But in the face of such a crazy attack, Xue an's mouth appeared a smile of irony.

"What? You want to use me as a shield? Or do you really think I'm not your match? "

Xue an's eyes were full of light and then he drank deeply.

"Cause and effect!"


The force of cause and effect, which had not been used for a long time, froze the triangle head instantly.

However, the triangle head just struggled for a while and then got rid of the control, and then said with a ferocious laugh, "it's useless. I'm not the thing in the sky. How can cause and effect bind me?"

This sentence made Xue an's pupil contract instantly.

Because he finally confirmed the origin of these monsters.

Is it true that there are creatures in the heavens?

What is the purpose of their coming here?

These thoughts flashed through Xue an's mind.

At the same time.

Because of the young man's chopping, the triangular head that was bleeding all over his body was suddenly exploded into a blood mist, then turned into a colorful python, opened its mouth and swallowed it towards Xue an.

At the moment, it is extremely eager to swallow Xue an digestion, because only in this way can it have a ray of life.

At this time, Xue Anye has suppressed the doubts in his heart, and then sneered, "since cause and effect are useless, how can you kill me?"

After that, Xue an's eyes flashed, and he said in a low voice, "all appearances are vanity."


As soon as this saying came out, Xue an's whole body was full of gold, and the bloodstain that had splashed down turned into nothingness in an instant.

At the same time, xue'an's face became extremely beautiful, and her pores closed in an instant. There was not even a trace of dust all over her body. It was like a jade Buddha statue, which made people happy and admirable.

If there is a Buddhist monk here, he will cry out when he sees this scene.

Because now Xue an's state is the body without scale which is extremely difficult to prove in Buddhism.

The so-called "no scale" refers to a kind of profound state that is separated from ten causes and effects, not contaminated with fine dust, and detached from the world.

Once Jin enters this realm, all causality will be cut off temporarily, and the attack will be invalid naturally.

Because even if there is no reason for your existence, you are equivalent to no existence. How can we attack you?

At the same time, this triangle head of the python also rushed to, but this time, his big mouth on Xue an did not play the slightest role.

Even the dripping blood and water seemed to follow a certain will, obediently fell aside.

"Buddha? How can you have such a high level of Buddhist cultivation? Aren't you Jianxiu The triangle head is startled and angry to roar a way.

Xue an said with a faint smile, "can't I practice both Buddha and sword?"? Yes? Do you have a problem? "

Triangle head also wanted to say something, but at this time, its huge snake head was suddenly cut off, blood gushed out.

In the distance, the voice of the boy was faintly heard.

"Are you in there, my lord?"

As he spoke, the bright sword light came from the distance.

At this time, this triangle head has been unable to maintain the specific shape, the python suddenly broke, into nothingness.

Only in the middle of the sky, there is a faint shadow, but we can see that the shadow has reached the point where the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry.

A terrified voice came from the void. "I'll pay all the price. Please spare my life!"

"Spare me? You'd better go and talk to those who have been fooled to death by the collapse of consciousness

Words fall.

A sword light suddenly burst open, straight cut the whole group of flesh and blood into two.

"I will not let you go, all of you are going to die!" came a very unwilling howl from the void

Words fall, all return to silence.

At the same time, the flesh and blood that had covered the whole second floor turned into fly ash and disappeared in an instant.

The young man, who was fighting for his sword, was stunned because he found that his benefactor was not far from the front, and his whole body was shining with golden Buddha light, which made him feel so peaceful from the heart.

"Bodhisattva Bodhisattva... " The boy whispered softly, and the sword in his hand suddenly dissipated.

At the same time, the golden light covered by Xue an's body also broke apart at the same time, and the whole person suddenly fell out of the realm of no scale.

"My Lord!" The boy was surprised and was just about to step forward.

Xue an has already stood firm, and then waved to him, "I'm ok!"

In fact, it is not easy for Xue an to maintain such a clean environment for a long time.

After all, he is not a real Buddhist, even this move is still with the disappeared Moon Temple and still learning.

He was able to enter this realm because of his profound strength and his unique insight into the universe.At this time, the young man looked at the ordinary corridor, and then asked, "is it dead?"

Xue an nodded, "yes, your enemy just died under your sword, your revenge has been avenged!"

As soon as the words came out, the teenager fell to his knees with a splash of tears.

"Father and mother, the child is unfilial, finally avenged for you!"

Xue an did not dissuade, because no matter who it was, he would be very excited at this time.

He just went to the window on the second floor and looked out at the city.

Before coming to the city, which was full of lights, wine and money, suddenly changed at this moment.

First, the lights in the sky began to go out one by one, and then the skyscrapers began to shake and collapse.

But before these stones fall to the ground, they turn into nothing in the air.

Many people who are addicted to sound and lust, who can't extricate themselves, suddenly wake up at this moment, and then are shocked by the scene in front of them.

Then, the whole city began to collapse, countless evil things disappeared, and the surviving human beings made a cry of alarm.

Xue an looked quietly, then looked up at the sky.

At this time, the huge Buddha in the sky is slowly turning around, which also means that night is coming.

Xue an's eyes show a touch of cold, and then take a deep breath, step out, to the outside high in the air, deep voice.

"The demons have given their heads. When do you want to meditate?"

The words went straight up to the sky and made many temples flutter on the clouds.

In an instant, the temples showed golden light, and then heard the sound of Buddha's trumpet.

"There is no Buddha in the south!"

"Nanwu Jinshen Bodhisattva!"

With the voice, but saw a thin monk flying out of the temple.

All of these monks, without exception, are eminent monks with Golden Wheel hidden behind their heads.

But it seems that they have been meditating for so long that they are all at a loss.

Especially when they saw the city which was collapsing above the ground, they were shocked.

"Nanwu Buddha, what's going on? How could the den of evil things collapse suddenly

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