression, just looks at the triangle head coldly, seems to be waiting for something.

It was at this time that the boy, with his sword in his hand, had already boarded the second floor.

In front of him, unlike what he had seen, was a dilapidated corridor, and in the middle of the corridor was a large piece of sticky, dirty flesh and blood.

This piece of flesh and blood occupied half of the corridor as big as a slug.

The air was filled with a very disgusting smell, which made the boy look very ugly.

But even so, the boy still clenched the sword in his hand, and then summoned up the courage to walk forward.

For him, although the flesh and blood in front of him was very terrible, it was not worth mentioning compared with revenge.

In fact, from the moment he set foot on the second floor, the young man had put life and death out of the way.

The ground was wet and sticky, and the young man was a little staggering, but unexpectedly, nothing happened along the way. He came to this group of flesh and blood safely.

The smell of the smell is more and more pungent. The young man held his breath, raised the sword in his hand and chopped it down with a sword.


Just like cutting butter with a hot knife, a large piece of flesh and blood can be cut off easily.

The stinking blood splashed around, and the smelly people felt nauseous.

And the flesh and blood was shaking violently, but there was no reply.

Seeing this, the young man once again lifted his sword and cut it down.

At the same time.

Among the flesh and blood, the triangle head, which was arrogant and proud and thought Xue an would die, suddenly began to howl bitterly.

"What's going on? How can someone hurt my body? "

The triangle head roared furiously.

Xue an laughed, and his smile was full of sarcasm. Then he said, "I said that everyone has defects, and you are no exception. So I have been thinking about what your defects are, until just now, I have finally determined!"

"You are really strong, but your strength is relative, that is to say, the stronger your opponent is, the stronger your strength will be. But if your opponent is just a common mortal, then your ability is not much stronger than that slug. Am I right?"

Xue an's words make this triangle head face color crazy change, at the same time, the outside youth is still in the non-stop sword cutting.

This made his body shrink rapidly, and his eyes finally showed the color of fear."You bastard You let a humble mortal hurt noble me. I will kill you

Triangle head angry attack heart, regardless of everything to Xue an launched an attack.

Xue an just sneered, "mean mortal? Hehe, do you know who is killing you now? His parents died under your chip. Now that there is a cycle of cause and effect, you will eventually die under the evil consequences caused by your own hands. At this time, do you still talk about nobility with me

Triangle head has already been infuriated by anger, naturally ignored Xue an's words.

He's just thinking about swallowing Xue an.

Because only in this way can we have a chance of life.

For as Xue an said, his talent is to be strong when he is strong and weak when he is weak.

This leads to his amazing strength in the face of the strong, even more terrible than the nine headed snake that can be immune to the second injury, because in a sense, it is immortal at this time.

But if it meets a mortal, it will be completely destroyed. For example, now, in the face of this young man's killing, it even has no power to fight back.

According to reason, this situation will never happen, because triangle head has self-knowledge, so it will never be exposed to the eyes of ordinary people. This is why it has been hiding behind the scenes and controlling other people through the chip.

This could have been foolproof.

But I never thought that today it met Xue an, and it happened that Xue an also took an ordinary boy who didn't have any accomplishments, but was eager for revenge.

In this kind of coincidence, it immediately fell into the shadow of death.

Seeing that he was about to die of a mortal hand, this triangle head was going crazy.

As a monster who survived for countless years and took great efforts to come to this place, he would not be reconciled to this failure, because he roared to devour xue'an completely. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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